Old English Tarot

ana luisa

I apologise for asking about a rather old deck but I am IN LOVE :) It is so welcoming, warm and different from almost everything I own. Just wondering how it reads. Any opinions will be greatly appreciated !! :thumbsup:



I have it, it was my first RWS tarot and I just loved the warm colours and the dreamy artwork. I'd learnt Tarot using the Marseille so it seemed like a lovely in between deck and more beautiful than my dreary horrible Grimaud deck :laugh:

I was really disappointed when it came though, it was so glossy and sort of plastic lol, but I got used to that. I still love it but haven't used it in a while. I keep it on my tarot shelf though where I can admire it's medieval splendour :)

I really should get it out of its box. It always cheered me up when I shuffled the cards, it has that effect doesn't it?

ana luisa

Thank you, moonbear for the reply !! :) Yes, the cards seem to have this warmth that makes you feel comrfortable around them . As to gloss, I REALLY do not mind it at all. Two of my favorite decks are HEAVILY laminated and super thick (Voyager and Kingdom Within) so that´s cool with me. Besides, given the humidity here in Rio, lamination is wonderful for protecting the cards against mold. ;)


deleted :)


ana luisa, you inspired me to go fetch the deck. The colours are just beautiful, I especially love the Majors. Maggie Keen did a really good job on the artwork. Even the cups, which I think were a bit rushed because she was behind with the deadline, still fit nicely with the rest.

And yes, gloss is good for being anti-mould (and fingerprints and sticky jam lol). They just wipe clean.

I shuffled and drew Judgement. The angel looks as if she's given me a good blast, a real wake up call to use these cards again :)


I really like this deck - it was far more lighthearted than I expected it to be and I too don't mind the lamination. I haven't used it for reading for other people but perhaps it's time to give it a bit of a chance.



I also have this deck and I LOVE the artwork too. Simple and well done. I however, like Moonbear, rarely use it. Not sure why tbh. But after talking about it, I want to go find it and play with it again. So, perhaps I will do that today.


ana luisa look what you have done, not only have you inspired everyone to revisit this deck but you are seriously getting me enabled :mad:

ana luisa

Very happy about rekindling so much interest in it but TRULY sorry for enabling you Thoughtful... It´s just that I get really happy about those findings and just have to share, knowing that here at AT we are all into this stuff SO MUCH. If it makes you feel better, I kind of enabled myself !!! Already ordered it and now will have to patiently wait 4 weeks for it to get to Brazil.
From the comments of those who own it, it seems like a VERY friendly deck, something that most of us need at times ;)
And moonbear, Judgement couldn´t be a better card to show them being put out in the open again :)


Yes, it is a very lovely deck, very down to earth and whimsical.