modern tarot rant


bandido said:
Why, it's perfectly acceptable and ethical to scam people and waive any and all skepticism. But, a cute little Gummi Bear RWS deck? Nope. That's bad. Can't have that.

At least part of your book end rant seems directed at me- or rather the idea behind the thread. Well, you can have all the Gummi Garden Gnome styled tarot decks you want (god knows they are widely available in several cute iterations- probably even with faux fur on the majors). What *I* want isn't widely available, and as I said:

thinbuddha said:
......who is making tarot the way they probably never really did, but *should* have done "back in the day"

So yeah- I guess in a way, I want a deck that is themed- only the theme isn't Hello Kitty or Dr. Seuss Tarot (though that *would* be pretty cool too)- the theme I want is The Dust Witch Tarot..... or something like it.


So- I guess that your rant really doesn't apply to me at all- even if you thought it did.


thinbuddha said:
So yeah- I guess in a way, I want a deck that is themed...
Just checking to see if I'm invisible [Hello ;) There!]
Ok so, if not Knapp-Hall, how about The Cagliostro?


magenta said:
Like you I think the focus should be on the ethics of a reading not on the form...substance.
In my classroom in school there was this girl that used the Hello Kitty tarot and gave these incredibly accurate readings.
I personally could not stand the deck :laugh: but her readings were good.

I think it's good to have diversity and see how things evolve...

I agree, and it sounds like we're on the same page. :)

I do wish unethical card reading and the incessant selling points of "Talk To a Psychic and Find The Love Of Your Life!" and "Get a Reading, Win The Lottery!" would elicit even one-fraction of the hot-button response to someone taking issue with the diversity of decks available. If that's "all or nothing"-type of thinking, I will gladly plead guilty to that, since I prefer 100% legit intuitive - positive, perhaps even inspiring - over 100% [bleep]-for-shinola.


thinbuddha said:
What *I* want isn't widely available..

*Widely* available to the large possible mainstream audience from here to Timbuktu, and in Aisle 6 of your local Wal-Mart and Target, too, and everywhere in between? No. True, 'tis not. But readily available and accessible if you look for it? Yes, it is.

On the grand hierarchy of Important Things Deserving of One's Attention, the perceived absence of a J.J. Swiss deck, e.g. - or those that fit your criteria to a T - ranks a wee bit lower priority than other things in the world of tarot. I'm not sure if you got 6-pages of thread in response to the *substance* of your comment or simply because it's such a bold thing to be claiming in the first place.... (*grin*) :)


evil lurks in the open

bandido said:
I do wish unethical card reading and the incessant selling points of "Talk To a Psychic and Find The Love Of Your Life!" and "Get a Reading, Win The Lottery!" would elicit even one-fraction of the hot-button response...
The fiasco caused by Miss Cleo revealed that
95% of the money that goes to such scams,
including state lotteries, comes from people
in the lowest 5% of the poverty levels...


bandido said:
But readily available and accessible if you look for it? Yes, it is.

Actually, the JJ Swiss doesn't really do it for me. The Soprafino looks interesting (I'd be interested in seeing more of the pips). No other deck that I have seen even comes close to what I'm talking about- so not accessible, not as far as I can tell. What I'm really looking for doesn't seem to be available at all- widely or not. To me, this is a problem in the "world of tarot", and big or small- that problem is what this thread is about.

The fact that there are unethical readers is also a problem- I personally don't read profesionally, nor do I go to pro's for readings- so your pet peeve is *really* low on my list of priorities.... thus it is a *much* smaller problem from my point of view-

Some perspective for those who need it: *any* problem in the world of tarot falls into the category of "not all that important".


bandido said:
*Widely* available to the large possible mainstream audience from here to Timbuktu, and in Aisle 6 of your local Wal-Mart and Target, too, and everywhere in between? No. True, 'tis not. But readily available and accessible if you look for it? Yes, it is.

On the grand hierarchy of Important Things Deserving of One's Attention, the perceived absence of a J.J. Swiss deck, e.g. - or those that fit your criteria to a T - ranks a wee bit lower priority than other things in the world of tarot. I'm not sure if you got 6-pages of thread in response to the *substance* of your comment or simply because it's such a bold thing to be claiming in the first place.... (*grin*) :)

Wow. Glad you're happy with your Pretty Bubble Gummy Puppy Decks, but honestly, how would you know if other people have found the deck they're dreaming of? I know the longing behind the original post, and, no, none of the "readily available and accessible" decks quite fills that longing (for me)...else the longing wouldn't exist.

And I'm not sure who put you in charge of "the grand hierarchy of Important Things Deserving of One's Attention" but if this thread isn't deserving of your attention and you think ethics is more important, then start a thread about ethics and ignore threads that you deem below you.

I like happy cutesy decks (yes, I have not one, but two cat tarots). But I also sometimes long for something Deep and Mysterious. If you don't relate, good for you. But your response was fairly rude.


Moderator note

Addressed to no one person, but keep in mind that it is possible to express your opinions, even fairly strongly, without resorting to the personal.



thinbuddha said:
This post may not make sense to everyone, but I'm looking at all the available tarot decks out there, and I don't see many decks that have a really authentic-mysterious-mystical-occult feel to them. I want a deck that looks like it *might* have been used in depression era carnivals. want a deck that feels like the cards might come alive and be different on different viewings....

For me, that's the Buckland Romani deck - particularly since mine now, after a year and a half of almost daily handling, has taken on a loved and worn feeling.


This post may not make sense to everyone, but I'm looking at all the available tarot decks out there, and I don't see many decks that have a really authentic-mysterious-mystical-occult feel to them. So lets all play a game. Its called "Yes....But.." You all post pefectly reasonable suggestions and I will say 'Yes...But' and ...I want a deck that looks like it *might* have been used in depression era carnivals. I know that people back in the depression days did not have money for readings so it is an Ur deck and I gottcha in one! So back to the Game. I will say whats really on my mind
"I don't see this deck out there." That draw you all back in!!! I will tease you with all those modern examples that somebody likes because they are available.....but I am really a subversive in disguise -so for crying out loud, maybe a moderator will come in and make this thread explosive and then lots of people will come have a look at my Game. Secretly I really like the FengShui Tarot but I will probally trade it away in case someone thinks I am not esoteric enough. Its funny no-one has suggested I take my favourite deck and put it through the wash to give it that authentic look. and that deck is.. The RWS or Thoth, or TdM, or The Ferret..Charlie Brown???

the rant has ended..... for now (Until I am busted)