Sensual Goddess Tarot (deck on etsy)

Laura Borealis

Wow, I didn't know that Russ Meyer and Doreen Virtue have an illegitimate child :D

LOL! Best comment in the thread.

I don't know, it doesn't seem pornographic to me. Or just barely soft-core. You know why they call it soft-core... because it doesn't get you hard ;) It's pretty cheesy, totally airbrushed, and those implants scare me but nah. Not what I'd call porn.

I will say though, the bare @ss on the 6 of Swords really cracks me up... :D

On a side note, I think it's almost all one model, in a bunch of different wigs.


I'd buy this deck, simply because it is so trashy. :D

It's totally soft porn. When they want the women looking hot, they put her in denim short shorts. In the 10cups she wears a long, outmoded, out dated frock.

From what I can see, it looks like three models and they interchange them.

Laura Borealis

The main model appears to be the photographer's wife and business partner. Oleanna Potter and Frederick Potter.

I just don't get the porn accusations and especially the prostitute accusations. There's nothing about it that suggests that to me. Sexual acts are not depicted. I saw a naughty little cleft or two, but it's utterly tame compared to what you could see just by taking Safe Search off in your Google Images.

I won't buy it - I already have a nudie deck, the Cosmic Tribe. Penises galore! You'll put your eye out, kid!


According to the box, he (Frederick) is responsible for photography and photo art, while she (Oleanna) is the Sensual Goddess. So I believe she is all of the women in the deck. It's unclear if he is the male pictured throughout the deck.

Snippets from the LWB include:
The artwork in the Sensual Goddess Tarot Deck is designed to evoke powerful emotional responses in the reader to allow them to tap into the feminine energy that resides within us all. In order to do this, we have embraced the feminine goddess aspect by celebrating the female archetype as openly as possible. We would strongly object to any classification of these cards as being "erotic".
The images in the cards are symbols that touch the deep emotional aspects of the reader to enable the reader to open themselves to the subtle messages that may be directed towards them. In this regard, the depiction of the feminine aspect must fully embrace the female energy and form, and do so without compromise.
We believe that the images that have been created for these cards are artistic, beautiful and tasteful. It is our hope that this deck... will also offer great works of art that will become iconic in the Tarot community and sought after by collectors of fine art.


Oh my goodness, fine art? artistic and tasteful? great works of art? becoming iconic and sought after?
What planet is this man on to think this deck will be a collectors item. As the saying goes "you must be having a laugh". Poor deluded man.


And worse, a good example of anorexia mixed with silicone.

I ask again: Where do you see signs of _anorexia_? Because I really don't.

There isn't a single ounce of "chub" anywhere there. I don't hold that "model" of femininity to a high standard. It's unrealistic.

And that, RunningWild, is slimness, not anorexia.
Anorexia is something entirely different. It's a sickness, a disorder that kills people if left untreated. Please do not use the word "anorexia" to mean "thinner than I personally like", because that is not what it means, it is devaluating and blurring the meaning of the word.
Anorexic does NOT mean slim or thin (not even very thin). Being thin is not the same as being anorexic, even if anorexia can lead to a person being thin. But they are still _two different things_.
Looking at the people in the images, that is really not what a person suffering from anorexia looks like at the stage where you could tell they have it.

If you use "anorexic" in stead of "thin", you are not helping the real people who suffer from anorexia, on the contrary, you are doing them harm by blurring the meaning of the word.

And by using the word of a severe disorder to decribe the bodies of people who happen to have a body thinner than your own ideal, you are in fact saying that you think they must have something wrong with them, or that their bodies look sick and ugly.
How is that any better than saying chubby people are ugly and should diet?

And as for your comment on that "model" of femininity being unrealistic: well, apart from the obvious wigs, makeup, and climbing mountains in high heels...

No. Really no. I know a lot of people who look kind of like that (except for the XL breasts), people who don't have "a single ounce of chub anywhere", and who look that way not because of disease or dieting, but because they... just happened to turn out like that. Like some people turn out tall, or short, hairy, smooth, broad-shouldered, brown, or really really pale. It's one of many varieties well within the range of what is normal and healthy for human beings.
So calling that kind of body type "unrealistic" is saying what again? That a person shouldn't look like that? Can't look like that? That it's impossible or wrong to look like that? Offensive to common taste (or yours)? Again, how is that any better than telling a chubbier person that _their_ body is wrong because _you_ don't like it?

I get that you are fed up with the narrow ideals of femininity, and you don't like the art, but these are not drawings. They are photos of real people. Real people out there have these bodies – or bodies like these – and you are telling them that they are sick and their bodies wrong. You are allowed to have your opinion, but please think about what you are saying. You are using hurtful, degrading, and judgmental language about people's bodies, thus reinforcing the notion that a woman's body is not her own but something that should be up for scrutiny and judgment by strangers. Body-shaming is a serious issue that causes a lot of pain in people, if you don't like it happening to you, please don't do it towards others.

I'm insulted by it as well and won't be purchasing it. And, fyi, many here HAVE created their own decks.

Okay. Firstly: fyi – I know that, I'm neither new here nor stupid, so you don't need to lecture me on that.
Secondly: please read what I wrote: I didn't say NOBODY has made a deck here, but there are a lot of members and many (I'm going to make a _real wild guess_ and even say MOST who have been at the forum at one time or another) have not. Because it's a lot of work.
I get that you don't like that the deck exists, but I don't get why you found it necessary to snap at me when I have nothing to do with that. Please don't do that.


Im Young, 20 years old to be exact. I have nothing against this Deck.
But when i read the Title Sensual Godess Deck. I was excited. Ive been looking for a Deck w All the Godesses or different forms of what could embrace a womens sensuality.
But i do not condisder this Art or Spirtual at all. I did not feel embraced. Or like its Natural.

Ive always had Body image issues and this just made me nit pick at myself again. W the Huge Boobs. And thin Bodies. (The message the came across to me from this is You could only be considered attractive or sensual if you look this certain way)

I see more of a sensual Goddess in all body types but a lil more meat and curve to them. So i agree w the No chubb being unatural. Im not saying thin isnt but all these images or 2 models in different wigs in costumes isnt they looked to posed (obviously) Plus they should have used different ethnicies/cultures to be more true to what they claim. Not only that. They all have the same facial expressions

To me this is soft core porn too, it looks more for a guy

Fyi i find this to be actually degrading to women and as a joke how theyre at service for the males in this deck for Porny Look to me lol. Its not embracing at all and i agree it looks cheap and tacky


I don't hate this deck. Not that I have it. I agree with oddity all the way.

What I want to know is what it is doing on etsy. I thought that was set up for handcrafted items, which this IS NOT. Has it just become the new ebay ?


The main model appears to be the photographer's wife and business partner. Oleanna Potter and Frederick Potter.

I just don't get the porn accusations and especially the prostitute accusations. There's nothing about it that suggests that to me. Sexual acts are not depicted. I saw a naughty little cleft or two, but it's utterly tame compared to what you could see just by taking Safe Search off in your Google Images.

I won't buy it - I already have a nudie deck, the Cosmic Tribe. Penises galore! You'll put your eye out, kid!

Hey hey hey... I said "might as well have been" prostitutes for the way the "art" was speaking to me in the 5 of Pentacles. The card is about "lack", and I doubt the homeless are going to look so good with their fake breasts. So I can definitely see a lack of spiritual values and a lack of clothes here... definitely easy to make that transition in the card to mean "prostitute" -as a card meaning-.

I could be cool with some naked stuff... even if it's in some erotic pose... but that doesn't mean I'd buy it anyway, as I've got little wandering eyes to consider. (And this stuff IS erotic, I'm not sure how they could deny that -- the girl is a better fit for a Playboy magazine, not a tarot deck.) But it's ALL OVER these cards and I feel like the point was actually missed a lot with individual card meanings and some of the spiritual meaning was just slimed on and overcome with it and totally transformed (like, homeless=prostitute now as an example of the impression I got from looking at this "art" with the meanings I already know). I don't think I'm being unreasonable, this is how their art is coming across... it's a bit insulting to the spirit of tarot, because they took something very bold and slapped it into some cards -- that's how it feels to me. Sure, the model may have taken the same stance as a character in the card... but I'm still left wondering how much is actually known about the tarot here, with this deck. And just by wondering that, I feel this deck is out of balance and poorly executed.