Queen of Wands


Tigers VS Lions:
"I am pretty sure that those are lions on each side of her chair, and not tigers,
due to their long manes. Also if you look at the images on the chair back
above her crown, you will see "definate" lions. Tigers do not have tails like
that, nor manes. Leo is the sign of "all types" of cats, including Lions and

Yes, yes...you're right successgoodhealth.....the tails of the lions give them away. I think I wasn't seeing the manes as much, so..that was part of the reason why I mentioned tigers. The other reason was that the little statuettes on either side of the Queen's throne have a tiger-like appearance to me (their faces). All the books I have say lions are in this card....and with the Leo sun-sign...that would have to be the case. Thanks for the input!