Knight of Pentacles

Miss Woo

I told the Universe that I was ready for a brand new lover (yes, I had that Pete Burns song in my head while I did it LOL) and I got the Knight of Pentacles... I actually said "Universe, I'm ready for a brand new lover; I'm ready for love and I'm ready for a relationship. Bring my lover to me". Sounds corny but it felt right :D

Could the Knight of Pentacles mean:

a) This is him

b) You need to develop these qualities in yourself first

c) It's going to take absolutely ages to happen.

I pulled a clarifying card and got the King of Cups. I'm stumped.


You didn't ask a question, but instead made a statement, so your confusion is understandable. What was the intent behind pulling the card? Did you want to know when he'll arrive? what he'll look like? what info you need to know about his arrival? Something else? That's the key to which answer is correct.

But going off "Bring my lover to me,", I think the KnP is responding, "Sure, but it's going to take some time."


Miss Woo

Hmm, I think it means:

You're not ready now but when you are it will be *this* guy -----> King of Cups.

I would much prefer a King of Cups (a romantic, emotionally mature man) over a Knight of Pentacles so I'm happy with that :)

Miss Woo

You didn't ask a question, but instead made a statement, so your confusion is understandable. What was the intent behind pulling the card? Did you want to know when he'll arrive? what he'll look like? what info you need to know about his arrival? Something else? That's the key to which answer is correct.

But going off "Bring my lover to me,", I think the KnP is responding, "Sure, but it's going to take some time."


Sorry, I just saw this.

I agree with you.

I was just letting the Universe know that I was ready, like a declaration. I wanted some kind of confirmation that what I was saying is based in reality (or not).


Ohhh, I get it... So the question is really:

Am I ready for a brand new lover? And the Universe is saying "No, not yet".

Thanks! :)

Miss Woo

I just asked the question: Am I ready for a brand new lover? And got these three cards:

10 of Wands
Queen of Wands
Knight of Pentacles

Base card: Six of Wands

The Queen of Wands is usually me, so I think it's saying that I'm not ready because I've got too much going on in my life at the moment.

And the base card could mean "It *will* happen though, so don't worry".


I sometimes feel the Knight of Pentacles is saying "if it's worth doing, it's worth taking the time to do it right."

I feel like you told the Universe you're ready and the Universe said yes I have what you need and you will get it at the time that is right for you.

King of Cups could be Him, but it could also be where you have to get to for the Universe to think the time is right. Master your emotions and intuition and creative spark and settle all those Wands down a little.

Miss Woo

I sometimes feel the Knight of Pentacles is saying "if it's worth doing, it's worth taking the time to do it right."

Yes, now that I look at the card (KoP), I feel that that is *exactly* what it's saying :)

I feel like you told the Universe you're ready and the Universe said yes I have what you need and you will get it at the time that is right for you.

King of Cups could be Him, but it could also be where you have to get to for the Universe to think the time is right. Master your emotions and intuition and creative spark and settle all those Wands down a little.

Yes, I agree... I think it means *I* have to be the King of Cups, ie. emotionally mature etc.

Thanks so much, this has been extremely helpful :)