Horary Readings Round 7 - Answers


Hello and thank you so much for your reading. Here you have my feedback, even I have no idea about astrology, hope I will be able to give you some feedback. But after all, a question. I saw you draw the chart based on a UK location. It does not affect if I'm in other country?:

This is the second chart that I've cast, the first had a very late degree of Cancer rising.
I don't understand that, you needed to take two charts? Related to the cancer rising, in my natal chart I have the Sun in Cancer. Just if it helps you.

This chart has Leo rising so your significator is the Sun. The Sun is in Pisces at 26 degrees 37 minutes. Pisces forms the eighth house of the chart, which is one of the 'idle' places. A place that is not conducive to getting your business done. The Sun has a mutual reception by sign, with Jupiter, which also rules the fifth house, the Place of Good Fortune. So whilst the Sun is not well placed it does have support from its domicile lord. Even better, the Sun is approaching the ingress into Aries, which is it's exaltation. So things might be 'shit' at the moment but there's promise here.

I know what you mean with idle. I was thinking about that this morning. The last two weeks hadn't been too much productive, in terms of advance. I think I'm going back to a past stage of my life. Or better said, things of the past are coming back. Pictures, music, feelings. I'm not evolving because I think first I need to come back and pick up some behaviors and feelings. Also, I have discovered a new world of knowledge, and getting books from here and there and reading all of them because of a hunger of learn that is in fact idle. It's being idle and profitable, as I am learning, but I'm not moving foward on my lessons.

Your studies are signified by the ninth house, which rules such things as religion, belief, philosophy, astrology and magic.
Very appropriate house, isn't it? It couldn't be on a more related house, that's funny.

That house is Aries, so your significator, the Sun, is knocking on the door. The ruler of the ninth is Mars, which is placed in its own sign at 19 degrees. The separation between Mars and the Sun is narrowing but there's no major aspect forming. So on the significators alone, there's no obvious resolution of the matter but time - you will get there eventually.

However, I'm sure that 'eventually' is not good enough for you. So we next turn to the Moon, which acts as your co-significator. The Moon is in Aquarius in the seventh house where it is angular, and therefore in a good place to effect the matter, but it's waning, that is it is losing its light. It is also slow.

You are describing it as it is. It's going to be a very long term objective. I'm sure it will take me a couple of years to end the first level, so yes,time...

The Moon's next planetary aspect is to Mars, by sextile. This too is promising, especially as it is currently in a partile sextile to the MC, a significator of your actions and public success. In the ninth, this is likely to signify a career or achievement linked to ninth house matters. If the Moon went on to aspect the Sun as it's next aspect after Mars that would be a very good indication of a succesful resolution and yield a definite 'Yes; answer (or in this case, confirm your successful progression). Unfortunately, it's next aspect following the sextile to Mars, is to Mercury by conjunction and it would be some distance away from that.

So I am unable to assure you that you will complete this stage without much further difficulty. But I can assure you that you will complete the stage at some point.
The Sun's ingress into Aries and the ninth house confirms it. What isn't confirmed is the time it will take, so I think you have to persevere with your attempts at visualisation. It will come!!

I have assumed that It will take me time. My personal circumstances do not help to a fast advance, as I can not put more time on it. So I have it assumed. It will take me much more time. And as this can be a demotivating factor, I was wandering if I may fail during the path, so your confirmation is very reinforcing to me. I don't really mind the time it will take me, and is not an easy work, so the difficulty is clear. But knowing what you say about the night house and the confirmation, is very nice.

Thank you so much for the reading.


Hello and thank you so much for your reading. Here you have my feedback, even I have no idea about astrology, hope I will be able to give you some feedback. But after all, a question. I saw you draw the chart based on a UK location. It does not affect if I'm in other country?:

I don't understand that, you needed to take two charts? Related to the cancer rising, in my natal chart I have the Sun in Cancer. Just if it helps you.

The chart is always cast for the moment that the Astrologer understands the question, so it is set for the location of the Astrologer, which is not necessarily the same location as the querent (person asking the question). If I had set it for the time and place that you actually asked the question, the chart could (and in this case certainly would) have failed because my initial assumption was that some form of external examination, test, or evaluation would be necessary, which would be a misunderstanding of the situation. As that means I'm always operating behind the time that the question was asked, and often need to ask for clarifications, plus a final consideration of the question and its implications, it may well be several days before the chart is actually cast.

On your second point, there are a number of considerations, which the Astrologer is supposed to evaluate before it's safe to evaluate the chart. One of these relates to early or late degrees of a sign being on the Ascendant. In that first chart I had an Ascendant of 29 degrees 40 minutes of Cancer rising. As the average time it takes for a degree to rise, is four minutes, that means that 20 seconds of arc takes one minute and twenty seconds of time. In the past it could be argued that the error in measurement was such that it risked a different sign actually being on the Ascendant than the calculated one. That's not the case now but it is still something I tend to steer clear of. I like to know that the rising sign is well established before I read. I suppose I'd argue that if the sign is well established, then the answer is likely to be just as certain, one way or the other.


Ok, thank you for the clarification and for the reading.
The chart is always cast for the moment that the Astrologer understands the question, so it is set for the location of the Astrologer, which is not necessarily the same location as the querent (person asking the question). If I had set it for the time and place that you actually asked the question, the chart could (and in this case certainly would) have failed because my initial assumption was that some form of external examination, test, or evaluation would be necessary, which would be a misunderstanding of the situation. As that means I'm always operating behind the time that the question was asked, and often need to ask for clarifications, plus a final consideration of the question and its implications, it may well be several days before the chart is actually cast.

On your second point, there are a number of considerations, which the Astrologer is supposed to evaluate before it's safe to evaluate the chart. One of these relates to early or late degrees of a sign being on the Ascendant. In that first chart I had an Ascendant of 29 degrees 40 minutes of Cancer rising. As the average time it takes for a degree to rise, is four minutes, that means that 20 seconds of arc takes one minute and twenty seconds of time. In the past it could be argued that the error in measurement was such that it risked a different sign actually being on the Ascendant than the calculated one. That's not the case now but it is still something I tend to steer clear of. I like to know that the rising sign is well established before I read. I suppose I'd argue that if the sign is well established, then the answer is likely to be just as certain, one way or the other.


Reading for LittleOne

I am currently a sinlge woman, living at home. Just started studying but also looking for a new job. Left my old job partly because the job did not allow me to form romantic relationships as the hours were long and the work isolated.

Recently I had an ex return to my life - that blew up in our faces - now they aren't talking to me. As much as I love my ex, I am ready to meet someone who will treat me the way I deserve because I want to start walking in the direction I want my life to go. I am ready to meet someone new.

I put a six month timeframe to the question just because it seemed long enough to allow for change to occur.

Was that too much information? Haha.

The chart cast has Scorpio rising, so you are signified by Mars, its ruler. Mars is placed in the sixth house, which is Aries. There Mars has high essential dignity. That indicates that you are well able to take your chances with a suitable love interest, if you get the opportunity. The problem is that you are, or have been in a situation where those opportunities don't really arise, or are very infrequent. The sixth House is not a place for getting things done, even if you have the ability/personality.

At 22 degrees Aries, Mars has some way to move before it arrives in the Seventh House of relationships and in that seventh is Venus it's ruler and the significator of the 'other' person (potential love interest). Venus is even more dignified than Mars, as it is both the domicile ruler and triplicity ruler of Taurus and being angular, Venus is both highly attractive and able to act on it. At the moment Mars is not making an aspect to Venus, which isn't really what we want to see.

However, if we turn to the Moon, it is also placed in Aries, and so ruled by Mars and at 21 degrees it is about to make a conjunction with Mars. It will then ingress into Taurus, and conjoin Venus, as it's next planetary aspect. This looks like good evidence for a Translation of Light - a third party or possibly circumstances themselves intervene to bring the matter to a successful outcome.

So it looks like you have a real opportunity after all. Who or what this person or circumstances will be I can't say but they are very likely to occur. If your new job is concerned with medical matters or health matters in some way, then I'd say that it was job related, as the Moon is in the sixth house. Whatever the circumstances someone or something is likely to lead to you meeting the Significant Other.

I hope it works out that way. Good luck!


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Reading for PeonyInLove

Okies... I want to get a divorce as we're estranged. He works interstate the majority of the time. He has a big gambling problem and even though he earns a good income, we have never been able to get ahead. I'm attracted to other men. He is behaving very maliciously and threatens me with our only child. He has known that I've wanted a divorce and don't love him for nearly a year. I'm scared to leave but can't stand to stay. I have hopes and dreams for the future and he isn't in any of it. I want to legally divorce and focus on my university degree and hopefully one day find someone that I can have more children with and a union that's balanced and based on mutual love. He is the only man I've ever been with. I've had other boyfriends but not intimate. I've never been independent. These changes are huge for me. If I go what is in store for me, the good and bad? (Haha sorry I just gave you my life story)

The chart I cast is attached. It has Cancer rising, so your significator is the Moon. The Moon is placed in Gemini, in the twelfth house. This is not a good placement normally because it's one of the 'idle places' which signifies difficulties in getting things done. Originally it signified enemies , later on it came to be identified with institutions, such as prison, with secrecy and the hidden. All of those have some relevance here, given your description of your situation. The chart confirms that you are 'imprisoned' by a man who has become, effectively, your enemy.

The Moon has no dignity in Gemini, it is Peregrine, that is rather like a wanderer in a strange land, not quite knowing what to do or where to go. Usually that denotes that you need some help or direction from someone else.

Your husband is signified by the ruler of the Seventh House, that is the ruler of Capricorn, the opposite sign to Cancer. That is Saturn. Saturn is placed in the sixth house. That too is one of the idle houses. He's not doing anything, or more precisely anything that will help you achieve your goal. Indeed inaction is the course that he seems to have chosen. In Sagittarius, Saturn too is Peregrine, but in his case it's not really necessary to know where he's going or what to do because by not doing anything he has challenged you to action.

Saturn is Retrograde, and it's only at 4 degrees so it's actually heading back towards Scorpio, the fifth house, which happens to be the house of children. You said that he's using your your child as a threat. The application to the fifth house seems to bear that out. Indeed eventually Saturn will move into Scorpio, so I think you have to take his threats as real. That return to Scorpio occurs right at the beginning of June (the first to be precise, depending on your location). Saturn then remains in Scorpio right through to August. Given your six month period, I'd say you should seriously think about a separation within the next two months or just over. The good news is that Saturn doesn't remain in Scorpio or penetrate that far in. So whilst real, he is unlikely to succeed in his threat.

The Moon and Saturn are in opposite signs, but the aspect is past and they will continue to move apart. Again that describes the situation perfectly but I also see it as confirming what you want. You will leave him and (as the next sign for the Moon is Cancer, you will move to better times.)

The twelfth house, like all cadent houses was associated with travel, but as with the sixth, it's usually travel that is not carried out under happy circumstances or doesn't work out well. I see the main issue with leaving hig being money (Your child is safe as the significator of your child is strongly placed by house and sign.)

The Moon is applying to Jupiter by sextile. Jupiter is in the second house of 'money and income' and it is also Retrograde. This tends to suggest that money is going out rather than coming in. The second house is Leo and Saturn is currently in a partile trine with the Sun, the ruler of Leo. That seems to suggest that he's in control of the money, or more in control than you are. So you need to address that issue and reasonably quickly.

You will need a lawyer, as you recognise. Try and find a good one fairly quickly and seek a judicial separation with custody of your child.


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The chart I cast is attached. It has Cancer rising, so your significator is the Moon. The Moon is placed in Gemini, in the twelfth house. This is not a good placement normally because it's one of the 'idle places' which signifies difficulties in getting things done. Originally it signified enemies , later on it came to be identified with institutions, such as prison, with secrecy and the hidden. All of those have some relevance here, given your description of your situation. The chart confirms that you are 'imprisoned' by a man who has become, effectively, your enemy.

<I know just enough to understand the astrology, still going over my head but I can comprehend it a little. Funny that just a few months ago I was obsessed with learning about the 12 house as it interests me. You are right on the money when you say that I'm imprisoned! I feel so trapped I can barely breathe.>

The Moon has no dignity in Gemini, it is Peregrine, that is rather like a wanderer in a strange land, not quite knowing what to do or where to go. Usually that denotes that you need some help or direction from someone else.

<Oh that is so me, how sad is that! I have no idea how to get from A to B.>

Your husband is signified by the ruler of the Seventh House, that is the ruler of Capricorn, the opposite sign to Cancer. That is Saturn. Saturn is placed in the sixth house. That too is one of the idle houses. He's not doing anything, or more precisely anything that will help you achieve your goal. Indeed inaction is the course that he seems to have chosen. In Sagittarius, Saturn too is Peregrine, but in his case it's not really necessary to know where he's going or what to do because by not doing anything he has challenged you to action.

<This is also very true. Even though he makes threats and we fight and there is no love and to be honest he is just unhappy as I'am, I know deep down that he won't be the first to make things legal and that I'll need to be the one to initiate it. I hold the cards in my hands and have no idea how to play them.>

Saturn is Retrograde, and it's only at 4 degrees so it's actually heading back towards Scorpio, the fifth house, which happens to be the house of children. You said that he's using your your child as a threat. The application to the fifth house seems to bear that out. Indeed eventually Saturn will move into Scorpio, so I think you have to take his threats as real. That return to Scorpio occurs right at the beginning of June (the first to be precise, depending on your location). Saturn then remains in Scorpio right through to August. Given your six month period, I'd say you should seriously think about a separation within the next two months or just over. The good news is that Saturn doesn't remain in Scorpio or penetrate that far in. So whilst real, he is unlikely to succeed in his threat.

<PHEW! Again, all makes sense. It's around the time I was thinking would be a good time to start it all as I'll have time to pack up our house and put it on the market. I have no doubt he will try and use our child but it would be absolute ludicrous if he actually succeeded and the malicious lies and acts he'd need actually go through with it all.>

The Moon and Saturn are in opposite signs, but the aspect is past and they will continue to move apart. Again that describes the situation perfectly but I also see it as confirming what you want. You will leave him and (as the next sign for the Moon is Cancer, you will move to better times.)

<PHEW again! This part of my life is so challenging! I have that much stuff going on I honestly am overwhelmed>

The twelfth house, like all cadent houses was associated with travel, but as with the sixth, it's usually travel that is not carried out under happy circumstances or doesn't work out well. I see the main issue with leaving hig being money (Your child is safe as the significator of your child is strongly placed by house and sign.)

<Yes money is a big aspect. It might come across as wrong or maybe shallow or something because part of me stays as I know how much I'll struggle financially. Plus having to sell the house and start from scratch is overwhelming>

The Moon is applying to Jupiter by sextile. Jupiter is in the second house of 'money and income' and it is also Retrograde. This tends to suggest that money is going out rather than coming in. The second house is Leo and Saturn is currently in a partile trine with the Sun, the ruler of Leo. That seems to suggest that he's in control of the money, or more in control than you are. So you need to address that issue and reasonably quickly.

<Yes he is a huge control freak and has always been in control of all the finances. At one stage I was lucky if he would give me $20 a week. He likes me to ask him for permission for things I need or want and wants to hear me justify why I want it or even worse, bribe me and make deals with me so I can get whatever it is I'm asking for. Do you see money going out now or in the future?>

You will need a lawyer, as you recognise. Try and find a good one fairly quickly and seek a judicial separation with custody of your child.

<comments are up above... oh yes I need a lawyer most definitely! Thank you so much for all of that! That was hectic but amazing! Thank you so much for your time and helping me gain clarity on this issue which is very significant.>


The chart cast has Scorpio rising, so you are signified by Mars, its ruler. Mars is placed in the sixth house, which is Aries. There Mars has high essential dignity. That indicates that you are well able to take your chances with a suitable love interest, if you get the opportunity. The problem is that you are, or have been in a situation where those opportunities don't really arise, or are very infrequent. The sixth House is not a place for getting things done, even if you have the ability/personality.

At 22 degrees Aries, Mars has some way to move before it arrives in the Seventh House of relationships and in that seventh is Venus it's ruler and the significator of the 'other' person (potential love interest). Venus is even more dignified than Mars, as it is both the domicile ruler and triplicity ruler of Taurus and being angular, Venus is both highly attractive and able to act on it. At the moment Mars is not making an aspect to Venus, which isn't really what we want to see.

However, if we turn to the Moon, it is also placed in Aries, and so ruled by Mars and at 21 degrees it is about to make a conjunction with Mars. It will then ingress into Taurus, and conjoin Venus, as it's next planetary aspect. This looks like good evidence for a Translation of Light - a third party or possibly circumstances themselves intervene to bring the matter to a successful outcome.

So it looks like you have a real opportunity after all. Who or what this person or circumstances will be I can't say but they are very likely to occur. If your new job is concerned with medical matters or health matters in some way, then I'd say that it was job related, as the Moon is in the sixth house. Whatever the circumstances someone or something is likely to lead to you meeting the Significant Other.

I hope it works out that way. Good luck!

Oh this is a positive reading! I've been in a situation for awhile where the opportunities and timng for love have not been right. So this is very apt.

I can see that, for me, it would be much more likely that something will come about out from an outside push. I'm at a place where I am not actually actively looking as I am sorting out my life - but very open to the idea of meeting someoone. I support right now I'm being a love "oppotunist". It it was there I would be very Mars about bringing it to fruition - but I'm not out there looking.

I have no idea what my next job will be - could be anything, health included, haha. I was in a very specialist field which has got very few prospoects currently. I am looking at my transferrable skills. So really.... anything could happen.


Reading for Ira

Hi Minderwiz,

I would like to request a chart read, please?
Again, on job opportunities. I have a few selections, all in the same field(travel related). Would like to know if you see any of them coming to fruition, and also (time) of starting permanent employment with any of them? Also, if you could see if there are opportunities/people I could be overlooking, that could be helpful/beneficial?


The chart I cast has Cancer rising, making your significator the Moon. The Moon is angular in the fourth House (Libra) and is approaching the North Node, where it's latitude changes from South to North. That is seen as beneficial (on the analogy of the Sun changing its declination from South to North (which occurs at the March Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere). I make that point because the Sun, lies in Aries, having recently made that transition. Both of those factors could be taken as giving a positive start to the reading. It looks like change is coming to you and that change might well be for the better. This is probably because the job market itself has changed in a positive way (more jobs available) as shown by the Sun in the tenth house.

The issue really is can you take advantage of those improving circumstances. The fourth house is one of the 'busy places', a place where you can get things done. Its placement in Libra puts it in opposition to the Sun in the tenth house (Aries) and to the tenth house in general. There could be difficulties here, those difficulties are probably related to your domestic situation.

The tenth house is ruled by Mars, and currently Mars is in Taurus, the sign of the Moon's Exaltation. So the employer will like your a lot, in terms of those applications. But there's a catch. The Moon is in Libra, the sign of Mars' Detriment. The employer might well like you but I'm not sure that you will like them (or the job that they are offering). Mars' ruler, Venus, is also in Taurus and is in a mutual reception with the Moon (Ruler/Exaltation) but whilst that's another positive sign it does not lead to the conclusion of success.

Now you did mention that the jobs you were applying for were travel related and in this chart the MC lies in the ninth house of Travel. As the MC also has significance for career there is a second possiblitily to examine.

The MC is in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter actually lies in Leo, and is Retrograde. The Moon is applying to a sextile but before that sextile can be perfected it will have aspected Saturn by sextile and Mercury by opposition. If Saturn didn't 'get in the way' that opposition would transfer the light to Mercury, whose next aspect is a trine to Jupiter.

This is a rather annoying chart because it offers a lot of promise but doesn't actually show clear indications of perfection. Mercury does make aspects to all the planets involved but Mars. It makes oppositions to Mercury and the Sun in the tenth and a sextile to Jupiter in the second (personal finances). But these aspects don't come in the right order and the most likely perfecting aspect, to Mars, is missing.

Even its sextlie to Saturn has some positive connection because there is reception by exaltation, as Libra is Saturn's exaltation. Saturn is also the Triplicity and Term ruler of the Moon. Saturn rules the Lot of Fortune, which the Moon will also aspect but that too, does not promise perfection, merely that luck is with you and the ruler is favorable to you. (at least to a limited extent, given its ruler is Saturn).

To end on another of the small positives, Saturn also rules the Lot of Spirit (your own ability to influence the situation). That Lot is not well placed, being in the eighth relative to the Ascendant. But it does aspect Mars by square.

There are a lot of small positive points I'm hoping that together they point to a good outcome but with those oppositions and the lack of an aspect to Mars, I can't suggest that the outcome is going to fulfill that promise. There may be a third person (signified by Saturn) who pulls the strings. Let's hope so!


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Hi Minderwiz

The chart I cast has Cancer rising, making your significator the Moon. The Moon is angular in the fourth House (Libra) and is approaching the North Node, where it's latitude changes from South to North. That is seen as beneficial (on the analogy of the Sun changing its declination from South to North (which occurs at the March Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere). I make that point because the Sun, lies in Aries, having recently made that transition. Both of those factors could be taken as giving a positive start to the reading. It looks like change is coming to you and that change might well be for the better. This is probably because the job market itself has changed in a positive way (more jobs available) as shown by the Sun in the tenth house.

The issue really is can you take advantage of those improving circumstances. The fourth house is one of the 'busy places', a place where you can get things done. Its placement in Libra puts it in opposition to the Sun in the tenth house (Aries) and to the tenth house in general. There could be difficulties here, those difficulties are probably related to your domestic situation.

Yes, this makes sense, as one of (my applications) the companies started putting applications on hold, due to transitions and stocks and all that. It's good to see things are in the upswing again.
Yes, there are quite a bit of difficulties connected to my domestic area.

The tenth house is ruled by Mars, and currently Mars is in Taurus, the sign of the Moon's Exaltation. So the employer will like your a lot, in terms of those applications. But there's a catch. The Moon is in Libra, the sign of Mars' Detriment. The employer might well like you but I'm not sure that you will like them (or the job that they are offering). Mars' ruler, Venus, is also in Taurus and is in a mutual reception with the Moon (Ruler/Exaltation) but whilst that's another positive sign it does not lead to the conclusion of success.

Point noted. I have an idea about which company you could be referring to, as one of the companies replied back quicker than normal and i found that strange. Will keep an eye out and see what feels right and comes about. Haha, yes they haven't been in contact since.

Now you did mention that the jobs you were applying for were travel related and in this chart the MC lies in the ninth house of Travel. As the MC also has significance for career there is a second possiblitily to examine.

The MC is in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter actually lies in Leo, and is Retrograde. The Moon is applying to a sextile but before that sextile can be perfected it will have aspected Saturn by sextile and Mercury by opposition. If Saturn didn't 'get in the way' that opposition would transfer the light to Mercury, whose next aspect is a trine to Jupiter.

Could the retrograde also signify a former job? Because one of the applications is to a former employer(but, different position), and I can see the saturn as being one of the HR/bosses(who I never met) scrutinizing over rehiring me?

This is a rather annoying chart because it offers a lot of promise but doesn't actually show clear indications of perfection. Mercury does make aspects to all the planets involved but Mars. It makes oppositions to Mercury and the Sun in the tenth and a sextile to Jupiter in the second (personal finances). But these aspects don't come in the right order and the most likely perfecting aspect, to Mars, is missing.

Even its sextlie to Saturn has some positive connection because there is reception by exaltation, as Libra is Saturn's exaltation. Saturn is also the Triplicity and Term ruler of the Moon. Saturn rules the Lot of Fortune, which the Moon will also aspect but that too, does not promise perfection, merely that luck is with you and the ruler is favorable to you. (at least to a limited extent, given its ruler is Saturn).

To end on another of the small positives, Saturn also rules the Lot of Spirit (your own ability to influence the situation). That Lot is not well placed, being in the eighth relative to the Ascendant. But it does aspect Mars by square.

There are a lot of small positive points I'm hoping that together they point to a good outcome but with those oppositions and the lack of an aspect to Mars, I can't suggest that the outcome is going to fulfill that promise. There may be a third person (signified by Saturn) who pulls the strings. Let's hope so!

That's okay Minderwiz. I really appreciate you taking the time to investigate potentials.
I also think things are still developing and changing. Again, the saturn(third person) makes sense. There is a person who is a reference, who has pretty good standing within one of the companies. Not sure if this the same saturn person(the one getting in the way). Hope they are referring to 2 different people?

Will keep you updated.
Thanks again :)