LENORMAND: "1000 Tarot Spreads & The Lenormand".


Found this after my move (1000 Tarot Spreads) and have never really got to use it.

Would like to give it a go with the Lenormand over the weekend.

No exchange frequenters, time wasters, or less than 50 posts.

No one I have read for this year although it could depend.

No one that owes readings or feedback.

Open ended questions are preferred.

I will not read for anyone I choose not to read for at all.

Not sure if all questions can be addressed as noticed not a lot of cards, for example, deal with "Spiritual" etc.

May deviate to form my own spreads.

Feedback is a must as ties in with AT rules plus I think it is productive for those learning.

No guarantees and not on a first come basis.


♡♡♡ If it happens - it happens. If it doesn't - it doesn't". ♥♥♥
