Wiccan/Magick library



If you were asked to build up a Wiccan/Magick library which book/s would you choose (and why)?

I would choose the Llewellyn's Magical Almanachs as they usually offer a bit for everyone. At the moment, the 2002 edition is my daily reading on my way to work.


Catlin, you may know that I work at a library. Every month we have a book sale, which mostly consists of used books donated by people in the community (usually when they're cleaning out attics, etc.). Anyway, over the past month or so there have been a lot of occult-type books, so of course I grabbed them all! I haven't even begun to look at all of them, but someone had a great library. There were spellbooks, chakra books, gem and crystal books, palmistry, ceremonial magick books, tarot books, herb lore, astrology, dream interpretation, you name it! Most of them are older publications, but still have good info. I really like Charms, Spells & Formulas by Ray T. Malbrough (1993); The Pagan Book of Days by Nigel Pennick (1992); Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham (1985). When I choose books for myself, I like to pick ones with nice illustrations! :)


I have it on authority that Earth Magic(k) by cunningham is good, but i havn't found a copy to borrow yet!...


I would strongly recommend anything by or edited by Caitlin and John Matthews, aswell as the Golden Bow, books on ancient myths such as Norse, Egyptian, Greek, Celtic (A copy of the Mabinogion would not go amiss here). Definitely Earth Magic and Earth, Air, Fire, Water by Cunningham, and the Book of Runes by Ralph Blum. Also, HedgeWitch by Rae Beth, CovenCraft by Amber K, the Mists of Avalon trilogy by Marion Zimer Bradley, Pagan Parenting by Kirsten Madden, Pagans and Christians by Gus Du Something-or-other, Man And His Symbols by Jung, and lots of books on Tarot.

Actually, its been one of my unattainable dreams to run a Pagan/spiritual/occult/magick library which would be open to the public. However, I wouldn't call it that unattainable, cuz my room looks more like a library than it does living space! ;P

Kiama *Who one day will not only open her own university, but will also run her own Pagan shop, and library!*


Kiama, if there is anyone who will make their library/university/pagan shop dream come to fruition, I have no doubt that it will be you!