IF there were NO more decks...ever...


I generally don't like Tarot decks, except for the Rider-Waite and Marseille. I have other Golden Dawn type decks as well as the Thoth, mainly for reference, so I can participate in discussions involving them. I have a mild interest in Nick Farrell's Golden Dawn deck and Wilfried Houdouin's 22-card Marseille, neither of which I have, but if all Tarot production were to come to a screeching halt, I would shed no tears, ever.

Le Fanu

I think I live as if that were a reality. I often reflect that something, anything could happen and I could suddenly not have money to buy decks and would just live with what I have. I'd be more than happy with what I have. Being able to buy a single deck is such a luxury when you think about it.


If there were no more, then yes, I would be happy with what I have - hell, I'd share some around too!
I did just buy another deck - the fun of collecting is seeing something you really like, and being able to add it - but I didn't NEED it, it was just lovely and I could.

Yes I could be very happy just with the decks I have.


Yes, for me as well. I enjoy getting the occasional new deck, but if that all stopped, I have enough decks for several lifetimes. :)


Count me in as being happy with what I've got. No matter how much I peruse the decks section and look at upcoming releases, nothing is jumping out at me. I guess I love my little collection as it is :)



No matter what I buy, I love them for 5 minutes, then go back to my faithful old Lenormand and Tarot cards.

There are some decks I love to play with from time to time, but not as much as my main two squeezes which are always with me at least 95% of the time.

If no more decks were ever made EVER EVER EVER I'd be absolutely fine just as long as I have the ones I have now!.....:heart:


I'd be happy with the decks I have now. I don't buy too many decks anyway. I have my Liber T's and have found 2 RWS's I'm happy with - I don't have a wishlist and am finding that the new decks that have and are being released haven't interested me enough to buy them anyway. :)


my collection has only really started in the last 12 months! I don't feel I have enough to just last forever with! There is decks that I think I will explore later on in my life, some of the historical decks, Etteilla, Tarot de Marseilles, others like Thoth. There is many avenues of Tarot I am still to explore and I think it would be sad if I could no longer explore them.

But given that situation happening I could survive with just the RWS! it's my fave and maybe the Pearls of Wisdom with that :) It's some deck classics I would miss rather than brand new decks interestingly!


l am very content with the modest amount of decks l have and as they are so diverse my interest would not wane. l could happily use them forever.
So that begs the question why do we continue buying even more, when we say no more! l blame this site so stand up and be counted AT :laugh:

Will be even more content when my Philosophers Stone oracle arrives!


Since I just started, I'm not sure if it would be a good thing (don't know what I'm missing) or a bad thing (I missed out on <insert various decks here>).

I think I would be sad about not having the opportunity to learn the nuances of Thoth. I'm thoroughly enjoying my RWS clones at the moment. Perhaps ignorance is bliss in this scenario.