Mary El Monochromatic Sketch Deck

The Happy Squirrel

Anyone else has this deck?


FINALLY.... Someone here who has it! Pleeeeeeze talk about it! Pleeeeeeze!

I don't have it, sadly, as it's simply too expensive --and I shudder to think what it may cost after it goes OOP. But I'm a big Mary-El fan, and I'd love to hear your take on it.


I love the images but I hesitate to buy it - I simply doubt if it's a good deck to read with.... so, no I don't have it but for FLizarraga's and my sake: could you enable us?!

The Happy Squirrel


Well, here is my take on it.

First, let's get the negative out of the way. Well, negative *for me* anyways. The lamination reminds me of one of those super glossy self made lamination you can do with one of those things you buy from the craft shop. I have *always* preferred cards on the matted side, for use or collection or anything else.

Second, I do not like the borders. To me, the sharp black ink feel contrast too much with the soft pencil texture. So they feel *to me* as if the sketch and the borders belong to two different decks.

Third, the price is a tad high in my opinion for what I feel I am getting. I have no doubt that these cards have been lovingly handmade (I think the sketching is printed on though, so not actual sketching, because these are the sketches which she produced in the process of creating the deck, at leas this is my understanding, so there can not be more than one of the original, I think?). And I think this is what we are paying for.


If you do not get this to read with, which I don't (I think I have mentioned somewhere that I am more of a collector really), I feel that you can see the inner working (artistically speaking) of the deck before it took its final shape in what we now know as Mary El tarot deck.

This, to me, give me some glimpse of the creator's thought processes, and creative path, and this add to my understanding of the final product that is the deck.

I usually just look deeply into each of them and then compare them to the final print. It does add some layer to your understanding of the actual deck. But I come from a place of ignorance, so I do not know much about the possible philosophies which may underlay the design of the deck, other than the basic RW or Thoth which I picked up from reading here and there. This makes the layering of the creator's mind very helpful to me. As it provides me with more context to understand her deck. If that make sense......

It is like being able to glance at a draft of a great literature. Where you can see the author's notes and thought processes in the creation of the piece. Some kind of historical artifact from which you can enriched your understanding of what stand before you.


This would have been an amazing deck printed on card stock that is more like the Light Vision or Wild Unknown. I really feel that it is a pity truly. Almost as if she has ran out of energy after the publication of the actual deck. And would rather just produce the sketch deck herself. Which can be a good thing. But only if you really have the time and energy. I think.... I could be wrong in my impression. It is just an impression :)


I want this deck so badly but I reached out to the creator and she said they are all gone. I would have loved to see the draft sketches of this beautiful and poignant deck. You're lucky to have gotten one The Happy Squirrel!

The Happy Squirrel

I will try to get some pics for you!

For a bit there I thought about selling my deck, but being all the way down here, shipping became too high for what is already a rather highly priced deck! So I figured the deck is with me for a reason and I am going to give it more time.


Yes, I think you and the sketch deck were meant to be! But, if you do decide to part ways, let me know :)


Happy Squirrel, thanks for all the detailed information! :D

What you're saying makes me think that it's more of a collector's piece than a reader's deck.

If/when you decide to get rid of it, a trade could work better. You get something you want, the other person gets the Sketch deck, and everyone's happy.

So perhaps at some point you and tarotluv can work out a deal that works for both of you, or whatever.

And tarotluv, I think "beautiful and poignant" is probably the best description I have EVER found of the Mary-El Tarot. That's it, in a nutshell... :thumbsup:


Wow, the sketch deck is even more stunning than I imagined! I can see the details of the artwork so much more clearly in black and white. Thanks for sharing the link, Happy Squirrel (it is a pity about the lamination). And thank you for the kind compliment, FLizarraga--I am new to the forum and still very shy about posting. In fact, I've never really posted on any public forum so this is an exercise in vulnerability for me. I appreciate you both making me feel at home :)