Gilded Reverie Lenormand


Wonderful news! I'm very happy to have my special edition with the extra cards. I'm glad that the deck will be more widely available.


Congratulations! :thumbsup: I don't go for nudity in the Lenormand but it was nonetheless an outstanding deck, with exquisite art! It is good to see that a publisher noticed it!


Congrats Ciro! And wise move on the part of USG!

(And I think it was Le Fanu who had the feeling that it would be picked up by a major publisher.)

that was me :)


I think the fact that few days earlier I had announced on Facebook that I was retiring from Tarot and had licensed all my images, may have been a clue...


For a combination of reasons, financial, health and emotional, that is correct.


I will miss new decks from you, but I wish you all the best. I have all of your decks, and cherish them.


I am also sorry to hear this but, of course, understand the basis of your decision. I will always love the tarot decks and artwork that you created! So thank you for giving us such lovely items to enjoy.


I am sorry to hear, I wish you all the best!