Illuminati. Too intense?


I don't find the Illuminati too intense. When I first got it, I didn't read with anything else for about six months. I think it's a wonderful deck.


Yes, I find it too intense... and that's why I love it.

Glass Owl

I think that the Illuminati's lavish details and colors result in a visually striking and luxurious deck. I see how it could be viewed as busy or over-stimulating, but I personally like its dramatic and theatrical tones. I compare this deck to the movie, Moulin Rouge.

Water Lady

I have just bought this deck and am a artist, the cards are really beautiful. stunning.....
I have never owned a deck that is so thick though and wonder how are you suppose to shuffle?
any ideas appreciated. thinking I will use it for daily draw.


Give it a whirl

Big fan of the Illuminati even though I can understand why it's not everybody's cup of tea.

Even though it's busy, this deck was speaking loud and clear the second I got it out of the box. I wasn't expecting that at all given that the cards have a lot in them.

Like the other posters said, the cards may seem cluttered at times, but you can tell there was an enormous amount of thought put into each card and it really shows during a reading. The overall images are quite beautiful and work in the RWS, but there are touches that are quite original.

For example, his Queen of Swords is a rendition of Queen Elizabeth. The first time I pulled this card, I sat there and said, "Now, how come I never thought of that??"