Searching for Minchiate Al Leone


I just ordered this a few days ago.. it looks absolutely lovely. Funny how something like this can reappear after five years!


Yes, I bought one from this seller. He sends with tracking & confirmation to the US.

The deck is a sweetheart and I'm glad to have it. It is in my view at exactly the right level of production quality--nice and clear, but not so fancy that you can't imagine a bunch of guys sitting around a table playing with them.


Delight and tell you why...

I have a sweet inscription in my first Minchiate book as if a friendly soul knew me in person...and the second book that I have -- although in Italian-- is I'll Tarrochino di Bologna with a gentle inscription from one of the writers. The book has color illustrations of Al Leone Bolognese in the same green, orange and bluish black that sounds hideous, but in context is rather pretty and oldish, with some delicacy hinted among the coloring flotsum and blurring...

And my seven dollar deck? Even if plastic coated, even in reproduction,, it does not hide...the cards say proudly "Carte Fine in Bologna".

I sketched my first reading...Capricorn, 5 of Cups and Queen of Cups. Vigor (Cap)...union achieved but still imperfect (5C)...creative, emotionally sensitive, capable of profound empathy (QC).

Definitely not a run of the mill deck and charming for it's age and flaws.

Hope you all are also finding your Minchiate a good deck...and after thinking about it, I did obtain another used Minchiate book-deck for reference--and it arrived the same day I picked up my Al Leone this week.

Happy deck daze,



I received mine just recently and I love it! The cards are a smaller size, especially nice in a 97 card deck :).

I have one question, though: is anyone else's deck 'shedding'? When I shuffle them, it seems that I'm left with little flecks of paper that almost look like dandruff. I'm hoping this will go away with time, as all the loose edges flake off.. or will it always shed like this?


Tiny and only with riffle shuffling

My husband had to riffle shuffle...which is not normal for me.

I am not certain but there were sometimes new bargain decks I came across with a tendency to gather specks of paper and a glossy finish might have static...I have hay fever, but am not affected by the very light particles we saw.

But I do not know how this affects you. Thanks for bringing this upan because I am not certain I would have ever noticed. I have this wrapped in a new white handkerchief in a white bag with a small pattern, so I would have thought it was bits from my new thready bag.

