Pagan or not?


nisaba said:
Ever lived with a cat? They are very much themselves, and very much a part of the world, but they are constantly drifting between the worlds, also. Kinda like Tarot. Where dogs are unashamedly physical 100% of the time.

Well, you have to be, if sniffing other people's bums is a part of your lifestyle. (Who was that Western Australian politician, again?)

Just because a cat appears to be dozing most of the time doesn't mean it's riding the hedge. Or whatever. Dogs live constantly in the present moment and wring every bit of joy out of life. Now that's a role model! :) (Never mind the bum sniffing. Cats cough of up fur balls, that's kinda gross, too. Animals can't help their gross little glitches.)


The great thing about animals is that they are Physical beings in a Physical world and do the so calledf "gross" things without any unnecessary shame or guilt.
Humans try so hard to forget they are animals. Humans often do very bad and unnatural things that animals won´t do.

Studying wolf biology really opened my eyes to all this. True nobility of life is not about wether one is throwing up fur balls or sniffing behinds. It´s more about not wasting resources, sheltering and nurturing the young whatever it takes, avoiding all unnecessary violence, sharing resources in sensible ways, letting death come to the dying, ...

I love both cats and dogs and I have several of both. I dunno.. most of the time my cats look serene and regal just because a lot of the time they don´t really understand what´s going on. Dogs on the other hand usually do.

[And now..running for shelter...]


Dogs are so in the now that I can't see them as getting into metaphysics. As for the bum thing - may I commend to you all a rather - strange - book my grandchildren found in our local library and which we now have to take out EVERY time they visit:

This one

Which explains why they do that far better than I ever could. :D :laugh:

CATS would be better organised.


While I mostly considered myself a cat person for the majority of my life, I did have a dog who seemed a bit more in tune with metaphysics than any of my cats ever did.

Sparky would react to my thoughts, as in coming to me when I just thought I wanted him to come to me or standing up and going to the door when we were sitting together and I just questioned in my mind whether he wanted to go outside. So, a bit of telepathy with him? Dogs also sense things and react to things that we can't necessarily see- so I think in addition to them living in the now, they are a bit mystical at times.


The occult itself is often considered pagan. Just enjoy the deck for what it is, and don't be concerned about it. Labels are to be taken with a grain of salt. If I were to be concerned over whether or not my interests are pagan, I would probaby crack up.


Disa said:
Dogs also sense things and react to things that we can't necessarily see- so I think in addition to them living in the now, they are a bit mystical at times.
Dogs are actually wolves. It is very difficult to tell the difference from their DNA as it´s practically identical. (I have sequenced wolf DNA in a lab, I know)
Wolves are very intuitive and metaphysical (read Lois Crisler for example) so why not dogs as well.

I think many of the so called higher animals are very sensitive and intuitive. IMO it´s mostly us humans who have lost some of that along the way to the so called civilization..


Dogs are psychic. They can read minds and sniff things. (not just bums, things like illnesses and stuff.)

Dogs know stuff and they are full of love...

But they smell funny when they are wet.


Moderator note

I hate to be a party pooper but this thread is getting way off topic.

Could we please get back to the topic of the thread which is whether or not the Pagan Cats deck is Pagan or not?


Sulis - Tarot Decks co-moderator


Okay, back on topic. If I liked cats I would probably like this deck, but I don't so I don't. And to be honest, I don't see that this deck is any more pagan than any other deck that calls itself pagan. From the few images I can find online. But if it meows to you, stroke it and take it home.