Queen of Wands


I always thought that was an oddly-shaped heart at her throat, will have to find a magnifying glass. One of the first things I noticed about her was that she was the only queen with her legs spread apart. :O - Sea



I have the Giant Rider Waite, and I'm pretty sure the "heart" is actually a cat's head.
Yes, the Queen of Wands is definitely at home in her body. She could go out and help build a house then come home and have a passionate, rollicking roll in the hay with her lover. This woman has lots of energy, no matter what she's focused on! :D



Queen Of Wands

Bodhran: thanks for putting the .jpg up (again for me)....I need to remember to do that when referring to cards....makes it easier for people to "see" what I'm talking about. I've done it in other posts, but sometimes forget.

And yes, that looks like a cat's head broach/clasp of some sort holding the Queen's cloak together.


I've always found the RWS QofW to be a little bit disconcerting, in that her face looks really masculine...to the point where it looks like a man in drag! :D

In fact, given that the other kings all face forward as well, she seems more kingly than her husband!



Teomat: YES...I've always thought that, too...that the Queen Of Wands has a masculine face....with her somewhat frowning look. Actually, all of the queens don't look happy! I suppose this is part of what they are trying to convey to the reader.

And on the subject of queens....The Queen of Swords reminds me of the Statue Of Liberty....(sorry if this is in wrong forum)

And the Queen of Cups reminds me of Princess Diana (I wrote this in the Queen of Cups forum, I believe)

(I remembered the pics this time Bodhran!)


Yep, I definitely see the resemblance to Diana (particularly the doe-eyed look she's giving)!

And yes, all the queens have a kind of downbeat feel to them (even the QofP, despite the bunny rabbit!). None of them actually look that feminine either.


I too, definitely see Diana in the Queen of Cups!

As far as the "manly" appearance of some of them, I wonder if Pamela was trying to draw them to show the strength (masculine) and maturity they have developed through their life experiences.




And because of what we know of Diana...I think the Queen Of Cups card fits her well(!)...independently doing "all" with love. I don't think we could argue that she wasn't a humanitarian.


teomat said:
I've always found the RWS QofW to be a little bit disconcerting, in that her face looks really masculine...to the point where it looks like a man in drag! :D

while staring at her last night through the link I really focused on her hands. Couldn't get it out of my head that those are man's hands lol - Sea


QWands...Leo...Masculine Sign

Regarding Queen of Wands...

Masculine Traits:
This card is ruled by the sign of "Leo" and it IS a "masculine" sign. The Leo
sign is also ruled by the Sun - thus the sunflower. She is very bossy and
ambitious, which are also Leo and "masculine" traits. She is a social Lioness
and a positive advisor...Leo traits.

So, I agree that her hands and face look very masculine. If you have any
books on Astrology, you can look up the sign "Leo" and that might give us
further information about her and her masculine traits.

Suggestions of hearts:
I can now see the "heart" indications in her robe, from knees to floor, and in
her fingers around the stem of the sunflower. The leafs on the sunflower are
heart shaped.

The sign of Leo represents "LOVE"...that would explain the hearts or
suggestions of hearts that you see. Leo is the sign of those
"in love with love." The Queen of Wands is a very loving person when
the card is upright. She has a BIG heart and is also very fond of and good
with children.

Tigers VS Lions:
I am pretty sure that those are lions on each side of her chair, and not tigers,
due to their long manes. Also if you look at the images on the chair back
above her crown, you will see "definate" lions. Tigers do not have tails like
that, nor manes. Leo is the sign of "all types" of cats, including Lions and

Adding to the "reversed" comments:
I already made reversed comments about the QW in an post above,
she is domineering, very controlling, unloving, petty, and so
demanding ...Leo "negative" traits.