Have you ever been a deck snob?


Hi guys, I'm girlgeek and I am an elitist. Don't get me wrong, I love quirky decks, but if I am paying I don't want to see anything sugar-y sweet that won't tell me bad news.

(but I still can't wait to test drive the housewives tarot)


I dont dislike any deck but preffer the reader to use something they actually connect with not some notion that is thrown out into the ether and doesnt relate to the sitter in any way but, rather forced on them instead. Until the sitter has to say yes just to make the reader happy.


I'm not sure if this counts as deck snobbery. There are the decks I read with and the decks I love but won't read with. It's like the guys you talked to in bars and the ones you introduced to your mom or something.

I won't take my limited editions or Victorian/Edwardian era decks on a general read just so I don't drop them in a toilet or something. But I do get them out and meditate with them. I bought some used decks to use for general readings so if they get further beat up, I won't be crushed.

When you can tell your client is not a cat person but would open up for Deviant Moon or Touchstone, it seems like you'd use the one that connected with you, your setting, your sitter, your day, your spot in the universe. So that's probably why I have a few decks.

I do have a few that are so abstract that I can't connect with them. I'm so busy left-braining to figure out what the heck they are that it blows the reading. And erotic decks seem too focused on one particular aspect of life when I want the whole picture. It's not that I don't like all those decks; I do. But I bring the best-connection decks for a quality read.


There are decks I like and some I don't care for... although I have to say I am easily content when I find 1 deck I like... I have to urge myself to STRETCH and reach out to others... I am on my 3rd deck in many many years... and I only have 3 and some oracle decks...

I do have people react to my deck though.. so i get the opposite end to it...

I read (98% of the time) with my Inner Child cards... I do not communicate them as fairytales... it is the artwork of the cards that just grabs and speaks to me... Of course if I sought out other decks I may find that others are even better (although ssshhhh, lets not tell my inner child that ;) the gilded is beauty-full )

I have learned there are very striking comparisons to Fairy Tales and the Major Arcana... they share the same insights and lessons... Its quite remarkable...

anyways yeah, i get tarot snobbery my way sometimes... lol

all is good though!