"pretty" tarot deck


i was browsing quite a few tarot sites looking for a deck (i'm a beginner) and was wondering if anyone knew of any pretty, nice looking decks. Some of them are rather creepy and don't really reflect me.


Take a look at the Hanson Roberts deck and the Inner Child deck. If you're christian, look at the Connolly deck.


Most beginners start with the Rider Waite deck, but in my personal opinion some of the illustrations aren't that pretty to look at. The Zerner-Farber deck is one of my favorites, and the one I primarily use.


i'd definately agree with the hanson roberts deck as a beginning deck. i have it, and find it to be quite mild in its imagry, but also - as you say - "pretty". keep in mind though, the tarot is a reflection of life. using a pretty deck doesn't take away the creepier side of it...
luv and light,


I'd recomend the Napo Tarot, if you don't mind slightly cubist art. It's my favorit of the decks I've bought so far, although I don't agree with all the astrological equivalents. (I bet that WON'T surprise some people on these boards! =;^) )

Which reminds me . . .


robin wood would be good if you're a pagan. it's not too exclusive, though, unless a magician with antlers is too creepy...

the goddess tarot is pretty, only painting-pretty, not little girl in lace pretty. there is a more expensive divination deck that i'm drooling over, which is gorgeous. it's "the goddess oracle" illustrated by hrana janto. tarot, no, but definitely pretty.

the tarot of a moon garden is definitely a "pretty" deck. there was a site linked on the old boards with pictures of all the cards. it also showed rider-waite, the spiral, and some others. worth a search or two.

hope that helped.


maybe consider the gendron tarot- it is a very pretty deck. one of the reasons i was drawn to it was because it doesnt have much of an "occult" feel like some others do. there isnt really any dark or disturbing imagery in it. it seems more a less geared for female readers. it isnt completely standard, but as a beginner i havent had a hard time learning with it.


The Palladini deck is nice to look at as is the Morgan Greer but it depends on what your looking for - there is so many tarot decks out there its best to just see as many as you can online then decide which ones attract you the most - I have the Rider Waite and 1JJ Swiss tarot but keep looking at the Morgan Greer deck :)


also check out the nigel jackson, art noveau (matt myers), sacred circle and the spiral--i believe these are all particularly pleasing to the eye. the medicine woman, though not as brightly colored as i prefer, is very non-threatening and pleasant, as well.
i'm a zerner-farber fan, myself.


Thanks everyone for your recomendations :D, they really helped!