readings for feedback


Hey wind, lovely to see you.

I'm so close to purchasing some lenormand, they always seem so accurate.

If i may, please may I sit for a general reading for the next month? If that's too broad, i can narrow it.

Hey there!
Yes, the lennies are very direct, yet also very profound...a lovely set!

Let's see what happens next month for you:

28.Man - 26.Book - 13.Child

The Man card was flipping all over while I was shuffling - and here he comes again, taking the first spot! :) So it looks he will be important in the following month - and with Book and Child next to him, this suggests something closed coming up.

it seems the cards reflect your situation with this man - that will see a fresh start, a new opening, finally coming out of secrecy. I guess it is time for you to open this book :)


Hi Noni!

It seems these are testing times for you.

First I pulled an angel of atlantis card as general guidance:


This shows a sufi master dancing under the stars: you need to gave faith and confidence in yourself, be your own dances, open and free, do not let your fears or worries inhibit you. It seems that now you are in situations where your power is taken away from you in some sense, there are people who have deciding power, institutions, you feel like boxed in and worried. But don't let anyone take your personal freedom away - do your own dance, do what you have to and stay true to yourself.

As for this CEO: i asked whether he was dangerous/would he trespass any boundaries

32.Moon - 5.Tree - 8.Coffin
No, this shows him staying within the confines (Coffin) of his position (Tree). Yes, there is some feeling involved and uncertainty (Moon), but it doesn't lead anywhere inappropriate.

I opened some more cards: 25.Ring - 17.Stork - 16.Stars

This shows great developments, promising future; it seems you should get a good contract here (Ring), a fresh start (Stork), and peace and nice future (Stars). Also in the previous reading this person was showing up as strong but helpful.

In general, things are developing, so free yourself from worries and breathe. The freedom card was also indicating that you will soon be free from all this hassle. The future looks bright, so just remain calm and dance your way through it :)

good luck!

Yes! this is SUPER DUBER important for me that's why I'm anxious can't sleep can't think straight about it. I'm trying to get guidance from people about it as there is a delay in hearing back about this situation but I'm not getting anywhere.
It had potential to bring me stability which I desperately need at this stage so I'm fearful why it has not come through etc...and if I don't hear this week about it then its sort of over for now. I'll have to redo the whole process!
OK thanks, I'll try to stay calm and trust.

DS was the CEO of a company I used to work for, he likes me (sometimes it seems more that work kinda like but he's married and I'm very cautious around him as I get a sense he likes me).
This time when I met him for first time I shared a bit about me personally as my life is in a fix and I need it to move ahead so I had to share a bit of what happened to me with my degree and all and how it had impacted me.
Yes, I felt later I should not have shared I'm usually guarded person and he knew nothing about me as I keep distance in professional settings but these are unusual times and I behaved unusually.
I'm sorry Wind, can I please ask if there is any danger for me if I proceed or pursue this opportunity of working with DS?? will he harm me in some way? or something? I am worried as I've recently had bad experiences with people and I don't want more of it. Just asking as the 'fox' card seems a bit if he knows he has power then he might use it in a bad manner.

Yes, overall I think DS is a nice person and of most people in power I've met he's kind and cares for his team/ people who work for him or have worked under him.
There is also another person involved so his business partner KH....who I don't know from before but had a meeting with earlier this month that DS organised. So the system might be them discussing etc. I don't know!

OK this is good to know....get some clarity I'm so lost as I'm not sure if I.A is directly related to it but indirectly it is related hard to explain.

Ok this is great to know...I just want to be cautious and not show over enthusiasm and appear needy though I'm both hehe. I genuinely am interested in the project and its a great fit for me and vice versa. But I just want to do things right as I don't have a lot of opportunities atm and I need to make the best of what is there. DS is ready to consider me and help so I want to approach it properly.

Again, thank you for this in-depth reading it has given me a lot more clarity and confidence. I'll contact DS and share info about I.A. and take it from there.

So glad I was able to catch you :)



Thank you very much Noni, you gave me truly great readings!

Love is an issue now for me, so no wonder the cards want to talk about it :) There is a man I love in my life and I am concerned a lot as to how things will develop.
We had many issues, disputes as well, there was a lot of pain, but now it seems we have been entering a smoother phase. He hurt me very much but eventually he did start to show more signs of maturity...he has grown, as a man and a person. I have been getting Lily card a lot for him, so it seems the cards wanted to expose this issue. It is in fact true that I am more concerned with love than with money in this moment :)

We don't fight over money, nothing like that - but if he became a bigger part of my life, he would probably also help or contribute financially. Or we could even start working together in some areas. So this may also be the message.

You bring up very interesting points. I do have some friendly support, like one of them takes care of my cats while i am gone, and one of them takes me to the airport...:) But there is no financial support or closer intimacy with them. Yet, it is true that some of my friends participate in the groups I lead. Also, a lot of my money comes from leading groups and workshops. I use my talents - this also relates to the oracle card you pulled - and all that I have developed through many years of work and personal development, and yes, some of friends did abuse that. But I am in a good place now - and I am very happy to see that finances should work out and I will manage to cover everything! :)

Yes, this totally resonates - I am using my talents more and more, I am also becoming more aware of what I have accomplished already - and I am starting to develop my practice more, bring it to the higher level, attract new clients, organize new groups...also this workshop that I am going to is part of this development, a new training that I am undertaking.

This looks great, thank you! :)

This is indeed a very new thing, yes, it is a spiritual/meditative workshop/retreat. It is my baby, yes :) I am working together with a friend, we each do our parts...and I am very happy to see that this should start to work out! If we manage to do this, it can open many doors, secure my position, also help me move on a new is indeed a new beginning for me. I am very happy that it looks promising! It is also happening abroad, not in my country. And the World card indeed shows that there should be people interested!

thank you, this is great news! :)

The readings totally resonate! They are very helpful and they have me a lot of encouragment - also for my love life :)

thank you again.


I was worried if it would make sense to you or not as the cards showed they had their own mind....quite clearly haha
So GLAD it resonates. Thank you for the feedback, helps me learn and also builds my confidence a bit ;)

I also got the sense with the World card that maybe the workshop will be sold out/ houseful! :)

After reading your feedback the reading seems to flow somehow like a story that is, finances, travel all coming together somehow like pieces of a puzzle.
You're definitely on the right track with things :thumbsup:

All the best, Wind! :)


yes you are correct this affords an opportunity about what you say — about revealing mysteries in myself. they are in the end just pesky old patterns i was denying are there, and i turned them into mysteries. it is a brilliant move of deflection on my part. dealing with a deep fear is just about the scariest thing you can do. and this whole thing is about that.

and in this instance it is not about getting affirmation from a king; it is about toppling one. it’s him or me. he created that situation. it is the ugliest instantiation of authority. and i have to deal with it. and i am not equipped to deal with it. this isn’t family, or work. but it is deeply affecting my life. i am from a culture where even if i came across characters like this they wouldn’t challenge me in the same way.

but the moving forward yes. i just have be less afraid that every step hides a land mine. i wish someone was walking in front of me. but i am the one forced to be the land mine detector. i am in front and alone. yes, i am the front. it’s an awful job. but i have to do it. i have a somewhat decent team with me who do help with their expertise but i am not well trained in this. and hand holding and support still make it really difficult. there is no manual for how to do this. you usually learn to navigate this sort of thing like you acquire your mother tongue.…it is very hard tolearn to later on.

but yes i have to deal with my emotional reactions. it is amazing to me that people seek thrills that are this scary and they do. i would rather sit in a 4 walled room and look at thread roight now. lol

i was reading frankl again and it didn’t help. maybe a western will.

thank you so much! truly thoughtful and helpful.

eta: seriously i just started reading about sheriffs in the wild west. this may help! lol. i am going to see if i can do some method acting and start taking it in myself. let's see. i am going to journal about it too. thank you again. as weird as this may sound i think this may really help.

It seems that you are facing some real trials and tests...but with wit and intelligence you can come through. These may be old issues, maybe even past life issues, that you need to clear now (Clouds can refer to the 12th house of the horoscope where our deepest 'karma' is stored). So it is great cleansing now and purifying...just go with intelligence and stay strong.

good luck!


Interesting...well I am not dating right and enjoying being single. Need time for myself.. but I do once in a while thinking about having a relationship and what kind. I would like someone who is very happy and joyful/full of life. Also be nice to discover and realize new things.... been in a soul searching mode for a while now.

Be nice to meet someone who is settle down worthy.

It seems that such a person is on the way - a soul connection (Sun). So be prepared! :) It may change your life, your path and open new ones. Looks great!


hi, i would like to sit.

Q. what do i have to focus and work on this week? for to the end of April.


23.Mice - 7.Snake - 5.Tree

Mice and Snake point to some unpleasant circumstances or people - is there someone like that around you? It seems that there may be some persons who can 'take' from you, so there is need for caution. There may be something 'unhealthy' /tree in this combination/ that you need to deal with - maybe a simple situation where you are faced with some minor issue, like stress or cold and you need some medicine.

But in overall, it seems a nice, slow week, maybe you can use some time in nature (Tree) or just take time for yourself to heal. i sense you have been through some challenging situations or you have dealt with some difficult people - and now just remain calm, centred, take time to rest and seek your own healthy shelter. Avoid toxic situations and people.

I hope this resonates.


Hi Noni!

It seems these are testing times for you.

First I pulled an angel of atlantis card as general guidance:


This shows a sufi master dancing under the stars: you need to gave faith and confidence in yourself, be your own dances, open and free, do not let your fears or worries inhibit you. It seems that now you are in situations where your power is taken away from you in some sense, there are people who have deciding power, institutions, you feel like boxed in and worried. But don't let anyone take your personal freedom away - do your own dance, do what you have to and stay true to yourself.

As for this CEO: i asked whether he was dangerous/would he trespass any boundaries

32.Moon - 5.Tree - 8.Coffin
No, this shows him staying within the confines (Coffin) of his position (Tree). Yes, there is some feeling involved and uncertainty (Moon), but it doesn't lead anywhere inappropriate.

I opened some more cards: 25.Ring - 17.Stork - 16.Stars

This shows great developments, promising future; it seems you should get a good contract here (Ring), a fresh start (Stork), and peace and nice future (Stars). Also in the previous reading this person was showing up as strong but helpful.

In general, things are developing, so free yourself from worries and breathe. The freedom card was also indicating that you will soon be free from all this hassle. The future looks bright, so just remain calm and dance your way through it :)

good luck!

THANK YOU! for this reassuring reading Wind :heart:

I'm scared and terrified of being hurt, my confidence and faith has taken a long steep dip.
Its like no one is listening to me and there is a sense of that I need to accept the helplessness of the human condition and develop trust. You've described how I'm feeling "boxed in" seriously that's the feeling. Yes, I've no power, no money, no job, no friends really except my family who I'm depending on atm.

I know DS is a nice person, he has a good heart but people with power scare me....power can corrupt the best. So thanks for checking on it for me. It will help me relax around him more if we have another meeting.

Glad to know that there are good things in store, I just need a break to get back on my feet. So work is the key to my freedom in so many ways.

What can I say, bless you Wind :heart:

Best wishes


Hi Wind, I'd like to sit, if I may?

I'd like some advice about a house move, please.

Thank you. :)

32.Moon - 8.Coffin - 31.Sun

This seems to be pretty straightforward - you will move, start fresh. The Sun may indicate when the season is sunny or you will move to a sunny place...But your past (Moon), where ever you find yourself now, is concluding (Coffin).

Are you moving from your natal place/house? Asking this because of the Moon - it could suggest birth place or home/family.

It may be that you have contemplating this move for a while, there is a need or even emotional investment in this (Moon), but it will happen, and it will be a very positive transition.

Does this resonate?


32.Moon - 8.Coffin - 31.Sun

This seems to be pretty straightforward - you will move, start fresh. The Sun may indicate when the season is sunny or you will move to a sunny place...But your past (Moon), where ever you find yourself now, is concluding (Coffin).

Are you moving from your natal place/house? Asking this because of the Moon - it could suggest birth place or home/family.

It may be that you have contemplating this move for a while, there is a need or even emotional investment in this (Moon), but it will happen, and it will be a very positive transition.

Does this resonate?

Oh, this sounds wonderful! Thank you!!

Moving when the weather gets warm again makes a lot of sense - I would like to move by the end of the year (the summer here in the southern hemisphere) so the Sun makes sense in that regard. :)

Good to hear that where we find ourselves now (from the past to now - Moon) is coming to an end (Coffin). That does confirm that our decision is more than just wishful thinking. Phew!

You asked about moving away from family/where I was born. In fact, I did that some years ago and I miss my home country and my family there very much, although I am grateful for all we have here in our new home, too.

Thank you so much for the reading. This makes me feel very hopeful for the future.

Many blessings to you. :)


Hey there!
Yes, the lennies are very direct, yet also very profound...a lovely set!

Let's see what happens next month for you:

28.Man - 26.Book - 13.Child

The Man card was flipping all over while I was shuffling - and here he comes again, taking the first spot! :) So it looks he will be important in the following month - and with Book and Child next to him, this suggests something closed coming up.

it seems the cards reflect your situation with this man - that will see a fresh start, a new opening, finally coming out of secrecy. I guess it is time for you to open this book :)

Thanks wind.

I love seeing how logically these cards come together in a reading.

I'll let you know at the end of the month. I would very much believe this could be correct, i only have one month left attending uni so it's a busy time for me, typically things would restart with him then.

You pulled the child before regarding him, it would make sense for things to change suddenly.

Thanks! I hope you're well, wind.