Should I make the offer?


A lot of the time when I get a new deck that the owner of my metaphysics shop dosn't carry, I show it to her. And there's been a few times where I've walked in and there it is, sitting on the shelf waiting to be sold. So I'm thinking I'm doing something right.

Also, along those lines, she does respect me as a reader. She knows I know what I'm talking about when it comes to the tarot and likewise admits that I know far more than she does. She's very much willing to listen to what I have to say.

I DO like your idea of inviteing her over for tea and discuss things though. It's deffinitely worth a try.

6 Haunted Days

This is actually something very similar that happened to me when I moved to VT a couple years ago and found the local "new age" shop. She had a couple decks, and when I asked her if she ever got in any other kinds she seemed in "there are others'? :laugh: Well we got to talking and I now I pretty much keep her informed on what new decks are hot, up and coming, aren't doing well..unusual, you name it!

Sometimes when I'm hanging out there, others come in looking for decks and I help them out...asking the right questions etc...just giving them my knowledge and experience and the owner really appreciates it! I've sold many many of her decks and books this way. It's fun all around. She gives me discounts and saves me autographed/advanced copies of tarot and oracle decks.

It can certainly turn into a great give and take for everyone!

Briar Rose

HearthCricket, oh do be very careful. Like you I have a big heart and want to help. But unless you CLEARLY 100% define what you will do for them, and then what you expect 100% in return (on a time frame) don't do it.

I have been in this retail situation many many times, and it's a total energy drain in the end if things aren't clearly defined.

From my experience, those private little shops seem so nice on the outside, but I have been used and abused and walk out with way less than I gave, or get nothing for that matter. And they make all the money.

Ya'll remember how sick I was this summer, and through the fall???? What do you think caused all of my illnesses??? Being used by shop owners. I WAS a retail consultant. No more now.

Sure, it's fun for awhile , but really think about it, you do all that teaching and spend your time helping someone grow, learning from you...draining you of all your knowledge and you get hardly nothing while they reap all the benefits!

Then the same type of shops charges $25.00 for a 2 hour class on this and that, and the teachers get a big hunk of that money.

YOU the knowledge giver gets a $5.00 box of incense. It wasn't free, you paid dearly for it.


Average class; 5 students at $25.00 a piece for each 2 hour class, at 5 classes that's $625, and usually it's a 40/60% spilt and the teachers get 40%. At least that is how it's up here. Even if it's a 50.50 spilt, teachers get paid dearly for their TIME and knowledge.

Please don't see me being harsh. I offer a big hug, really I do. But I have had enough in the using department.

I rather share here, give here, but no more shop abuse.

HearthCricket wrote: quote

"I also taught them little tricks as to how to memorize the various stones they have, since they also didn't know all of them, so we had a fun visit all around! ( And I got a free box of Nag Champa in the process!!)"

And that's all you got???????????????????????????
Excuse me for sounding selfish, but again, this woman got the better end of the deal.


"She was doing some inventory on new stones that had come in and some jewelry."

After you gave her the list she should have given you a pair of earrings worth at least $30.00. That is how precious your time and knowledge would have been to me!

I know I will probably be shoned and frowned and looked down on, but from my experience, I have been in the same situation, and got so sick from being used.


HearthCricket said:
I think she would take it in a good way. Maybe not the part where I would love a store credit! Maybe I should just have her over and show her my collection and make a friend and leave money out of it.
came to this thread a bit late, but I think this is a great idea. If you help her out like this, maybe she'll come to the idea herself of thanking you for your kindness and gift you a discount. If not, trust me, payment will come back to you one day. A good deed done never goes unnoticed! Plus, your beautiful home, that alone will make her feel good to be invited to tea there, (mentioned in your original post)! Learning about tarot will be just icing on the cake for her in my opinion!

oops! now that i've read the whole thread, i see you already gave her a list! good for you HC, that was a lovely thing to do! however, think about inviting her over for tea---the pics i've seen of your home are so lovely--i bet that will really make her day! and, you are very sweet to be thinking about continuing to help her out HC. Bravo!


Solitaire* said:
Just remember that it's their shop and they have their own vision for it, which may not match your vision of what you think it should be. Sometimes what seems like a warm, friendly reception one time can turn into a cold shoulder the next time.

Got to say I wholeheartedly agree with Solitaire* here.

It sounds like a wonderful time is being had by all just now, and that's great, long may it continue but do watch your back.

You're a loving, caring, giving lady so please be careful that no advantage is taken.



I must say Heaven's Vault"s post is more my way of thinking. You put in the effort they get the $30 per hour. I am finished with being a volunteer anywhere. Let's just say experience and save a lot of words.
Now I do my helping directly, if and when I feel like it.

It is very good to have such a nice store and pleasant surroundings near you.
I hope it all goes very well for you as you are a nice lady with great taste !


Actually, it was fun, but it isn't like I have to report in and ever do this again! Right now I would be happy to make friends in the process rather than worry about money and if I ever felt they were putting any pressure on me, I would simply say no. I am not afraid of NO! I have been through stressy jobs where I did get paid, quite well, but this is very different. I helped out in a friendly manner, but I don't expect this to be an ongoing thing. I gave them a diving board...a place to start. They now know what to do with that and start doing laps around the tarot world and find sites and decks to keep up their stock. Writing up a list for them takes me all of about 5 minutes...I mean, think about it...with all that we chat about on this forum, we all could do that pretty quickly! And was a 15.00 box of Nag will last me a year!! I understand your concerns and appreciate it, but when the majority of the time is spent giggling and enjoying each others company, I don't want to be paid for it. I am not an employee. I can walk whenever I want, completely out of the picture. Who is to say they will be able to afford to stay open for long? All the other New Age stores, around here, went under after a few years. Unless they also do internet (which they don't) they have too much competition. My philosophy is that it doesn't always have to be about money. :)


As sad as it might seem, I'm inclined to agree with Heaven's Vault and memries. I volunteered at the local organic farm and when they opened a cafe I was a waitress there for a while to help them out (I must say I make a terrible waitress :D).

I made the mistake of not specifying a time limit for my services, and had them calling me at 8pm on Friday nights saying could I work the next morning . . . HearthCricket, I hope that you find a mutually beneficial way of sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm, as it would be a shame not to. But be careful of yourself and your own peace of mind. :love:

\m/ Kat

Briar Rose

I was really afraid all day of being too harsh. I am glad that you understand what I am trying to say HC. Thank you. I just don't like to see anyone get used, or hurt and used.

I am glad you are having fun. I forgot what that feels like.

Blessing to you :heart:

6 Haunted Days

I'm with HearthCricket on this one. As I said in my post above I have a similar "friendship" with the owner of the local shop here. It's not really all that dramatic to say "no" if she would ask me to do something I didn't feel like doing or I was feeling "pressured". Honestly it doesn't have to turn into a huge ordeal, giving someone the benefit of your knowlege.

As HC said when the majority of the time spent is just chatting and having fun, my mind isn't wrangling what I can get out of it. When I hang out there talking about Tarot and decks, it's because I want too, when I get bored or whatever, I go. There's no reason to feel obligation. It sure desn't feel like a slog to get to chat about one of my huge passions...tarot! We discuss other things too, like spirituality, but we are on very divergent paths so that isn't a huge topic