Getting the hang of cartomancy readings


Sure, I'll play!

What sort of financial opportunities, if any, are coming my way this week.


3 of ♠ + 8 of ♦ + Q of ♥

It seems like you might get some news regarding some potentially unexpected expenses or maybe it's just a week of paying bills. Maybe someone will offer to lend a little cash if needed but it feels more like money going out than money coming in.


Does purple fatty still lust lady in red?

Something about this makes me uncomfortable so please either reword or think of another question. Thanks!


Hi obey! May I sit?

I'd like some a message or advice from the cards :)

3 of ♣

If you're going through a tough time, you'll be able to see the end of it soon. All the work you've put in will pay off 👍!



what is coming to me next week?


Q of ♣ + J of ♦ + J of ♠

I'm admittedly a little torn over how to read this! There's a lot of individual energy. Maybe you'll end up hearing from someone you thought you had cut ties to. Or maybe there'll be an argument of some sort. But there seems to be an exchange of Words between you and someone else that may be... Intense.

Let me know as I'm a little at a loss! I haven't pulled all Courts before!


Hi Obey!

How awesome! May I sit for you? I don't mind being a guinea pig. I would like to know what is coming up for me in the next week? (7 days)

Thanks love!

This unintentionally became more than 3 so you'll really have to let me know how this resonates!

A of ♦ + 9 of ♣ + 5 of ♦ + 8 of ♣

It seems like there'll be some news this week. Something that'll add some clarity to a situation you've been mulling over and have been feeling suspended regarding. It'll be a mixed bag of good and bad but overall it seems like it'll give room for direction on where to proceed with it?


Should i send this design with buildings, it so simple

3 of ♦

Seems like a yes to me! Be careful of how you set up this exchange though so that you really pull a profit from it!


What does AP my ex expect from me?

7 of ♦ + 7 of ♥ + 3 of ♦

I don't know if they expect much from you. There's a serious lack of trust that exist between the two of you that seems to have them on guard. Perhaps there's been a lot of lies but something in the connection that the two of you have is rotting.


7 of ♦ + 7 of ♥ + 3 of ♦

I don't know if they expect much from you. There's a serious lack of trust that exist between the two of you that seems to have them on guard. Perhaps there's been a lot of lies but something in the connection that the two of you have is rotting.

Yes they don't expect much from me... U Can say they don't trust after the past or are afraid to make a move.... No lies but something hidden yes we are growing stale but I will shake it up good reading it's some where


Still accepting guinea pigs and will continue to accept them all week!