Funny Bumper Stickers


Most of these bumper stickers are religiosly aimed, so I posted them here instead of Chat:

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.

Heck is a place for people who don't believe in Gosh.

A squirrel is just a rat with good P.R.

I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures.

I do whatever my rice crispies tell me to.

Jesus is coming. Look Busy!

My family is more dysfunctional than your family.

God Please save me from your followers.

I have the body of a god: Buddha

Jesus saves! By using double coupons & shopping wisely.

Jesus Loves You.. but everybody else knows you're an asshole.

Bet you could drive better with that cellular up your ass.

Practice safe hex.

I'm doin my part to piss off the religious right.....r u??

Ankh if you love Isis!!

Domineering, coldhearted, vicious bitch seeks submissive, warmhearted, caring man for INTENSE love/hate relationship!

He is YOUR god, They are YOUR rules, YOU burn in Hell!

Sorry I wasn't in church last Sunday, but I was practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian.

I'm Pro-choice and I shoot back

Isis Isis, Ra Ra Ra
Witches Do It In Circles
My Goddess gave birth to your God
yes. I am an all-powerful evil devil-incarnate hex-you-in-a-flash witch. No what you gonna do about it?
Sorry I dont go to church, but, hey, we cant all be anal-retentive Christians, can we?

:) :p



Oh, here's one I heard ages ago which isn't included:

I've found Jesus! He was behind the sofa all along!



I always loved this one;

"Visualize Whirled Peas."


:) LOL

And this one:
"veterinarians drive like animals"


when i was in my early 20's i had a vw rabbit with a bumper sticker on the back.........

i brake for hallucinations

so many people came out of their cars at stop lights to ask me where i got it from LOL

in light,



This kind of things help me a lot: I feel integrated!!! I manage to get them!!! :D


P.S. By the way, what the h**k are bumper stickers?


Love is our soul purpose

enlighten up (this is a locally made sticker)

do not meddle in the affairs of dragon....
for you are crunchy and good with ketchup

only saw this one once about 20 years ago:
virginity is like a baloon,
one prick and it's gone.


'Lo all,

This is the kind'a stuff we all copy and e-mail to all our friends.

Years and years ago, I sold a poem to a magazine (for real, buy food money) about election bumper stickers. Here (move over, Shakespeare) it is, for free:

Once you've picked 'em,
Bumper sticked 'em,
Tho' the elections are past,
The damn things last.

Okay, a very weak contribution to some very funny stuff.



bumper stickers are just like regular stickers.

you put them on the bumper or back of your car.
