REVERSALS: The Three's Reversed


Three's are about new growth, a time of stability, of something finally finding a direction and moving in that direction. They are the baby or birth of a baby, if you will, a third added to the two to create a very solid triangle. Reversed....

3/Swords: Upright is one of those dreaded cards as it speaks of betrayal, of hurtful things said. In this case, our third is a third wheel and the other two are not being nice to it. Often a card suggesting that the querent is being cheated on--and will find out about it. Painfully. So is it better reversed?

Alas, no. This is a good card for the "upsidedown" interpetation. Rightside up, the blood (or poison) drains out of the pierced heart. But turn it over and there is no draining out. The Heart sinks down on those swords, firmly embedded, no relief.

What's important about the 3/swords is not just the pain--but that something is finally out in the open. Those other two swords are NOT your friends, the card tells you. But turn it upsidedown and the friendship continues. The querent suffers and suffers, but gets no relief. What has come out into the open, what has been said, changes nothing. I liken this to "Whose Afraid of Virgina Woolf"--people who keep hurting each other, having affairs to hurt each other. They yell and insult and humiliate and nothing is ever resolved. They just inflict pain.

3/Wands: Waiting for ships to come in, this card promises the payoff for that initial investment of energy. Your good choice brings rewards. Reversed, however, and you get, I think, a blocked interpetation. A delay in the pay off, or, if really opposite, the ships have sunk. The anticipated reward is not or cannot come your way.

3/Cups: Celebration, sisterhood, joy. Reverse this and our dancing ladies loose all the liquid in their cups. I read this as a celebration gone sour. Sisters bitching at each other, jealous or hurtful rather than loving.

Remember also that one of the most negative thing about cups is that they can stand for indulgence in sloth, food, liquor or drugs. So this could suggest a party where things go wrong because people drink too much or take drugs.

3/Pents: The craftsman shows off his work to an interested patron. Hard work, craftsmanship, create an interest in the business, investments. Reversed however, the card would indicate that there is a block--no one is interested, or the economy is such that none can afford to invest.

The reversed card might also be a warning to the craftsman himself, a suggestion that his work has been sloppy, not up to high standards that would win him investors. There might be some question as to whether he is putting a true effort into this business. Likewise, if the card stands for health--this could indicate a person who is not giving a real effort to an exersize program and this is why he's not seeing any real results.

Other thoughts?

Lady Orchard

also maybe....3 cups reversed - friends letting you down for whatever reason, not being there when you need them

3 pents rev - focusing on the little details rather than seeing the bigger picture - getting bogged down and so not making any progress

3 wands rev - channelling your energy in the wrong direction somehow. or stifled or frustrated creativity

thanks again for this series Thirteen, it's really got my mind working as I don't read with reversals yet as a rule!


Thirteen said:
3/Cups: Celebration, sisterhood, joy. Reverse this and our dancing ladies loose all the liquid in their cups. I read this as a celebration gone sour. Sisters bitching at each other, jealous or hurtful rather than loving.

This is a very interesting interpretation... I had this card come up reversed for the first time recently and was momentarily stumped! This interpretation makes sense to me :)


KaiMoonshadow said:
This is a very interesting interpretation... I had this card come up reversed for the first time recently and was momentarily stumped! This interpretation makes sense to me :)
Got sisters, eh? ;) I should have added that the ladies could also stand for female friends, cousins, relatives, not just sisters. And even, should the situation warrant it, male buddies you meet at pub or bar for a drink. It's really about those who you would normally want to share you most intimate moments with; reversed being those times when it's almost agonizing to share such moments with these folk ("Oh, Gawd! Do I have to have lunch with my mother and sister and get asked again why I'm not married and having kids yet?").


Thirteen said:
Got sisters, eh? ;) ("Oh, Gawd! Do I have to have lunch with my mother and sister and get asked again why I'm not married and having kids yet?").

Oh my! You've struck a chord with this one.

Also with the three of pentacles reversed, I did a reading for someone once who was extremely creative and good at what they do. But when under a particular consignment, their creativity felt squashed with the demands of society and tradition His creative, spontaneous spirit felt controlled and overwhelmed with sadness. The work which was eventually completed did not please him. What should have taken him two months to complete, took four. He felt that his inner self , his spirit that so wanted to consciously project itself out had become dis-membered from the body/mind connection. He did get eventaully get paid for the job ( as quoted for the 2 months - he lost 2 months of pay working on it) but it didn't fill the void he felt deep inside.



Yesterday I did a reading for myself and the Three of Swords came up reversed as an ACTION card, an instruction for me to DO something to get through my situation.

It happens that I had to split from my boyfriend of 2 & 1/2 years this weekend (and, yes, another woman was involved)...

But intuitively I would have thought I would want to AVOID prolonged heartbreak, not CONTINUE with it as the reversed meaning would suggest! Or does it mean that we have to stay friends (which we agreed to do), even though it hurts?

Any suggestions to what it means?


hi there jam
i dont know what 3 swords reversed means in your reading but that aside if youre bf has started up with someone new and youre still raw and in pain i dont think its a good idea to be friends just now/have contact - will just prolong your pain i think
maybe in the future when youre really clear of him and only if you want to remain friends then
think i just answered my own question - 3 of swords reversed could mean the prolonging of pain by not making that hard decision to cut clean from something
someone will come on in a minute and explain it properly
take care ((((hugs))))
it sucks i know xxx :(


JAM said:
Yesterday I did a reading for myself and the Three of Swords came up reversed as an ACTION card, an instruction for me to DO something to get through my situation.

It happens that I had to split from my boyfriend of 2 & 1/2 years this weekend (and, yes, another woman was involved)...

But intuitively I would have thought I would want to AVOID prolonged heartbreak, not CONTINUE with it as the reversed meaning would suggest! Or does it mean that we have to stay friends (which we agreed to do), even though it hurts?

Any suggestions to what it means?
The 3 of swords is a card of severance and necessary cutting, reversed could be suggesting that you are still struggling and in denial, trying to stay in a relationship from which no good can come.


JAM said:
Yesterday I did a reading for myself and the Three of Swords came up reversed as an ACTION card, an instruction for me to DO something to get through my situation.
So this card is suppose to stand for what you SHOULD do, rather than should not do? Hm.

It does seem to be suggesting that you remain friends, but that doesn't sound like a good idea to me either.

Tell ya what...put out the reversed 3/swords, shuffle the deck, and ask it to elaborate on what this card means regarding what action you should take. Lay out at least one clarification card. See if that clears up the message.

I can see two possibilties: either it wants you to find a way to turn that card right-side-up and end the pain, or there is some important good that can come from sucking it up and remaining friends with this guy, even if you don't see it right now.


I know that this is an unconventional meaning but the 3 of Swords repeatedly comes up in situations of infertility for me.
So in your case JEM it would mean to me that the situation is sterile and there is no use putting any more energy into it because it can not produce any desired outcome for you.