Middle Eastern/India Theme Decks?


I also have the Roots of Asia which have some Indian elements (I think).
<smile> The artwork is very rich and deep. It's supposed to be Buddhist-based, but I find it very Hindu in feel. It sits, quite at home, on my little Altar to Durga at the moment!

Then there is the stunning Lebanese Tarot which I think it's a bit over my budget at the moment (for a 22-card deck).
<frowning> There are only a hundred of them in the entire world, and they will never be reprinted. More than half of them have sold already - quick, grab it before anyone else does, as no one who buys it will ever trade it or sell it, for however much money. Also, while it's now a few dollers more than mass-market decks (and it definitely isn't mass-market!), reflect on the fact that when I went through a mad buying splurge in the late eighties and early nineties, mass-market decks used to cost nearly twice the number of dollars they do now, and that represented nearly four times the spending value. And it's worth it, it's really, really worth it. You're going to kick yourselves to Hades and back if you miss out.

Oh almost forgot the Rumi Tarot I have a copy of and I think it's lovely.
It's more philosophical. I never get spreads working with it, but I ponder deeply on single-card draws. The artwork is fascinating (of the greens could be more like emerald and less like bathroom tiles), with beards and clouds being a big feature, and Rumi's verse is always exquisite.

There are any number of Manga decks out there which of course are Asian in origin, but you happened to hit on exactly the three I would strongly recommend!


nisaba, I really don't have the money to buy it right now and your post is making me very anxious! The Lebanese is pretty much my #1 wanted deck right now, but it might be awhile before I can afford it! 75$ is a lot of money to us. :(


Have you wealthy friends or relatives? And a birthday or other traditional gift-day?


Birthday has passed, wealthy relatives are super conservative Christian and unfortunately I don't see them supporting that. But maybe I can convince my fiance it's a very early Christmas present. I'm glad I at least know how limited it is so I can prioritize trying to get it!