
The content page is an idea. You'd have to write the day and page number they occur. How I go about writing in my journal entry is I write the date on the top right of the page and then on the left I write the deck I used, below that the deity I worked with (if any that day) and below that which card(s) I pulled. I hope that helps out. I also take photos of my cards and upload them to my private Instagram which is how I help myself keep track (although my journal is solely for tarot/divination). If you have any sort of smart phone you could keep an album for photos or use an app to store just those photos. Or if you have any of the newer Polaroid type cameras that could be helpful.

Journaling on a computer is good. I've done it in the past, but its easier for me to have a journal and pen in my reading space.


Thank you very much for your answer, TheStarsAndTheMoon :)
I also prefer to have a pen and a paper journal, thoughts flow in a different way than when I write on a keyboard. You actually pointed me to the perfect solution: buying a Polaroid camera to have both images AND text in the same journal. I don't have the money for that now, but you planted a seed :)


Thank you very much for your answer, TheStarsAndTheMoon :)

I also prefer to have a pen and a paper journal, thoughts flow in a different way than when I write on a keyboard. You actually pointed me to the perfect solution: buying a Polaroid camera to have both images AND text in the same journal. I don't have the money for that now, but you planted a seed :)

I'm glad to have helped out! :) Happy journaling!


I can't tell I stopped journaling. I would love to use paper more. At the moment I'm working again with Majors in general. I printed on paper cards from B.O.T.A deck and write down everything what come to my mind. I really like it 'cause I can move pages. My daily cards I keep here mostly, and even opened tumblr for this (and more other stuff). We'll see how it's going to work. As you can see, I shifted from pen to keyboard. In the time, when I'm abroad, I find it more handy since I keep all in "one place". Even me, the lazy person, I open memo cards and write down impressions when it's needed. I really must have few ways to keep on track with cards.

And the other thing - I don't get so personal (since I put daily draws online). I'm opening myself, of course but really, it's more about getting into cards than thinking about my personal life. I'm not sure if I mean what I want. It's all about understanding the cards and my life is the way to grasp it. It's obvious, I know, but at some point a made a distinction :)



I made a picture of how I keep my cards with my journal for you guys. Mainly because I would love to see all yours! Please give in to your curiosity and have a look:
I keep my Anna K. deck on the shelf, surrounded by my crystals. I only own two decks, so I can give them all the attention they need. Minimalism is a virtue ;)

I don't write daily, nor do I write with every tarot spread. I just write when I feel like I want to share my experiences with my future self :D It has to be fun, not an obligation.

I write down what deck I used, which spread, which cards came up and a short interpretation. Also I write down how I feel about the outcome - there must be something special about it, otherwise I wouldn't have felt like writing it down. Usually I write down the very accurate readings, or the ones that didn't fit at all, or the unexpected ones, the ones that made me smile or cry, the ones that I don't want to forget. Or if I don't understand the answers, and want to have a look later when I learned more (although I believe the cards speak to your present self with your present knowledge).


new journal - different format

Its been a while since Ive posted on AT. But I was thrilled to find a thread on journaling. To be honest the only thing im consistent with is my inconsistency when it comes to my journal. I have a tarot journal that i have used forever and it contains a page for each card with readings starting from the back. I have outgrown it. (Plus its full now)

I am now at the point of starting a new one. This one I think im going to go solely with intuitive feelings. Ill record daily draws (when i do them lol) and record any exercises i do into it. Probably ill record readings of relevanance aswell.

Its nice to be back, I look foward to sharing more in this thread soon.


I made a picture of how I keep my cards with my journal for you guys. Mainly because I would love to see all yours! Please give in to your curiosity and have a look:
I keep my Anna K. deck on the shelf, surrounded by my crystals. I only own two decks, so I can give them all the attention they need. Minimalism is a virtue ;)

I don't write daily, nor do I write with every tarot spread. I just write when I feel like I want to share my experiences with my future self :D It has to be fun, not an obligation.

I write down what deck I used, which spread, which cards came up and a short interpretation. Also I write down how I feel about the outcome - there must be something special about it, otherwise I wouldn't have felt like writing it down. Usually I write down the very accurate readings, or the ones that didn't fit at all, or the unexpected ones, the ones that made me smile or cry, the ones that I don't want to forget. Or if I don't understand the answers, and want to have a look later when I learned more (although I believe the cards speak to your present self with your present knowledge).

Your journal is lovely! My journal isn't fancy, but I'm hoping to get a journal cover I can use on any future journals so when that happens I'll take a photo. :)


Your journal is lovely! My journal isn't fancy, but I'm hoping to get a journal cover I can use on any future journals so when that happens I'll take a photo. :)

Would love to see it!
I think every journal is beautiful, even the most plain and simple notebooks, because it has the spirit of the writer and the writings in it :D


This thread has motivated me to get back to journaling. when I started learning tarot a year ago, I was journaling my daily draws. I eventually fell off the wagon. But you know what, the cards I feel I know the best, happen to be the ones from those daily draws that I journal. Journaling works! And I'm gonna get back to it!

autumn and the sword

Hello fellow journalers. I'm a tarot novice and have finally decided to take the leap into serious study. I've spent the last week sorting through my books, watching youtube videos, and visiting favorite websites, collecting odds and ends with the intention of designing a year-long learning program for myself. I'm nearly finished and plan to use a tarot journal as an integral part of the learning process.

I am a HUGE fan of notebooks and pens. Reading the discussion about the feel of a nice binding, the glide of the pen across the page, has sent me into a swoon! My needs for this project (primarily related to organization and recall), however, dictate that my tarot journal be electronic. I'm setting things up in Evernote and plan to start August 1.