GM Food and Crops


So, what is your view of genetically modifying food, partiularly crops?



This is my view:
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I "happen" to belong to a family of paesants, so I know what it means to eat home-grown vegetables, fruits and nuts.
As for meat, the same applies: we buy it at slaughterers (does this exists?), most of times friends or even relatives, who we know for sure that brought their animals up sound and healthy. Actually, I don't eat meat now - since last October.

People keeps saying that OGMs are not harmful.
That, provided they won't do you any better than normal food, surely they won't harm - they do you nothing, in the worst case.
All the same, I get so saddened when I think about OGMs! :'(

"Genetic Modification" is something that has always existed at a certain extent - I'm son of paesants *LOL*- as plants being particularly fructuous or animals particularly fecund were favoured in temrs of procretion... but the methods are quite different!!!
One thing is to make a Cow and an Ox mate - even "forcing" them to; quite another is to decide what piece of DNA keep, what others insert, what trash... :'(

This community is filled with Pagans, Wiccans and the like: I think no one can sympathise to such playing and tampering with Nature, with Gaia herself... :(
I mean: Gaia and Nature have such great potential of evolution and improvement. Why don't we let they go their own way, instead of forcing and speeding things up exceedingly?

Of course, there are various application that are very useful for man: for example, insuline-producing cells of pigs, cell-injections to diabetes and so on...

But, please, read better Kiama's topic: it's "FOOD AND CROPS"!
So don't bother me! :p


Oky then, I'll play devils advocate...

It is possible to stop the problem of world hungr with GM crops and food. The Third World would benefit from the increase in crop yields...

Let's debate this a bit.... But, just for the record, I'm not sure whether or not I agree with GM crops. On one hand I like the idea of preventing world hunger, etc etc, but on the other hand, I kinda see it as tampring ith Nature. And we don't fully know the risks involved. But then, are we just being paranoid? Surely Fortune favours the brave..?


PS- My Granny used to own her own mini orchard. The apples were small, and there were very few of them, but they were MUCH better than the ones in the shops, which had all these chemcal additives and growth stimulants. I can still taste thi flavour, and juiciness.... *Kiama sighs*


It would be nice to feed the world's hungry. But doing it this way is essentially feeding them with poison. Is that a good thing to do??????


They'll be fed with Junk.
I don't think it's a serious way to tackle with it.
Do you know how much food is thrown or destroyed or put to waste in the UE just because this way prices are not decreased too much?
Why don't they ("they" is to generic, but I don't know who to appoint...) put it to "better use" feeding Africa, India and all?

Pfiuu.... I'm gappy someone simpathises with me. ;p

Kiama: NO WAY! My uncle's cauliflower is the best on earth! :)

P.S. Not to mention our WINE and SPUMANTE !!! :D


Quote:faunabay (19 Feb, 2002 02:53):
It would be nice to feed the world's hungry. But doing it this way is essentially feeding them with poison.

Where's your proof? I'm not being mean or nasty here, and I mean this in the best posible way, but saying this wouldn't stand up very well in a debate... Please could you explain to me why we would be feeding them with poison?



it's not just about stimulating growth or higher yields.
they are altering foods with the idea of modifying traits in the consumer as well. so far with only 'good intent' perhaps, but what technology has EVER not been twisted from it's original purpose?
i see this as a timebomb. tomatos are spliced with fish genes! this to make them stay fresh longer. Mother Nature doesn't make mistakes. if the tomatos were supposed to have fish genes, they'd have them naturally. and the fact that they last longer on the shelf doesn't make them 'fresh'. they just haven't started to rot yet. and what kind of possibly untreatable diseases might this unleash? maybe nothing, but WE DON'T KNOW YET!
when the first atomic bomb was detonated, it wasn't known for certain that the chain reaction would end. there was a small possibilty that the entire atmosphere would be ripped away, killing all life on Earth. but it was a small chance, so they lit that sucker up anyway! talk about your mad scientists. we got lucky then. will our luck hold out?
Monsanto has developed a seed that will only sprout when fertilized with a certain chemical fertilizer that (of course) they control! this (to my mind) flies aginst everything that Paganism is founded upon. the right of the farmer to hold back some of his harvest for seed is the at the root of all agriculture. but now he will have to buy his seed from the Corporation. control the food and you control the world.
i don't really believe in the concept of pure evil, but this comes damn close, in my opinion.


My take on Genetically altered crops are this, and it simply just my opinion.
I do not like it out of principle.
Why, because I feel that manipulating nature, and the reasons for manipulating nature are very dangerous, and I do not think that the reason to push this further are for the common good.
To me, it seems like developement and use in this field grow because the corporations want to earn more money.
There are surely more than one side in this issue, sadly, I?ve heard stories where genetic modification have been used in very unethcial manners in the third world.
My firm belief are that we can end world hunger without the use of genetic modification, the problem lies elsewhere.
it lies in the societies, the harmful attitudes of us/them, and self assertion.

Take care.


Kiama, don't worry I didn't take it the wrong way.

You're right though. It wouldn't stand up in a debate. I'm horrible at debating things. I get the idea and thought in my head but can't get the words out. I'm the one that ends up saying...."uh, because!!!" LOL

Really though it is just my opinion. I have no scientific proof for my statement. And before I could get back here to see your question, Greenman beat me to it. (whewww!) He stated my opinions better than I could probably.

We've already pumped our food with so many chemicals that we need to move away from tampering with it rather than do more of it!!!!

More and more people are beginning to buy organic foods! Why??? Because they're seeing benefits in their health by eating less chemically processed foods. And so what is the government trying to do? Make more chemically and genetically altered food. ???


Well, if I had green fingers, I'd grow my own veges/fruit. But since I'm not, I choose to buy/eat GM free and organic foods when/where-ever I can. Also buy free range eggs (but that's another debate!).