How did you learn Tarot?


I started really slowly, and was really cautious about over-reading (still am). Not that I didn't over-read, but I always caught myself after a certain point. Now I over-read less. I had my LWB & the Internet at first, did some readings and pushed them to the back of my mind, and it was only after events unfurled that I realised how profound and far-reaching my most stand-out readings were (the ones I remembered the final card of). This helped me to understand the potential gravity each card can have - you have to live it to fully realise it, and it's often not quite how you expect it to be.

I gradually reached a point where I felt I needed more in-depth understanding of the cards, and got a tarot book that covered astrology, elements, numbers etc. & now I find that reading for others deepens my understanding of tarot even more.