πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“Kung hei Fat choi πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“



Happy year of the rooster !

Offering 5 one card reads with my Chinese old photo playing cards. Please don't ask something you've just asked another reader, don't ask abruptly and try and reword a yes/no.

In addition to feedback I'd like you to pick the three of Cups card from any deck and envision and *send* me that cards positive energy. I've just asked my deck which card I need to manifest most at the moment and it's that one ....

1. Amaya
2. Declan
3. BE
4. DDwarks
5. Wind


Ξ—appy new year Samantha!!
Is A in love with me?how he is feeling?


Happy year of the rooster as well Samantha! :)
Well, I heard that this year could be a bit challenging and unpredictable at times because the rooster energy could be a bit aggressive.

Therefore if you accept me as a sitter I would like to know what this year of the rooster will bring me please (in general)?


Ξ—appy new year Samantha!!
Is A in love with me?how he is feeling?

Empress Dowager Cixi

A thinks very highly of you, he has come to respect you ...so in that way you are indeed an *Empress* in his eyes. Physically he would also say that you are beautiful ...so he's definitely aware of your feminity and womanliness. In these respects I don't think you could score any higher ....
That's the good news. This particular Empress never married, I'm not saying *you* will never marry, but I don't think that A sees you as his long term *partner* or soul mate. I feel he thinks you are destined for someone else - not him. It may be (and I think I've said something like this to you before in the past) that he feels you are *above* him or *too good for him* in some way. He seems to have put you on abit of a pedastle and can't, or won't, allow himself to get too close. This cards value is three of diamonds, for me three of swords - so ....I think he carries unresolved pain with him, this may be from a previous relationship but as 3 is also connected to community I'm getting the sense that there is something about the community at large (the environment that he finds himself in, the people and groups surrounding him) that causes him grief - he does not feel *at one* with them, and fears (because I think he feels you are comfortable in this environment yourself, you *fit in* and are in control) that there is a gap (or a difference) between you and he and always will be.


*i cant quote*
Thank you it is a nice reading. Yep always he sees me as his empress and i feel that your reading makes a lot of sense about how he is seeing. In addition he has some past hurts but i cant heal or i make it worst sometimes. I am not so decisive person xoxo.

About the three i dont know. He is focusing a lot in his career. I dont think that i am better in his environment because i am not. May i bring him some luck or he is feeling secure with me at the social events but i am not involved in his career


Happy New Year, Sam. Can I sit? I love this oracle. Perhaps you can just ask what is important for me to know at the moment?


Happy year of the rooster as well Samantha! :)
Well, I heard that this year could be a bit challenging and unpredictable at times because the rooster energy could be a bit aggressive.

Therefore if you accept me as a sitter I would like to know what this year of the rooster will bring me please (in general)?

Han Women at the end of Qing

This photo shows 4 seated Han ladies. They each have their hands clasped in front of them ..the photo is sepia/slighted tinted and a little out of focus in places. As a result I allow the ambiguity to suggest images to me, these can change (I don't always *see* the same thing in the same card ) Having concentrated on your question it seems to me that 3 of these women come bearing you *gifts* for the year ahead.

So ...first impressions and thoughts : The second women looks as though she is holding a tiny tiger in her hand ...I guess it could be a stripey cat, but really it's more tiger like. Do you currently know anyone who was born in the year of the Tiger ? I think this individual will figure largely in the year ahead ...I'm more inclined to say it's a guy, someone with quite a big ego but an equally big heart. Anyway, his presence in your life will be beneficial ....the fact that the Tiger is so small makes me feel that you are starting from scratch ...or if you already know him, the connection is superficial only.

The third woman appears to hold a burning bush ! (Yes...very biblical ! I'm not religious myself ...) So, I could see the year of the rooster as a time when you begin to see manifestations of whatever *faith* you believe in ...there won't be any ambiguity or second guessing with these - somewhat like a *baptism of fire* . (NB - I haven't gone to look at the exact account of The burning bush ...tho I remember it was Moses, so perhaps if you do something else may become apparent to you.)

I really don't know what to make of the fourth ladies gift. I have to state what I see (!) It really looks like a T bone steak. So ...2017 will be nourishing ....or alternately give you situations/projects that you can *really get your teeth into* . Maybe this lady feels you were mal nourished during 2016 and need to gain strength (physical or emotional I don't know) ?

I thought it was interesting that all those in the photos were women. This makes me think that your interactions with women may be the catalyst or instrumental in ...for example meeting that Tiger, or getting closer to that burning bush. The fact that the first woman arrives empty handed may be your dissapointment for 2017 - I think there is a woman in your life who will not *deliver* or be very generous with you - I can't ascertain her reasons but she's already (it seems) made that decision, so don't get too hung up about it ....the rest seems very positive. This was a fun read. I wish you well !


Hiya S!

How Jaqueline A sees me as person?



Edited.....I'm too late!

Happy New year Samantha :heart:


Happy New Year, Sam. Can I sit? I love this oracle. Perhaps you can just ask what is important for me to know at the moment?

Han Couple taking wedding ceremony during Qing

Ok, Unless you have a big family wedding coming up I would say imminent energies will be centred on *your* getting together/ making a serious commitment to someone :D The card itself is two of diamonds, for me 2 of swords, which suggests that you have been procrastinating about doing this, have been worried about the consequences OR have kept on coming up with reasons as to why this shouldn't go ahead. The couple in this photo look extremely young (not unusual in those days ...tho I do have wedding party photos with older brides/grooms). They are formally and stiffly arranged facing the camera with a *decent* gap between them (tho the sleeves of their wedding attire do touch). So, at the beginning you may feel that there is an awkwardness or formality between the two of you, which neither has the experience or confidence to fully overcome - expressions of affection (like the sleeves) will be subtle but quite tactile in nature. This is definitely a relationship which will start from scratch and needs time to mature. I looked to see the base card. Yours was the guy riding the, cumbersome, wooden bicycle - this reiterates that it will take time before things get *up to speed* ; you may feel it is slow or difficult going at times. However, it is also a cause for celebration .... so crack open the bubbly ! 🍾