Regarding Long Distance Tarot Readings


sammyofnyc said:
Hi Everyone,

This is Sam and as you may know already I have several oracles cards and 1 tarot deck called the Quest Tarot which I really like a lot.

Well my question pertains to readings. Now of course I know that generally speaking the querent or the person asking for the reading should touch the cards and shuffle them. Every LWB says that. And the purpose of course is for the querent to impart his or her energy to the cards so that cards will respond to them although the reader is supposed to do the interpretation and perhaps provide some positive words of wisdom.

My question concerns remote or long distance readings. If you are reading for someone that is unable to touch/shuffle the cards let's say because they are based in another city or state for example and you do a reading for them and you send the results let's say by email, since the querent did not touch the cards is the reading really accurate for that person?

Can you really trust the results of the reading? I thought that it was the energy given off by the querent when they shuffled the cards and concentrated on their question (s) which made the cards reveal what is in store for the querent.

I know many people would say well a long distance reading is better than having nothing at all and I suppose that is true but I don't think that really addresses this issue in a substantial manner and provides an answer which I consider convincing. In my mind energy and the vibrations given off, especially through touch, is very powerful. The cards like crystal are receptors of this energy and respond to the energy of person touching it. In my mind this process is crucial. Am I correct in saying this? Or does it really matter at all?

This question has always bothered me. I hope someone can share their wisdom with me and other people in this wonderful forum regarding this question.

Thanks to everyone for your help...

How Tarot reading works at all is a bit of a mystery. No one knows for sure how Tarot works. It certainly does work, and yes long distance readings work well too.

I ONLY do long distance readings, and have a Tarot business where I do readings by e-mail. I never ask more of the querent than their first name and if the question is about someone else, their first name or initials.

I am not sure your premise is correct that "generally speaking the querent or asking for the reading should touch the cards." And something is not a "Tarot law" just because it shows up in LWB's. Actually one of the most fascinating thing about Tarot is that there really ARE no rules that you need to follow or it will not work. What works best for one person will not be what works best for you. What works best for you will not be what works best for someone else. It's a matter of experimenting and finding out for yourself what works for you and what doesn't. And keeping what works and letting go of what doesn't.

That being said. No the querent does not at all need to touch the cards, or even to be in the same country where the reading is being done. It is certainly possible to get VERY accurate readings without that.

There are many views on this, as no one really know for sure and can proove how Tarot works, but my personal view of how it works is that I do not connect AT ALL to the querent's energy. Nor do I try to. That is not the way I read.

I personally try to connect with my higher powers (in my eyes my angels). They know all, and when I ask about the querent they are able transmit that answer back to me through the cards. To me why would I want to connect to the querent's energy (humans have feelings that can get in the way of seeing their seeing clearly), when instead I can connect to something all knowing, and all seeing that can always see clearly.

That is my view anyway of how it works, but yes it does work to read remotely and it works very well too. I'm often told my readings are "scary accurate" and I never read in person.

That and I don't like others touching my decks either. I know what you mean Sammy.



This thread is very informative. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was wondering about the accuracy of distance readings as well. But the few readings that I've done are quite a success so I guess trusting yourself and your inner guides are very important.