Self-portrait in your deck?


Not done a deck with people in it - yet. But if I do, I'll probbly be the Moon and the High Priest, and my partner the Sun and the Magician.


Judgement card on The Fey Tarot.


HudsonGray Mine were all ferrets or cats, no people in either one.


You know, I've never really thought about it. Most of what I had done so far is just symbols of the aspects of life, no people yet. But now I know it's going to stick in my head in case I do put in cards with people. I don't know that I will do a self-portrait because I'm not certain how comfortable I am with the idea, unless it was a personal card just for my own use in readings.


HudsonGray said: Mine were all ferrets or cats, no people in either one.

Well... for all intent and purposes, how can i be sure you are not a ferret or a cat?
Internet always creates doubts of this sort in me ^_^



RiccardoLS said:
Well... for all intent and purposes, how can i be sure you are not a ferret or a cat?
Internet always creates doubts of this sort in me ^_^


Darn, outed!


Okay, okay, I am the Empress in the Baroque Bohemian Cats - the one hiding behind the fan and yes, my fur needed brushing that day (everyone can have a bad fur day, right?)


Dammit! How's he KNOW!!!?

What's your address Riccardo, I'll send you a hairball.