Is he hiding something from me?


This not a romantic connection.. but for now just friendship.. Don't know why but been told a few times that he's hiding something from me.. again why should I care? so I decided to ask Lenormand because I am curious..

I pulled 3 cards twice to get a confirmation... I thought 3 cards would be good for yes or no and it's shorter.

1. Book - scythe - house

I know book is something hidden or kept a secret, but the scythe is a little bit scary to see as this not a good card.. I'm assuming it means cut something or remove? The house could be his comfort zone.

2. Heart - Woman - child
The heart could mean affection or love.. may be even caring feelings for a woman (me) I don't know? The child either means playful or young.. childish.

I know the second pull doesn't really talk about a secret but something else.


Does he have a girlfriend? If he does then I think he got her pregnant.
And that's what he's been hiding from you.

That's what I felt.Not sure though.


How well do you know this friend of yours? Reason I ask is because House, Heart, Woman and Child seem to speak of family, a relationship, a partner. I read Book + Scythe as a secret that will be revealed and Book + House is a secretive family, secretive relationship or unknown house. Makes me wonder if this person is married with kids or at least has a partner that they are keeping a secret? Or something about their home life. Whatever it is, the Book + Scythe says that secrets will be coming out..


Does he have a girlfriend? If he does then I think he got her pregnant.
And that's what he's been hiding from you.

That's what I felt.Not sure though.

No. He does not have a girlfriend or even got anyone pregnant right now. Thanks for replying. :)


How well do you know this friend of yours? Reason I ask is because House, Heart, Woman and Child seem to speak of family, a relationship, a partner. I read Book + Scythe as a secret that will be revealed and Book + House is a secretive family, secretive relationship or unknown house. Makes me wonder if this person is married with kids or at least has a partner that they are keeping a secret? Or something about their home life. Whatever it is, the Book + Scythe says that secrets will be coming out..

Well I only call him friends because I'm not sure what type of connection we have at this moment.. So I just call him a friend that I know of.

But he isn't married, I dont think he has a partner either.. Thats what I'm confused about it like a few people told me hes keeping something from me.. Like I'm his girlfriend lol but I really dont care but I heard it yesterday and a few months back so I'm just sitting here like "what is it? Is it bad or good?" xD if he is keeping something from me, I hope I know soon.. I'm not sure if its about his family though..

Edit: Can the unknown house be mine?


Hmm. Maybe he's homeless (Scythe + House = trouble with home or family) and is staying temporarily with a kind, stable female friend who has a child? I agree that Book + Scythe shows that the secret will be revealed.


Well I only call him friends because I'm not sure what type of connection we have at this moment.. So I just call him a friend that I know of.

But he isn't married, I dont think he has a partner either.. Thats what I'm confused about it like a few people told me hes keeping something from me.. Like I'm his girlfriend lol but I really dont care but I heard it yesterday and a few months back so I'm just sitting here like "what is it? Is it bad or good?" xD if he is keeping something from me, I hope I know soon.. I'm not sure if its about his family though..

Well, these people who tell you that he's keeping something from you, how do they know that he is? And if they know, why don't they tell you what it is? If it isn't what I suggested, then his secret might still have to do with something about his home life, security, comfort zone, or family either way (because of the House).

Your second reading could have something to do with a lover, caring woman, passionate woman (Heart + Woman) who is young, immature and playful (Woman + Child) and when mirroring Heart + Child it shows young love or new love. Perhaps the Woman here represents you if not another young female related to this.


Hmm. Maybe he's homeless (Scythe + House = trouble with home or family) and is staying temporarily with a kind, stable female friend who has a child? I agree that Book + Scythe shows that the secret will be revealed.

Good point, but I dont think so o: Lol never thought of it being homeless, but he never told me nor I dont think he is with a woman with a child.. But hey I might know soon xD since it suppose to be a secret. :) thanks!


Well, these people who tell you that he's keeping something from you, how do they know that he is? And if they know, why don't they tell you what it is? If it isn't what I suggested, then his secret might still have to do with something about his home life, security, comfort zone, or family either way (because of the House).

Your second reading could have something to do with a lover, caring woman, passionate woman (Heart + Woman) who is young, immature and playful (Woman + Child) and when mirroring Heart + Child it shows young love or new love. Perhaps the Woman here represents you if not another young female related to this.

Thanks! Hopefully I might know soon.

You're right actually for the second reading, I am a caring woman that is young and kinda be immature at times.. Playful as well. What does young love mean like a crush state? But since that means that then how do that connect to the question

I think the people that know doesnt want to tell me lol


I feel like yes he might be hiding things from you but it isn't as bad as you think, like maybe he's got a friend he wants you to meet etc
I believe scythe is connected with Autmn and it reminds me a lot like the ace of swords so maybe he's going to cut the C*** and tell you what ever it is that's on his mind he's keeping from you with the book close by I feel like this what it's suggesting.
I feel like this is a big clue , I feel like it maybe related to his home life or a family member some how so he feels he can't say as it isn't his place.

Again timing indicates Autmn here, so I believe it's saying he values you as a friend and he
May or may not have romantic feelings for you, but he Deffo appreciates that your around maybe he doesn't know how to say it.
I feel the woman is you, I feel that you might be worrying a little bit too much, I feel he cares for you a great deal, and you should leave it up to him to tell you in his own time.
I feel he see's you as a little fun loving but you're also worrying over the silly stuff, stuff that might not even be a problem so to speak.

Does that help?
I'm new to Lenormand's I've only got my deck today :) - bare with me