Haveing bad reactions to growing abilities


I'm a growing psychic and I'm getting very strong and it's beating me down.
I notice when really bad things are about to happen I get strange and violent.
Like on when the world trade center went down the day before I was extremely stressed and nasty I even called and quit my job and turned my boss in for being a jerk.
I then went through stress and slept for the rest of the day and then feeling incredible sadness.
I was laying in bed and watching the planes slam into it and the stress and sadness was lifting.
I felt happy and relieved but did'nt for those people involved.
Then the night before the plane crashed in new york again then I was weird that night.
Incredible bouts of rage to the point I hit something and it broke.
I kept telling people death is in the air and feeling really bad.
My friend did'nt believe me and laughed at me.
Then when it was on the news he called me and said I did that and wished it.
He won't hang out with me anymore because I scare him.
I live in PA and NY is'nt that far and I could feel it.
I guess I feel guilty because I knew both times but did'nt know enough to do anything.
If anyone can relate to me then you know how horrible I felt.
I'm honestly new to these abilities and have developed them somehow over the past year.
I knew I had healing and some connection ability to people and see their problems but this is getting out of hand.
Any ideas?


Hi Wiseoldman!

I have similar episodes. Sometimes I'll just sob for days and days without any apparent reason. Then, I'll hear of someone's misfortune, somebody dies, etc. Then I stop crying. The urge to cry just goes away. Then I feel like a fool when I'm not as emotive as others around me who are grieving the "bad" thing that happened! I guess my role is to mourn before hand so I can be more soberly supportive of everyone else. This happened to me a few days before the WTC crisis too. (I live in CT, about 50 miles from NYC, so I was geographically close, as you were). And I couldn't cry when it happened. I tried, but it wouldn't come. I felt awful. I feel that this "mourning beforehand" clears my head and heart and allows me to observe more clearly what's going on. Then I write about it to make sense of it all. BTW, I don't know if I'm making sense right now!

I've become more aware of this recently and try to pay attention to what's going on around me, sort of trying to channel it. Do you write in a journal when you feel these bouts coming on? Maybe it can help you document and fine tune your given psychic ability. Its helped me!

good luck!

~ january


somewhere in the archives there is a post about empaths.

this is the 'label' for what you are experiencing...i'll try to find it to dig it up for you....or you can yourself. give it a read!

in light,
the moderator chick for this area.


i looked and i think it's under the astrology and divination section..........i'll bump it up for you when i find it!

in light,
that moderator chick again.