Other healing alternatives


Ok, well ok i have this weird blood disease. the doctors refer to it as lopus. but i don't like it to be called that. but my question is since the doctors don't seem to know whats wrong with me. and when anythnig bad happens they just pump me full of pills in hope i will get better, but the meds don't seem to be working anymore. And i need some way to figure out wats wrong wiht me. or just any way to help me get better. i will use any advice with any meds and advice from my doctors. anything like meditation or stuff like that. please no spells or anything none christian ( i hope that doesn't offend anyone) i would rather be sick than go against my religion. its one of the only things i still have. thanks again


Yes, go homeo-path :)

It worked very well for my hay fever and allergy, and I believe it's indicated in cases of auto-immune diseases or organic ones.

Of course, take it easy, and look carefully where and who ask for a cure... I wouldn't trust trainee, despite the fact I'm a trainee physician myself :)


Mateo, are you sure of the spelling (lopus)? Is there another name for this illness? I can't find lopus anywhere in my alternative medical books, and they are pretty complete.


Hi, Mateo06!

I'm sorry to hear about your problems. I echo what the others have said about choosing your treatment carefully.

I would be interested to know why you are unhappy with the diagnosis? A lot of people feel relieved as soon as they have a "label" for their illness (as I'm sure Pollux will attest).

I would normally be very hesitant about recommending anything, particularly when I've not come across the illness in question, but my Sunday paper has an "alternative health" page which I keep an eye on because my youngest stepson has asthma and excema and it occasionally comes up with useful things and - guess what - today it mentions lupus, which I think is what you're talking about as it talks about it attacking the immune system (Diana - please note!). Too much of a coincidence not to mention it here, in case it can help you.

It recommends an African plant called "hypoxis rooperi" which is also known as "African potato" although it isn't a potato at all - it just looks like one. "The reason it is thought to be effective against lupus is that it has been shown to balance the immune system, which with this skin condition, is malfunctioning. The active agents in the African potato plant are the sterols and sterolins, which are, in effect, plant fats. Studies conducted by immunologists at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, whose findings have been published in the International Jounal of Immunopharmacology, suggest that these agents can be used to help alleviate the symptoms of a range of diseases of the immune system, including lupus". It only gives details of how to get the supplement in the UK but you might be able to track it down - possibly through the Net? At least this gives you something to research. The article carries a disclaimer "it should only be taken for general immune support. If you have lupus or any other autoimmune problem, consult a qualified health practitioner".

Hope this helps!


If you look at my above post, it might answer the question!


LouisQ, I also thought that Mateo might mean lupus, only lupus is more often related to a skin condition, not blood. That's why I just wanted to make sure with Mateo. If it's lupus, I have also found something interesting - nothing to do with medication though.
Mateo, do you mean lupus?


Yeah lupus seems more of a correct spelling. The reason i don't like it being called that.. well i really dont' know but i think i am in denial. Lupus just scares me. it seems to serious for what i have. I like the long no one but a doctor can say name, But i am in a small samll town in Michigan. theres no one here who do homeopath. and i really can't seek another professional. Maybe in like 4 years i can. I would rather prefer something that i could do on my own.Thanks again


Quote:Diana (25 Feb, 2002 02:52):
I also thought that Mateo might mean lupus, only lupus is more often related to a skin condition, not blood.


According to the article (the first time I've seen a description of this condition) says "there are two types of lupus: systemic lupus, which can affect many different parts of the body, and discoid lupus, which primarily affects the skin".

So, Mateo06 - am I right in thinking you're talking about the "systemic" version? And you prefer the Latin name? I think that's what doctors rely on - nobody else seems as knowledgeable (sorry Pollux)! I can understand the denial, but are you saying that you don't think you've got this or that you don't believe the doctors are doing their best for you?

I'm going to look it up properly after my bath to see if I can find anything more useful.


Mateo - I grew up in Michigan, and my sister & mom & step-dad still live there. Are you at all close to either Ann Arbor or Lansing? The reason I mention those is that they are big university towns (as I am sure you know - more for the benefit of our international members!) and often times, university towns do have some access to more alternative methods. Certainly Ann Arbor does.

As for lupus, my mom had a very close friend who had lupus, and we also have an aunt who has been diagnosed with lupus. Unfortunately, what little I know of it, it seems to be a "catch all" diagnosis, sort of like schizophrenia for mental illnesses.

Now, I don't meditate, so I am no authority, but I have heard and read that it does indeed help. There has been alot of focus on the powers of positive thinking, and I think even doctors have recognized it does have an impact on treatments.

Good luck.


Here is what Jacques Martel, who has studied with Dr. Claude Sabbah (who was inspired by Dr. Hamer) has to say about lupus. These doctors are extremely knowledgeable (understatement) about why people get certain diseases.

This is a translation from the French, I'll try and make it as flowing as possible.

"I develop a lupus when I am living a very deep discouragement, hate or shame towards myself, which makes my defense system weaken. My dis-ease (unease) often has it's source in a deep emotional guilt which is eating me from the inside. I prefer to punish myself rather than affirm myself. I give up, I capitulate because I have the impression there is no way out, no solution, and I can feel frustrated with my powerlessness. I refuse to accept love and pardon towards myself or others. Learning once again to love myself is an important, or rather an essential step, towards my healing. I can ask for help within myself or ask competent people to help me get myself on the road to internal healing".

If the above speaks to you, perhaps you could get help from a psychologist in order to get the healing process begun? Meditation could be done in conjunction with this.

Don't lose hope. "Miracles" in medecine are not as rare as one thinks.