Sexual Prudes


Grigori said:
Of course if you're using the Thoth deck, its rather a lot harder to find a card that would describe any kind of sex would be "icky" ;)
It would probably have to be a badly aspected or reversed card in the Thoth deck.

But it does raise an interesting point. I wonder how many people share the moral values of their favourite deck?


SirRushing said:
Nothing from minor arcanas?
9 pents......Just takes care of herself. :D

Ana's Song

RWS Four of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, even the Five of Swords.


SirRushing said:
minor arcana suggest a person who thinks that sex is icky, yucky, nasty, disgusting, or shameful?
If you think of the sex as the cup being offered, then I can see the body language of the guy in the RWS 4 Cups and the facial expression of the guy in the Robin Wood 4 Cups representing the above.


SirRushing said:
What major and minor arcana suggest a person who thinks that sex is icky, yucky, nasty, disgusting, or shameful? And only should be used for procreation purposes. LOL

You have really asked two questions...there are some whom feel sex is icky without only being used for procreation purposes, and there are those who feel that sex is great but only should be used for procreation, or they feel both icky and only used for procreation. If it is just icky, disgusting thing, The Empress reversed, Queen of Pentacles reversed.

If just being used for procreation, many have suggested the Heirophant, which depending on your community's values and virtures it could vary.

Example: my daughters have been brought up in the West LA area, there isn't much that will raise an eyebrow for them. For me reading the Heirophant for them would be more open, such as gay marriage is and should be accepted. When dealing with my nephew from Indiana, seeing two men holding hands is not acceptable from his religious up bringing, so the hierophant has a whole new meaning to the way his community rules are, it is just not accepted or tolerated. So in this case sex would be icky, discusting, and not for procreation, this would be how I would read the heiophant for him.

I think in order for me to come up with your question as asked, I would need a combination of cards..heriophant with the empress reversed (as an example.)

Glass Owl

My first instinct would be to say the Hierophant. I suppose he could be having sex because it is the "proper" thing to do when you are married or trying to get pregnant. Or he isn't doing it because it is wrong and breaks a rule.

I can see the Hermit or the 9 of Pentacles as representing someone who likes being alone and it is happy that way.

214red said:
HP she might think about it, but with all those clothes she is wrapped into, she doesnt do it
She isn't one to kiss and tell so who knows, there's plenty she keeps under wraps. If she is having sex though, she would have to be doing it to gain knowledge of some kind. Kama Sutra comes to mind.


I do not think The HP are virginal in physical sence. She is The Lady on the walburgsnight after all.


The Hanged Man doesn't looks very interested in sex...


214red said:
HP she might think about it, but with all those clothes she is wrapped into, she doesnt do it
the victorian romantic HP would have sex I'd think.


Inana said:
The Hanged Man doesn't looks very interested in sex...
Funny given his ability to look outside the norm I would've said he's quite pro sex even a little kinky.