Soul mates...Believe it ???


Hey everyone...
how are you ???...Hope you?re fine...

Well, do you believe in soul mates???...Do you have a soul mate???

I used to believe it more fiercilly, nowadays not that much...but, my girlfriend and I have quite a story together...
We are dating only because my youngest aunt got pregnant and married this guy...he is my girlfriend?s brother...and, one day, at my aunt?s birthday party I met my girlfriend...and we?re together for 5 years...I was 17, she was 23...I?m Brazilian...she?s Brazilian, too, but Japanese descendant...
Many things worked against us...and we?re still together...of course we had some problems and disagreements, know....

My point is ...Could she and I be soul mates?...Maybe...we even have that strong mind connection...kind of telepathy..

And you people?...What do you think about it ?...
Do you believe in soul mates of any kind ???



I guess it has to come down to belief and anecdotal evidence.
Two things. My best girlfriend, Cat, says she is a soulmate with an internet boyfriend who lives pretty well on the other side of the world. She says they feel the same things at the same time, that when they get together to chat they already know what the other one has been doing. They actually sort of resemble each other. She uses the term 'fated' a lot. She says they like absolutely all the same things, have the same sense of humour. The list goes on.
The other, a book, 'Tryst', by Elswyth Thane. It is about two people who are destined to be together but he gets killed before they meet. So he comes to find her as a ghost. Sounds corny eh? I am reasonably un-sentimental and that story makes me cry.
Plus, there have been some fairly convincing stories on this board. Can't remember when, I think Kiama started one thread.
Do I believe in soul mates? To quote Kiama... dunno...


Yes I believe in soul mates, butwe have many in this life, not one. A soiul mateis someone whom we've shared a life with before, usually as close relatives/friends/lovers. My husband is one of my lover soulmates, I know in at least one life I really truly was in love with him but was much much older, so we never got together, but Ispent all my time fixing him up with girls because if I couldnt have him I wanted to choose who could lol. here are other peole I knowIve been close to in past lives as well, but usually not in the love sense(and when i do stumble upon someone else that is a love related soul mate I often have trouble conducting myself properly for a married woman lol)


I agree with Liliana - soulmates aren't always your boyfr/wife/lover etc. They are usually someone you will reincanrante with again and again, and not always in the same form. EG your mother may have been your brother in a past life, and you may have been the aunty!

To me personally, I don't believe that a soul mate is "the one" who you have been searching for all your life to love, marry and procreate with! I think it's more complicated than that.

I believe that soul mates come from unresolved Karma.

I think that my best friend and I are karmicly linked! We are both aquarians, fire dragons, numerology 7 in birth, and 5 in names. Also we weigh the same - hahahaheee!!! Just a bit of "light" relief! :)


Thanks a lot folks...

Yeah, I think you?re absolutelly right....many people, and I was one of them, always think of soul mates being related to the person you?re gonna marry and stuff...

But, I think the other thread I started, about reincarnations is expressing these things you were just telling me...but, of course you two gave me a more specific answer...thanks a really helped...



I would like to believe in soul mates, really, I would.

....but at the moment, I don't.



I think of souls as energy and my personal beliefs are that we are ALL all just divisions of this One energy-The energy of the universe that I consider diety. Therefore I don't feel that my soul would be anymore closer to another soul since we are all just a division of One. In that sense I feel everyone is a soulmate.
On the otherhand, I can not deny that there are some that we meet that we definately feel more closely tied to. I think perhaps when we feel this closeness, like we have known them before we may be simply recognizing ourselves.
To me it is kinda like if someone had never looked into a mirror before. You see a reflection in a mirror. You like what you see, the more you look the more similarities you find. It never crosses your mind that you are looking at yourself.
An even bigger theory of mine is this recognition is what makes us form relationships with others. Its our attempt to become closer to our own energies. When we mate we actually join those energies back together. Thats why it is so desirable and pleasurable. All creatures seem to be driven to mingle the energies back together.
Then again, maybe I have not had enough caffeine this morning. LOL
Either way, its interesting to think about,


I definitely believe in soul-mates. I was cynical until Spring-Summer-ish last year, when I met two people who I really think are two of my soul-mates. The first is my boyfriend, and the second is Malachite. I met him on an Archaeology and Anthropology week-course at Oxford University, an we baically hit it off from the start! We had about 13 hours slep total tht week, (Not because we were doing anything naughty!) becaus we were chatting, drinking coffee, laughin, andwe even shared a meditation. When I say shared, it was basically like we were seeing exactly the same place, people, ect, but from different angles. I could see everything from above, like a bird, and Malachite could see throughthe eyes of the person. It was weird, and freaked us both out. It was like the energy was passing through both our bodies (We were holding hands fo this meditation) and we were sharing the same thoughts...

Since then we've been through a hell of alot. But we're still friends, and I know there will always be something there between us.

My boyfriend agrees that I'm one of his soul-mates, probably the main one for his life. I don't know how we know this, it just feels right.

Soul-mates isn't something hat I find easy to explain, since it is more about feeling and emotion that about things you can express with words. I think that to express how I know these people are my soul mate would involve making up whole new words, which I can't do!



Hey folks...thanks for the participation....

and, Lilliana, if you?d like to believe in soul mates, then you can do it...maybe if you?re feeling disappointed with someone, or feeling lonely, you are gonna have a hard time to find happiness with people around, be strong, and be happy...just relax...(and if I was all wrong...well, just tell me to shut up, OK?)...but, I understand you...once in a while we tend not to believe in things we used to believe, etc...

And, Moonklad...I liked your theories very much...sometimes I think the same way you do, too, about us being all fractions of the same greater energy in the very interesting to think that way...sometimes I think of why people hurt each other so much, when we?re all the same, so we?re only hurting ourselves...and when I say WE , I mean 'the human being'...yeah, the human being loves making things complicated, when they are so simple...

And Kiama, I loved your story...really did...I wish I could find someone, I mean, a friend with whom I could share that kind of connection too...and it was very interesting to know that you?re into Archeology and Antropology...very interesting subjects...

Well, people, that?s it ...hope you all find happiness in life, whether believing or not believing in soul mates...

LOVE,PEACE AND HARMONY TO YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh yes, but not in the way a lot of people think where it's just two people destined to be together forever. Mind you I'm still smoothing out wrinkles in this theroy but my personal experince with it left me convinced that there is reincarnation and you can often meet up with people from a past life. I didn't understand it at first when I met Josh (a lot of you are groaning going "Him, again!?" sorry). I felt like I should know him and we should be so close but I had never known him before and I was just one big emotional mess until I finnally did get to know him and he started teaching me esoteric stuff and Tarot, etc. I now see that I felt an urgency to be close to him because I've known him in a past life, though I'm not sure how yet, niether is he. Josh call it a Soul Pack, like a group of souls that have been together over time, I suppose.

Sometimes don't you wonder that you might have missed someone you've known before because you were too blind to see it? I do. I'm hoping that I'll get to meet other past companions in this life, too.

L&L, cayacia