picking up a weird energy vibe

New River

i have been picking up a weird energy vibe for the past few weeks now.

at first i thought it was just me going thru one of my 'swamp' phases, but i have come to see that it is not coming from me but from the outside.

it is very uncomfortable. i am feeling unease, tension, a feeling of being stretched too thin, things look different when i see them like they are wearing a disguise or something. like they are not what they seem.

this is in conjunction with a couple of recent episodes of dreamwalking i have had. this is when your spirit goes to the other side while you are in deep meditation or asleep. it usually happens to me when i am asleep. i cannot Make it happen, it just does. i am allowed to remember just enough to know i was there but not what i was doing.

i have a feeling i have agreed for my energy to be used for the cause of LIGHT, but have no conscious knowledge of what it is for.

it leaves my body feeling tired and sluggish. i need lots of rest and drink lots of water.

anyway, this is long. i want to know if anyone else is picking up this energy? this feeling of weirdness without knowing what it is?

i have talked to a few others who admit to feeling it.

what's it all about???

love, light and hope, New River


Hi New River,

Are you under a Neptune transit? Some of what you described sounds Neptunian to me. Or, perhaps you're very much more sensitive to the atmosphere than others.



I too am traveling in my sleep I think. I was feeling VERY tired when I woke. Actually feeling like I had been all over the place while I slept and hadn't completely come back into myself - which caused met to see things through a fog or like you said in a disguise. I was exhausted!! What I finally did was flat out tell my guides that I would help with what needed to be worked on in the universe but I needed to feel rested when I woke.
I've felt better ever since. You might want to try that. It definitely helped me and I still am able to help with whatever I'm doing (I have no idea :) ) while I sleep.


I'll keep an eye open!

New River

faunabay, good advice on the guide thing. i will let them know i am feeling dragged out. altho, you would think they would know this! maybe it's just me not asking for help that is the problem there.

AG: here's what i can tell you. i have to say it is like algebra to me. but i know you will understand it way better!

my neptune is in my 7th house. (this comes from my natal chart)
my neptune is sextile pluto Orb =0 degrees 25 minutes
neptune is Quincunx Ascendant Orb=0 degrees 17 minutes
neptune is sextile Midheaven Orb=0 degrees 20 minutes

don't know if that helps any or not.......

love, light and hope, New River


hi just wanted to say since ive seen your chart that your natal neptune is in 28.59 libra (that would help AG more) and transiting uranus in aquarius is trining that and transiting neptune isnt making any major aspects but more important is that with a pisces acendant, neptune is pisces ruler and that makes you a "psychic sponge"


Hi New River,

Your "algebra" comment reminds me of when I start to blab away about this is squaring that and that is inconjuncting the other, my friend John says that it sounds like a disease that the health insurance won't cover!

Scorpio is correct, your Pisces ascendant does make you a psychic sponge. You can pick up vibes that others will never feel.



Yepp..seconding that....WEIRD dreams last night...
Couldn't actually get to sleep for ages, coz there was a negative energy SOURCE stood next to me....


Theres a negative entity near me too that I wont get into, itspart of my belief as taught by my mentor, who happens to be my husband, not to drag anyone in to these situations by talking about them with anyoe other than the ones already directlyinvolved. Good advice if you ask me :) Apparently its an epidemic right now. I've heard some people say they've had feelings that something nasty will happen at the Olympics, so i suggest people keep this in their prayers/magick circles/whatever. I'll be lighting a candle tonight.


Well , I don't know about negative entities, but I couldn't sleep for 2 nights, the 5 th and 6 th I think. Seems like I just layed there all night but could not sleep deeply like normal. Then last night on the nightly news I heard there were 6 murders in Denver on that one day (Feb 7). Which is really unusual. 3 seperate incidents. Makes me wonder if it has anything to do with the weird energy vibe?