negative atmosphere


since this schoolyear i am in the week in the city where i study and in the weekends at home. since a few weeks i don't feel comfortable anymore in my room at home where i study but also sleep. last week when i went sleeping i felt strange feelings when i stood before my room i almost didn't dare to open it an when i did i felt a very negative atmosphere. every moment i expect something to happen. i really can't sleep there anymore i became very scared. i don't know what it is, i expect sounds, i expect my cat will change in a monster i expect a hand that will grab me everything it's frigtning and don't know what to do. i thougt i became mad. i told it one of my younger sisters and she said she had the same experience in my room. in the week she studied there for her exams and slept there and felt the same things like me.
a time ago i told her something about gosts and she was thinking about it. she was busy in her room with her schoolwork (another room than mine) and when she turned she saw that her schoolwork was moved to the middle of the table without there was someone in the room but she didn't had seen it move.

i don't know what to believe but could you suggest what that strange negative atmosphere is in my room and what to do about it?

thanks a lot,

with love, rostie.


Rostie: Something may have been passing through & became "stuck" or decided to hang around. It needs to be told it doesn't belong, & to go towards the Light.
It sounds like you need a "house cleaning"; or in this case, a room cleaning. There are various ways to accomplish this. It can be elaborate or simple. The intent is what infuses the "cleaning" with power to dispel unwanted influences. The following are suggestions.
Depending on the circumstance, a cleansing may be commenced with an actual, physical cleaning of the area in question before the spiritual cleaning.
First surround the self with protection by invoking Light to surround you (such as imagining oneself encased in a bubble of Light). State the purpose/intent in prayer & maintain it. If you are so inclined, The Lord's Prayer may be incorporated or any other prayer or words of your choosing you are comfortable with.
I set up an altar in the center of the area I am working on, bless whatever accoutrements I use & "charge" them with Light.
Follow up with incense such as sandalwood which has purifying qualities, or sage. Or any incense you like available to you. With the incense, smudge the room from corner to corner & all openings. Leave it burning in the center of the room.
Also, one or a couple of drops of sage or rose essence in about a cup of water gently heated in a potpourri pot will diffuse a lovely aroma & help to dispel negativity.
Holy water may be used instead or in addition, sprinkled from corner to corner, etc along with prayer.
During this process, tell what you are banishing that it does not belong; command it to leave & to go towards the Light.
Check out this forum's threads: "Cleansing a house (spiritually)" & "Smudging practices".
Let us know how things go, & blessings on your house!


I often get this in my bathroom at home, however, I am an easily scared person with an over-active imagination, so I always put it down to being silly! But your post makes me think... And worry even more!

I don't know what this is. Has it aways been the same? Maybe cleansing the room would help? There are ways to cleanse it spiritually, and I think there is a recent thread about cleansing homes around the boards somewhere.

When I feel like this I usually sing. Out loud. I know its weird, and I can't sing well to save my life, but it always helps me feel better! Y'see, when I was younger, I wathced a film called The Princess and the Goblin, and wen the good characters (The Princess and the guy who she fancied) sang songs, the bad characters went back to where they came from. And I also find silence scarier than when there is sound. Try putting music on, or a TV, or just sing he silliest songs you know! (How about 'Do Your Ears Hang Low?' or 'Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes'.)



my eldest daughter has a spirit child that shows herself to her whenever she is near water. washing the dishes, in the shower, tub, brushing her teeth.........

this girl scares her and (she won't share the details) but they've talked about some abuse that happened to this little girl.

my daughter is so scared to put her head under the water when she's in the tub...which she loved before this (she's 15 by the way)

i've suggested to her, the next time she feels her presence to tell her to go into the light and to also ask her what it is that she needs right now. perhaps she has a simple need that we can do to assist her.

i remind her to surround herself with light whenever she senses her spirit friend around. :)

in light,

ps i hope that by hearing our stories,....that you won't feel so alone.


I have had a similiar experience and there were 2 things that worked for me. I did a cleansing as suggested in an earlier post. Sage is my herb of choice for this and seems to work well for dispersing negative feeling presences. When I have been visited by more benigh presences that don't really seem harmful, but are nonetheless scary, I have simply talked outloud to them. Something like "hello, you have me aware of your presence and I know you are here. Sometimes you scare me when you appear or do things. Can you tone it down a bit. You are welcome to stay if you will stay in harmony with me but this is my house and I would like it if you would not (insert what ever is scary to you)." I just talk to them as if they are actually sitting there listening. Hey, it has worked for me, so go figure.
Let us know what happens,


thanks a lot for your advices! i just had to tell this to somebody, i became really scared. the only thing that scares me are ghost, i'm just so affraid that i would see one, maybe when i talk do it my fealings will cool down and then i will try the cleansing. i really hope it works because otherwise i don't dare to sleep there anymore.

also, for weeks i had in that room very scary nightmares i never had before one about a sort of witches. one of them was week and the other laughed with her. at the end the put her something on her head i only could see her eyes so scared and lonely almost as she knew something what nowone ever might know and the the head of that group hang her up on a very high building with after her red light with reclame. i can see her eyes still. it was a terrible dream. it's know i concludes that the worst nightmares were the last week at home and not here where i study.
i never forget that dreams it haunts me i don't know what it wanted to say. i hope with the cleansing i sleep better.

thanks a lot!

with love rostie.


really? something exactly like that happened to me too, rosie. It was really weird. I always like feel this presence that I can't explain.



i find that very effective also.

welcome to the forum!

in light,



let us know how the talk goes!

in light,