Sexual Prudes


the queen of swords doesn't strike me as one that really enjoys sex.

The page of cups would see sex as icky only because the page is too immature yet to understand sex.


I think I agree with the QoS, too cerebral to be interested in the physical sometimes :)


the pages I don't think would find sex icky they just wouldn't get it - maybe the PoPents might...physical and earthy etc


In the thoth, the fire courts tend to be described as bigoted and closed minded in their ill dignified state. Take psychological projection for example. Perhaps, ill-dignified, they loathe their inherent sexual fiery nature that they seek the lascivious in others and actively denounce it in order to absolve themselves of that which they recognize and hate within themselves. It always seems that the sexually repressed and outwardly seeming prudes are the biggest closet-kinks on the face of the earth. Only a matter of time before they implode from all that sexual tension within.

Heirophant definitely. Religious hierarchy, social norms, conservative behavior and family values and traditions...

In certain circumstances I can see the hermit as a sexual prude. Not so much in a judgmental state but more of an ascetic abstinence kind of way... Like a Buddhist monk.


Hanged Man

SarahRacheal said:
Funny given his ability to look outside the norm I would've said he's quite pro sex even a little kinky.
Our views differ a bit in this one...
I see him so inactive and inmerse in reflection, with his mind levitating... Seems there is not many room for sex in his interests. :rolleyes:
The kinky bit goes for the rope?


Inana said:
The Hanged Man doesn't looks very interested in sex...
He only likes to watch. ;)


Nytebugg said:
the queen of swords doesn't strike me as one that really enjoys sex.

Are you kidding? She's a Queen regardless of her element... she had to make those Knights and Pages somehow. I see the Queen of Swords as a dominatrix type actually.


Starlight09 said:
Are you kidding? She's a Queen regardless of her element... she had to make those Knights and Pages somehow. I see the Queen of Swords as a dominatrix type actually.
good point. she's always seems more detached to me though in most cards. kind of aloof and above it all. that could play into being in more of the in command role in the bedroom.


Hanged Man

Thirteen said:
He only likes to watch. ;)
Good point! Haven't thought of that.


Inana said:
The Hanged Man doesn't looks very interested in sex...
*The Hanged Man is into S&M. Loves being tied up. Please...he's very interested in sex...but has a different perspective on what's sexy. :p

*I think of Justice as a possible prude. Look at her, raising the sword to whomever may approach her: "Touch me and I'll cut it off!" :laugh:

*5 of Pentacles isn't very interested in sex: "Not tonight. I have a headache".

*6 of Swords is feeling too low for sex. He/she keeps moving closer to the edge of the bed, "Can we just talk instead?"

*8 of Cups is always looking (rarely finding) for the ideal sex partner...he/she has commitment issues.

*7 of Wands fights sexual advances with a stick - literally.

Of the court one comes to mind as prudish - they just each approach sex differently:

Page of Cups likes kissing a whole lot.
Page of Pentacles wants to be shown the ropes from someone experienced.
Page of Swords Googles all kinds of moves and asks a lot of questions in the act.
Page of Wands has a lot of 'casual' dating situations.

Knight of Cups has alcohol-induced sex...then cries after the alcohol has worn off. Everyone he/she sleeps with will feel like "The One".
Knight of Pentacles wears his lover down with his persistance, until she gives in. The "missionary style" is his version of kinky.
Knight of Swords has angry sex, a la Stanley Kowalski in A 'Streetcar Named Desire' ("Stellaaaaaaa!")
Knight of Wands is a party boy/girl with a lover in every port...and lots of one-night stands.

Queen of Cups turns into Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction after sex (read: bunny boiler). :laugh:
Queen of Pentacles has a steady lover, but could easily be a courtesan.
Queen of Swords loves 'em and leaves 'em...she wants sex, but not the emotional ties.
Queen of Wands has multiple lovers, sometimes in a group!

King of Cups really gets into it when he loves you...and still finds you sexy on your 50th anniversary
King of Pentacles is sensual, sexy, earthy, and experimental...and he'll serve you breakfast in bed afterwards.;)
King of Swords is wham, bam...and back to his regularly scheduled life.
King of Wands is dynamic, passionate, romantic and will whisper sweet nothings in your ear. And yea, he'll cheat on you with his mistress. :p

At least, that's how I imagine some of the cards where sex is involved.

GA :)