indigo children


I've been seeing this around the net lately about the indigo children. I don't find much about what exactly they are except a vague definition that they are children with great creative abilities and they become aware spiritually earlier than most people (???) They are also diagnosed with ADD. Does anyone know about this?


Some people say that these Indigo Children are on this Earth to help our evoluion. It is also a fairly recent phenomena. I found this on a website:

"The Indigo Children are not to be considered "superior or elite" in comparison to other humans, but rather viewed as living demonstrations of the dormant abilities that are NOW beginning to rapidly unfold among ALL HUMAN POPULATIONS.

Scientific communities in China, the US and other countries are now identifying small groups of infants and children that display rare abilities such as purging HIV, advanced genius and psychic/telekinetic abilities and other extra-ordinary attributes. These are the identified Indigo Children. Indigos can display some or all of these qualities and others not yet identified. In Indigo Children, fragments of DNA science identifies as 'junk DNA' and other portions of the DNA chain that science has yet to identify, are more organized and operational at birth than in the average populations, which gives Indigo Children biological, mental and/or spiritual skills and abilities that appear advanced, compared to that of the norm, these attributes can also present developmental challenges for some young indigos, as our present environment and cultural structures are harmful to humans with the advanced biological and psychological sensitivities that come with accelerated genetic development.

One little understood attribute of Indigo advancement is that of PERCEPTUAL EXPANSION, an accelerated psycho-spiritual biological orientation and natural usage of sensory abilities that are beyond the range of the commonly known 5 senses." - Anna Hayes

If you search on a search engine you'll get loads of links to really good pages about this.



Maybe five years ago I ran across a reference to these children in one of the Earth series books by Marciniak (sp?). I wondered at the time how long it would be before I heard references to them in the media. I guess this is it.

As many changes as I have gone through myself, and watched friends go through in the last few years, I don't find it unusual to think that the abuilities these children display are being developed by humans beings in general.


It's the first time I hear about them...
Maybe because the English idiom is differently translated in Italian - well, of course. :)

It is very interesting. I'll surely do a search and save some article to HD.

Why are they called "Indigo"?
Isn't it a shade of colour? In IT it should be "indaco", a type of deep blue.

I have never met gifted children of any kind, not at school nor at home or in any other activity. Maybe the point is that here such children are somewhat hidden, and families move to places weer there is more possibility for them to be followed - for example, US, UK, Russia, France or Germany...

Well, this will make you laugh: my family used to considet ME a gifted children!!! :D
Of course I am (well, I've been) but just as much as others are (have been). I never switched lights off by blinking, nor got things floating in the air - I tried sometimes, though. ;p


Quote:pollux (18 Feb, 2002 22:44):
Why are they called "Indigo"?
Isn't it a shade of colour? In IT it should be "indaco", a type of deep blue.

I think it cuz indigo is the colour of psychics, creative people, and those who are downright gifted! :) Like me! Nah, only kidding! ;p



Well I just wonder if I'm not seeing them everywhere in people I know at school who are extreemly creativly orientated (myself included, but I humbly decline to call myself one until I find out more about it). These are the people I see in the art art and choir rooms and are involved in more than one kind of fine art media. A lot of them have ADD, too, but you wouldn't know it because they take ritalin sp.? (except Missy who often does not take her medicine and becomes an entirely different person-it's really funny). I also wonder if my yonger brother couldn't be one because he is very advanced in math and reading for his age but he has hyperactivity..trouble with writing and anger management.


From what I understand the indigo's don't necessarily have ADD, they just don't work the way we did as kids. They process information much quicker so are ready to move on before the adults expect them to.

I don't remember the whole thing, but something about how the indigos are born with a belief in themselves far beyond what we know.
So they don't do well with "because I said so!" They almost have a grownup attitude that says "screw you. I know what I'm doing!"
So they are apt to dismiss people and things they think are beneath their attention. Like standing in lines, waiting for others to grasp ideas they already know, etc.

There is a website devoted to indigo children. don't remember the address, but you could do a search and probably find it easily.
They have a top ten list of attributes to see if your child is an indigo. My niece is definitely one! She fits with about 8 out of the ten perfectly. One of the first in the list (if not number one) is being born with the attitude that they are royal and you damn well better treat them as such! Oh and does my niece have that one down!!! LOL


There is a book about indigo children. My sister has read it and thinks it is wonderful. You can find it at amazon.


New River

any good search engine will lead you to information on this. let's all learn more about it so we can treat these children with the respect they deserve, like all children.

i would hate to see them all ritalined out before learning what their abilities are all about.

i'm betting nearly all of us have had contact with these indigo children by now. the information i've read says they began coming in around 1980 altho there are some indigo adults now who came early to sort of pave the way.

blue: i have read barbara marciniek's books and thought they were intriguing.

love, light and hope, New River


I read on a website that "indigo" is used to describe these kids because that's the color of the 6th Chakra or third eye. That makes sense.

As far as many of these children having ADD, I feel they are mis-diagnosed and misunderstood. Is medication truly helping or is it masking something most humans cannot understand and/or do not want to deal with? Sure, it must be tough to deal daily with a tenacious and willful child, however exceptional children (and people) need a different kind of care thus fulfilling the 'indigo purpose' of creating a new human growth and understanding.

I do need read more on idigos and I'm certainly adding the book suggestions to my Amazon shopping list!

~ january