Introducing The Circle


Back in January I approached this forum with a question about discussing a tool I was working toward publishing. Most were happy with the idea of giving input, but being a newbie, I got scared off by someone who felt this was a tarot only forum. I learned later this wasnt true so here I am again, a little skittish but...

I've gotten my patents, copyrights and trademarks, printers, and others all lined up and I am just a few weeks from having these decks available to the general public. However, I still would like to have your input. So I am going to swallow my nerves and once again approach this forum and introduce what i have been working on these past 15 years.

The tool is very friendly and can be used by people on a variety of paths. There is an 80 page book with explanations about what the cards mean in each position and includes journal pages to help identify patterns and direction.

I currently have counselors, readers, psychologists and others using them and giving feedback. And I'd really love to get some from this amazing group. There are so many talented artists and creators in here so feel free to share.

The website is still in building mode but it is getting close to finished. I hope to have a photograph of the book and other items updated in the next few days. BTW, thanks to all the other creators, publishers and artists on here. Just lurking, reading and occasionally commenting has helped to keep me motivated!


Those are gorgeous! Wonderful colors!!!
I love "consequence"..."Happiness" spoke to me too:)

Lovely, LOVELY!!!


Awesome stuff Deckster, I got a great vibe from the cards that I viewed :) I would be interested in getting a deck :)


Great concept! I know there are many who use Tarot cards in circular layouts, and I'm a mandala-coloring fool, myself, so this should get some interest here...glad you came back to show us!


Fantastic! Love it, love it, love it!


Em x


(glitch in the matrix;))


That is really neat! My favorite is 'completion'. It reminds me of the moonlit Jack and Sally scene in Nightmare Before Christmas when the realize they belong with each other...I myself would probably be interested in these cards once I learn Taort a little better :)


A very interesting concept and beautiful art.

Even though I wanted to limit myself to Tarot and Runes for a while, I might be tempted to give this a try.

Also love the website - very stylish and professional, with a well thought-out navigation too.

Great job, thanks for sharing!


"The page cannot be displayed"

:( I want to see.


Try again

rahnefan said:
"The page cannot be displayed"

:( I want to see.
Try again, the link is active and well. or paste the link into your browser:)