How will they re act?


Okay so I asked my lennies and tarot combined about how my friend would feel about me re adding him after two months of not speaking to him.

Starting with the lennies

Mountain - he felt that there were obstacles in the way which is why he didn't get in touch.

Star - Dog - anchor - Rider

Star and dog - he feels lucky that he's been given a second chance to work out things and feels like we've got a good friendship. Dog and anchor he hopes to help create a more long term friendship and a much more stable friendship. Anchor and rider he regrets not being in touch because of work, or getting closure on him will help a new relationship in my life.

Base ring : breaking the cycle and become loyal too each other.

tarot side of things

Them page of swords - aggressive, challenge, obstacles
Four of wands - celebration, new beginnings harmony
nine of swords - Accidents, grief, depression
Six of pentacles -donation, generosity, fable

Base seven of wands - coping - perseverance - long trim success and strength.

Tarot interpretation

Theme page of swords : things have been pushed too far which have created obstacles, but now the obstacles are moving out the way.

Four of wands becoming more committed and sorting out issues, but keeping witts around each other incase the problem becomes bigger treading on egg shells so to speak around on another. Nine of swords Figuring out the problems that caused us to stop talking and remembering to take lots of deep breaths when anxiety comes into play. Rather then lash out. Six of pentacles being offered a solution to the problem and getting back on track with each other finding harming and balance again.

Base seven of wands clearing situations up again and creating a stronger friendship.

Overall I feel it's going to be a good outcome which will lead to more stability :)

A other opinions?