readings for feedback


Hey JoJoCat

These sound like really interesting cards. I've never heard of this type of reading before. I'd love to be a guinea pig.

I'll PM you my birth details.

My question is: What can I do to fully open my heart to new love?



Hi there! This sounds interesting!

My question is: Will Jay reply back to the message I last sent him?


I have a question regarding my career
My manager has asked me to stay at onshore for another month ( I have been staying at Country I for 1 year )
I am not able to decide .Should I stay ..? How will my stay impact my career



Your cards are:
* Korean A-frame (typically used to carry wood)
* sun (and also daylight)-- this card also popped while shuffling
* market

base: ultimate master

The overall feeling I get is one of lots of people around you. Lots of talking and lots of gossip. Most of it is harmless, but it does distract you and eat into your attention. There's a lot of busy-ness happening around you. Lots of people energies and also tasks I feel like you feel you have to do. It's almost overwhelming, though you are doing pretty well and balancing all the things.

I work as an office manager at a chiropractic clinic. We see over 100 people a week! It's a pretty busy place but for the most part, I've got a good system in place that allows daily operations to run smoothly. Family wise, it's also that time of year where many events are taking place so I feel like I'm pressed for time and have a lot to do. I'm seen as, and also consider myself to be, a very good multi-tasker. A part of me thrives in that space though when it's time to turn it off, I can do so quite easily. In the moment I may feel a bit of pressure having to juggle many responsibilities in my life but overall, I feel that my life situation has made me a strong person, which I value about myself.

The middle card tells me about the cycles and seasons of things. You know that song: "to everything, turn, turn, turn; there is a season, turn, turn, turn..."? It's like that. The song is from the 60s or 70s but the lyrics are pulled almost directly from the bible, because the natural rhythms and cycles are vital in every culture. You wouldn't plant in winter when the ground is hard and frozen. The timing -- this is a reminder to heed the natural timing of things and to listen to your inner voice if you are unsure.

If there's one thing I lack, it's patience. I'm lusting after the outcome when I haven't even taken the first step at creating what i want! It's definitely something I'm working on. I understand the kind of dedication and commitment it takes to get where I want to be. It's hard work. And I've also realized over the years that you can lose in a very short time what took many years to build. I'm in the process of making some changes and what you point out about natural cycles, really fits. I suppose if the timing had been wrong, I wouldn't have embarked on that particular journey. In any case, I'm glad I took that first step which has turned into a thousand more steps and things are feeling good and right!

You may also notice that the man with the A-fram full of wood is in his own card (26) but also appears at the bottom of the card for market (21). He's gone on a journey and chopoped the wood and now he's bringing it to market to sell it. So if you have been working on creating things and ideation, the time is approaching for you to sell your concepts or creations very soon! But of course, it is important to follow the rhythms and cycles, as noted above.

I hope this resonates -- let me know your feelings?

Yes, this makes sense. I'm bubbling with ideas and just honing in on how to bring these ideas forward. I have one passion that's been with me for so many years and I never thought I could do anything with it in the way of helping others. But, recently, I feel more confident about my experiences and feel that I may have something to offer. It's rooted in health and beauty and helps people recognize and embrace their own power and resilience. I've learned from some amazing people, taking and refining what works for me.. so, we'll see. I'm using myself as a guinea pig right now and so far, I've had good results. I think I picked the right time to fully immerse myself in this project. And yet, on the other hand, there's a sense that the 'project' came to me or chose me because it saw that I was 'ready'. :)

Thanks for a great reading. Take good care. xo


Hi Jojo, i'd like to ask a question if i may.

The background info is that I blew the whistle on some work colleagues for theft.

They dont know yet but will find out very soon!

Im a little concerned about what will happen now ? Im off for a couple of weeks and i dont know what situation I 'll be going back into :(

I know ive done the right thing even though i feel like a bit of a treator (seriously, having to be nice and play dumb wasnt easy).

Could you look into this please? Many thanks xx

So your message came out pretty short and sweet, not like my usual wordiness. The essence is that those work colleagues will reap what they sow and punishment is coming for them (you can view it as consequences if you think punishment is too harsh). You remain mostly untouched and unaffected -- they can't really do or say anything that impacts how you are treated at work. Their drama gets wrapped up and handled and you're outside of that whirlpool.

* ultimate master
* pear tree
* tiger
* harvest

base: river cruise

I read ultimate master as you remaining untouched -- see how the people try to reach him on the tree stump but he's high above them? Yes, like that.

Pear tree is interesting. In the back of the card, the man on the right makes a frowny/angry face and points a finger, while the man on the right makes a sad face. But the man in the foreground -- again -- remains untouched, just enjoying the shade and canopy of the pear tree with the ripe fruits.

Tiger and harvest came out incredibly literally -- for the punishment and harvesting what they planted. Your work colleagues will harvest the consequences of their unethical behavior. The tiger is coming for them!

With base as river cruise, I see you as sailing downriver, away from all this messiness.

So it's interesting to me that this reading came out SO LITERALLY. Not sure if this is from your ancestors -- I didn't feel them speaking to me but they may have purified/simplified the message to be sure I got it? Please do let me know your feelings~



Hi JoJoCat :love:

I would love to ask a question if I may. I'll send you a PM with my birthdate in case you want to use it too :)

What do I need to do in order to find and achieve my balance?

Well, so, okay ~~ the cards came out with strong messages of negative stuff around you, sorry. I'm not sure if you have been struggling lately, but that is what the cards are telling me.

Honestly, I would be happy to be off on this, but I will type up the message as it did come to me :heart:

* agony, torment
* in trust there is treason/betrayal
* magistrate's office

base: sun and daylight/daytime

It feels to me like you feel you cannot achieve balance lately. That no matter what you do, you end up in a cycle of agony and distrust, and you may engage in some self-harm or experience harm to your body from accidents that happen unexpectedly.

And (very gently) I'm so sorry for this. But congratulations for taking the first step and asking! It really is a forward step to seek out solutions instead of trying to just wait it out.

The advice is to feel your pain for a bit. Actually, the advice is to make offerings to the negative spirits around you to appease them.

BUT I personally VERY STRONGLY disagree with this. I don't believe that we should feed the negative spirits around us when they extort us, because then we encourage them to stay around us, when really they need to leave our space.

So I convey the message because I view it as my duty to share whatever comes through. And I suppose if your tradition is different (as in your spiritual/religious tradition says feeding the negative spirits can help send them on their way), then this could be good advice.

Oh! I just realized that I do do something like this. One of my tasks in this life is to release/elevate my ancestors who are trapped on the earthly plane -- the ones who were not strong enough to elevate on their own. So I suppose this is a gift of my energy to help what could be considered negative spirits...

I still believe that making food and wine offerings (as is depicted in the card 24) to negative spirits is very dangerous though.

The next message is to put away the sharpness, like in sharp words. If you have been acting out, out of your own pain (which is understandable), then it's time to cease that, at least for a bit. Perhaps try exercise (focusing on your arms and shoulders, bc it seems to me that that is where you are carrying your tension) to release all that pent-up energy instead of expressing them verbally.

In traditional Korean culture, the magistrate's office is a very scary place. It's not about finding the balance like Justice in tarot -- basically if you get taken here, it's all over. So this is a warning that you are very close to that point. Therefore, it's important to cease with the harsh words if you can. You may need to ull yourself back from the edge in your current path.

Lastly, we have a message of hope from the base caard. The sun shines bright and orange in the sky. But also the moon rises on the right side, just at the horizon. So you are coming to an almost eclipse. The eclipse is almost upon you. And that timing will be magical, because what truer balance than the balance of the sun and moon? You are urged to prepare for this eclipse and to put away the upsets and conflicts and to make yourself ready for a new cycle.

End note: I'm really sorry that these cards and the messages are so strongly negative. Like I said above, I kind of wish that I am wrong about all of these things around you. I look forward to your feedback and hugs if the message is in fact accurate -- we have faith that you will prevail~



Well, so, okay ~~ the cards came out with strong messages of negative stuff around you, sorry. I'm not sure if you have been struggling lately, but that is what the cards are telling me.

Honestly, I would be happy to be off on this, but I will type up the message as it did come to me :heart:

* agony, torment
* in trust there is treason/betrayal
* magistrate's office

base: sun and daylight/daytime

It feels to me like you feel you cannot achieve balance lately. That no matter what you do, you end up in a cycle of agony and distrust, and you may engage in some self-harm or experience harm to your body from accidents that happen unexpectedly.

And (very gently) I'm so sorry for this. But congratulations for taking the first step and asking! It really is a forward step to seek out solutions instead of trying to just wait it out.

The advice is to feel your pain for a bit. Actually, the advice is to make offerings to the negative spirits around you to appease them.

BUT I personally VERY STRONGLY disagree with this. I don't believe that we should feed the negative spirits around us when they extort us, because then we encourage them to stay around us, when really they need to leave our space.

So I convey the message because I view it as my duty to share whatever comes through. And I suppose if your tradition is different (as in your spiritual/religious tradition says feeding the negative spirits can help send them on their way), then this could be good advice.

Oh! I just realized that I do do something like this. One of my tasks in this life is to release/elevate my ancestors who are trapped on the earthly plane -- the ones who were not strong enough to elevate on their own. So I suppose this is a gift of my energy to help what could be considered negative spirits...

I still believe that making food and wine offerings (as is depicted in the card 24) to negative spirits is very dangerous though.

The next message is to put away the sharpness, like in sharp words. If you have been acting out, out of your own pain (which is understandable), then it's time to cease that, at least for a bit. Perhaps try exercise (focusing on your arms and shoulders, bc it seems to me that that is where you are carrying your tension) to release all that pent-up energy instead of expressing them verbally.

In traditional Korean culture, the magistrate's office is a very scary place. It's not about finding the balance like Justice in tarot -- basically if you get taken here, it's all over. So this is a warning that you are very close to that point. Therefore, it's important to cease with the harsh words if you can. You may need to ull yourself back from the edge in your current path.

Lastly, we have a message of hope from the base caard. The sun shines bright and orange in the sky. But also the moon rises on the right side, just at the horizon. So you are coming to an almost eclipse. The eclipse is almost upon you. And that timing will be magical, because what truer balance than the balance of the sun and moon? You are urged to prepare for this eclipse and to put away the upsets and conflicts and to make yourself ready for a new cycle.

End note: I'm really sorry that these cards and the messages are so strongly negative. Like I said above, I kind of wish that I am wrong about all of these things around you. I look forward to your feedback and hugs if the message is in fact accurate -- we have faith that you will prevail~


Hi JoJoCat

Thank you for your frank reading. I think you do an amazing job with these cards. Honestly, I'm one of those people that sometimes need strong messages, like what you have given me, to actually get me to listen properly and it seems like you have picked up on this well! I was actually thinking about needing something like this when I posted :)

You mentioned about me struggling lately and boy have I! I'll give you a bit of a run down...

Three years ago I decided to finally do some studying as an adult student. I chose a diploma in beauty and body therapy because there was no course for purely makeup artistry. However, in the two years of doing my diploma I discovered I love helping people. Particularly my massage and facial clients who would come to me with a problem that needed to be addressed. Together we could work on root causes and see wonderful results at the end.

Once I graduated, after two years of hard study, I was offered a job at the top spa in the area. There were a few hiccups to start with (predominantly with my waxing clients) but things seemed to be going well. Things went downhill from there unfortunately.

Around the time I started the other two therapists handed in their notice within weeks of each other. Then a few months later I was informed that some of the clients coming in didn't want to have me as their therapist anymore (again predominantly waxing clients). For some reason unknown to both myself and the owner my client base kept declining although she did tell me I had a small core of people who wouldn't go to anyone else. As my clients dwindled so too did my hours. But I kept at it, thinking 'if I can just get through this year it will all be ok'.

Towards the tail end of the year the owner decided to accept an offer for her business, which had come at an opportune time for her, on the proviso that the staff would keep their jobs. We all signed new employment contracts with the new owners and thought everything would carry on as normal.

A month later I was handed an envelope as I was heading out the door at the end of the day with no words other than 'oh, I need to give you this.' It was a letter stating that they were terminating my employment as I was still within the 90 day trial period. I was to finish at the end of November. Two lines. That's all I got. I cried all the way home.

Fast forward to now, four months later and I'm still looking for a job. I have definitely been on Struggle Street. I still get worked up about it all, because I feel like the last three years have almost been a waste. I try to stay positive about things though. I'm finding it hard to find where I fit though.

Hmm the self harm part could relate to me smoking. I mostly quit around October but have been smoking again while my partner has been away (he gets back tomorrow yay!) And it's funny you mention about accidents too, I was giving one of my dogs a vigorous two handed rub down last night and managed to catch my thumb nail on my other hand and gave myself a nasty cut.

I wonder if my black merlinite will help with this negativity stuff? I bought it the other day, with a couple of other crystals, because the lady in there said she had been nudged to point it out to me. I'm wondering if this, combined with what you mentioned about appeasing negative spirits, is a prompt for me to do some shadow work and get that sorted?

I had to laugh when you said that I needed to do exercises focused on my arms and shoulders. That is exactly where I hold all my tension! That's why I sometimes get headaches, or migraines when it gets too much. I have been thinking of doing some yoga again.

I'm thinking the harsh words are about myself. I tend to be self-depreciating, which sounds like is doing me no good right now. I guess it's time to step back from that edge and look at things from a different perspective. Actually I think my faerie cards have been trying to warn me about this too. They keep putting Gawatcha (sudden shock, unexpected events, rude awakenings) into other people's readings!

I love the message of hope and magical times at the end!

Thank you, again, so much for the reading, I really truly appreciate it :love:

If you ever want a reading of your own with my Faeries Oracle just say the word :love:

Faerie blessings to you!
TheFeeLion :love:


So your message came out pretty short and sweet, not like my usual wordiness. The essence is that those work colleagues will reap what they sow and punishment is coming for them (you can view it as consequences if you think punishment is too harsh). You remain mostly untouched and unaffected -- they can't really do or say anything that impacts how you are treated at work. Their drama gets wrapped up and handled and you're outside of that whirlpool.
Interestingly my messages from them are always straight to point! Things are or arent and never seem to see the benefit of extra padding!
If youre usually more talkative then id say they definitely got involved here lol. They dont beat around the bush do they ? Lol. Bless them :)

* ultimate master
* pear tree
* tiger
* harvest
base: river cruise

I read ultimate master as you remaining untouched -- see how the people try to reach him on the tree stump but he's high above them? Yes, like that.
Do you know, those last couple of weeks, i felt really strongly that they were trying to dig some dirt on me. Like getting some infos tbey could use to their advantage...just in case.
So me remaining untouched makes extra sense here. I love how holly the master looks up there on the tree lol..."thats right, no dirt on me" :D
Pear tree is interesting. In the back of the card, the man on the right makes a frowny/angry face and points a finger, while the man on the right makes a sad face. But the man in the foreground -- again -- remains untouched, just enjoying the shade and canopy of the pear tree with the ripe fruits.
So thats me keeping my job too :) the finger pointing I hope is public shaming. Those 2 women were really liked you see. Very good at playing the game you see! A lot of people are going to be upset when this comes out. They're stealing from disabled children!
Tiger and harvest came out incredibly literally -- for the punishment and harvesting what they planted. Your work colleagues will harvest the consequences of their unethical behavior. The tiger is coming for them!
I know who the Tiger is too!
Its the finance director and my God shes like the Lord of the Sith! No kidding !
I hoping they will get prosecuted i really am. What theyve done is despicable.
With base as river cruise, I see you as sailing downriver, away from all this messiness.
Thank the Lord! And thank you !
Its been so toxic going there everyday i cant tell you how angry ive been with them!
I look forward to row my boat gently down the stream and away from them :thumbsup:
So it's interesting to me that this reading came out SO LITERALLY. Not sure if this is from your ancestors -- I didn't feel them speaking to me but they may have purified/simplified the message to be sure I got it? Please do let me know your feelings~
Im feeling uplifted and reassured and vindicated! I think youre right about my Ancestors. Straight to the point is their motto ;)

Thank you very much indeed xxx



Interestingly my messages from them are always straight to point! Things are or arent and never seem to see the benefit of extra padding!
If youre usually more talkative then id say they definitely got involved here lol. They dont beat around the bush do they ? Lol. Bless them :)

Do you know, those last couple of weeks, i felt really strongly that they were trying to dig some dirt on me. Like getting some infos tbey could use to their advantage...just in case.
So me remaining untouched makes extra sense here. I love how holly the master looks up there on the tree lol..."thats right, no dirt on me" :D

So thats me keeping my job too :) the finger pointing I hope is public shaming. Those 2 women were really liked you see. Very good at playing the game you see! A lot of people are going to be upset when this comes out. They're stealing from disabled children!

I know who the Tiger is too!
Its the finance director and my God shes like the Lord of the Sith! No kidding !
I hoping they will get prosecuted i really am. What theyve done is despicable.

Thank the Lord! And thank you !
Its been so toxic going there everyday i cant tell you how angry ive been with them!
I look forward to row my boat gently down the stream and away from them :thumbsup:

Im feeling uplifted and reassured and vindicated! I think youre right about my Ancestors. Straight to the point is their motto ;)

Thank you very much indeed xxx

Haha so I def think now that your ancestors honed and simplified the message. I am generally very wordy and intuitive/figurative, so having a message come through so short and sweet and *so literally* was a big surprise. It happens infrequently, but only with a few people, perhaps from their guides/ancestors and how they speak.

Oh it makes my blood boil that people could steal from disabled children -- such a doubly vulnerable population!!! I am angry right with you~

Also LOL when I saw that Tiger card, it was like "roar roar I am angryyyyy" especially with how choppy and gray the background is!

I'm so happy that I could help you feel uplifted and reassured and vindicated. :love:


Hi JoJoCat

Thank you for your frank reading. I think you do an amazing job with these cards. Honestly, I'm one of those people that sometimes need strong messages, like what you have given me, to actually get me to listen properly and it seems like you have picked up on this well! I was actually thinking about needing something like this when I posted :)

Ahhhhh thank you so much for your kind words. I worried a fair amount bc the cards and message were so strong and with negative keywords/symbology. With your explanation, it makes a lot of sense why these energies are around it. I know it can be a struggle to stay positive when everything seems to go upstream and sideways.

And I do agree that -- if this sort of message was what you wanted when you posted , then that played into why the message came like it did.

You mentioned about me struggling lately and boy have I! I'll give you a bit of a run down...

Three years ago I decided to finally do some studying as an adult student. I chose a diploma in beauty and body therapy because there was no course for purely makeup artistry. However, in the two years of doing my diploma I discovered I love helping people. Particularly my massage and facial clients who would come to me with a problem that needed to be addressed. Together we could work on root causes and see wonderful results at the end.

Once I graduated, after two years of hard study, I was offered a job at the top spa in the area. There were a few hiccups to start with (predominantly with my waxing clients) but things seemed to be going well. Things went downhill from there unfortunately.

Around the time I started the other two therapists handed in their notice within weeks of each other. Then a few months later I was informed that some of the clients coming in didn't want to have me as their therapist anymore (again predominantly waxing clients). For some reason unknown to both myself and the owner my client base kept declining although she did tell me I had a small core of people who wouldn't go to anyone else. As my clients dwindled so too did my hours. But I kept at it, thinking 'if I can just get through this year it will all be ok'.

Towards the tail end of the year the owner decided to accept an offer for her business, which had come at an opportune time for her, on the proviso that the staff would keep their jobs. We all signed new employment contracts with the new owners and thought everything would carry on as normal.

A month later I was handed an envelope as I was heading out the door at the end of the day with no words other than 'oh, I need to give you this.' It was a letter stating that they were terminating my employment as I was still within the 90 day trial period. I was to finish at the end of November. Two lines. That's all I got. I cried all the way home.

Fast forward to now, four months later and I'm still looking for a job. I have definitely been on Struggle Street. I still get worked up about it all, because I feel like the last three years have almost been a waste. I try to stay positive about things though. I'm finding it hard to find where I fit though.

Oh, hugs. I think the "in trust there is betrayal" card is about the new owner, who you trusted to follow the spirit of the proviso the previous owner put in... but there was betrayal of that. They found a loophole, ugh.

I understand your situation from previous experience too -- after three years of law school I took a job at a very low salary -- $15,000 less in NYC than what I'd made as a paralegal in Atlanta!! And that didn't work out and I was unemployed... I questioned everything. But now, 10 years later, I regret nothing. Education can never be taken away from you. And, to look on the bright side, you learned how you love to help people -- that can also never be taken away. :heart:

Hmm the self harm part could relate to me smoking. I mostly quit around October but have been smoking again while my partner has been away (he gets back tomorrow yay!) And it's funny you mention about accidents too, I was giving one of my dogs a vigorous two handed rub down last night and managed to catch my thumb nail on my other hand and gave myself a nasty cut.

I wonder if my black merlinite will help with this negativity stuff? I bought it the other day, with a couple of other crystals, because the lady in there said she had been nudged to point it out to me. I'm wondering if this, combined with what you mentioned about appeasing negative spirits, is a prompt for me to do some shadow work and get that sorted?

I had to laugh when you said that I needed to do exercises focused on my arms and shoulders. That is exactly where I hold all my tension! That's why I sometimes get headaches, or migraines when it gets too much. I have been thinking of doing some yoga again.

I don't know much about stones, but I believe that the mind is super powerful, so if you believe it, then it will work. I tend to almost always support shadow work. It can be good to go deep into ourselves and understand ourselves better, especially our shadow selves (which are so easy to ignore because they are painful hahaha).

Physical self-care is also a good therapy for ourselves.

I'm thinking the harsh words are about myself. I tend to be self-depreciating, which sounds like is doing me no good right now. I guess it's time to step back from that edge and look at things from a different perspective. Actually I think my faerie cards have been trying to warn me about this too. They keep putting Gawatcha (sudden shock, unexpected events, rude awakenings) into other people's readings!

I love the message of hope and magical times at the end!

Thank you, again, so much for the reading, I really truly appreciate it :love:

If you ever want a reading of your own with my Faeries Oracle just say the word :love:

Faerie blessings to you!
TheFeeLion :love:

Yes -- to circle back to the power of the mind -- I think if you are harsh on yourself, then that hurts you doubly so. Kindness to ourselves is the best gift. I know personally it is so hard to do but it's a muscle -- just needs exercise like any muscle. It gets easier :heart:

Thanks for the offer for a reading! I may take you up on that in the near future! :party: