spirit guides

New River

i talk to my spirit guide, mentally of course, on a regular basis like i talk to anyone else.

does anyone else do this?
love and light, New River


New River;

My ability to talk to my spirit guides seems to come and go depending on how much attention I?ve given the process and the immediate need. At times I?m tempted to start thinking that sort of thing doesn?t happen when I go for a long period without listening to them. That kind of attitude comes to an abrupt halt when I visit my massage therapist.

She not only talks to her guides but see them as well. Sometimes I?ll be sitting across from her at a table and she?ll be looking at things going on behind me, things even your cat can?t see. It can be kinda disconcerting. It?s like having a conversation with Stevie Wonder when he?s got his shades off! She sometimes even gets that head sway thing happening.

Sorry I digress. What I started to say was, no you?re not alone in talking to your guides. I know quite a few who do in varying degrees.


Unfortunately, my guides don't want to talk to me very much. Either that, or my Mom was right. I have selective hearing. Any tips on contacting spirit guides?


i love talking to my guides or {anyone else's during a reading (not just all the time)}

my guides had me cut my long curlie hair off and now it's 1" long. they have me turn my jeep around to go pay a bill "right now!!!" at the bank and then the next day something comes up that 'if we didn't pay that bill we could buy this' comes out of my hubby's mouth LOL

so they are a great help. not just that intuitive voice, but a guide guiding me.

i rec. that you meditate and ask them to talk to you under the full moon is good, and also if you stare a photo (of someone you don't know - like from national geographic) sometimes that helps you to hear your guides.



I've been trying to meet my guide for years now.... and so far without success. I've tried the visulizations, meditations, etc. ..... nothing.

How exactly to you "hear" your guide or "see" your guide??? Do you actually hear a voice, or is it an internal thought? And, if it is a thought - how do you know it's your guide and not just yourself? (and, going farther, isn't your guide really your "higher self" - or is it a separate sort of entity?)

Could it be possible that guides don't exist - that they are a figment of our imagination, created to "allow" ourselves to tap into otherwise unrecognized thoughts and emotions. More like a "safe" voyager, an imaginary friend, that we label as a means to access our deep consciousnesses. Is this making sense?

And, if we do indeed have guides, do some people's just not communicate with them..... or is it perhaps the person themselves not having a high enough energy level to reach them.... ?

Do you guys have names for your guides? If so, how did you first learn their names? Also, do you have an impression of what your guide looks like? Or, have you actually seen your guide?

Little story here: When I was growing up, my mother (who was a very spiritual person) told me she her guide was this kindly grandmother-type, black woman.

New River

joya-that was a lot of questions! i will do my best since this is an area where i am familiar. i asked myself all these same questions when i discovered my guide, some 7 years ago. my husband and i had been taking a healing seminar at a spiritualist camp after our daughter died. i began meditating. but i'd been having guiding thoughts before that for a few months and they'd aroused my curiosity. it was him, leading me to him.

it is a thought voice. it is different from my own. sometimes i wish i could claim it was me, but i don't have this good of an imagination! the more i listened the closer we became. you have to lose all doubt and just listen. meditation helped at first but now we just talk all the time. you have a best friend and you don't think they are your higher self, right? it's like that.

People's guides are always there. it is a contract we make before coming here. i imagine a lot of spirit guides are very frustrated that we've forgotten they are there. they do talk to us tho. we just have that ingrained tendency to think of coincidence or 'that was weird' and forget it.

they do have names. mine is named Poole. i simply asked what is your name? the first thought that came in my head was pool. i said okay and i saw POOLE in big light blue letters in my mind's eye. they give lots of mind's eye pictures. if you want to think it's your imagination, ask yourself if you've ever had such a thought before. if you answer no, trust that it's your guide's thought to you.

yes, i see him. i see him as being very tall and romanesque but he prefers to be seen as a light blue column of light. i even have a picture of him standing next to me as this light blue light. my sister took it a few summers ago. amazing.

well this got Very long but you did ask all those questions. smiling.....

love and light, New River


i agree with alot of what New River has shared. sometimes guided speak with an accent. native indian guides speak with a very thick native tongue.

I find that guides come and go in our life. For example when you are starting a new course in life (going to college) you may get a guide to assist you with that. when you have learned all you need to from them, they move on to assist someone else.

i have done readings for people that have always had the same guide and sometimes the guide is brand new to them, it varies.

my main guide is actually my guardian angel. they stay with you from the moment of birth until you pass over. i believe that guardian angels are your only absolutely permanent link.

you other guides assist you and then they too need to be born and learn and grow.




I am sorry to hear about your daughter. I can only imagine the depth of that loss. My heart goes out to you and your husband.

thank you for putting up with all my questions! Your response was quite helpful.

:) joya



So, you actually hear guides speak? Do you tell the people you read for that you are communicating with their guides? Do they freak out? haha.

I thought people had one main guide throughout their life.... is a guardian angel considered a guide, or are they like one level above and are therefore harder to communicate with?

I wonder why I haven't met my guide yet! I've been asking for contact for awhile. :(

huh. sorry for all the questions.... it's just this topic intriguies me and I've never gotten to discuss it with people who have firsthand knowledge.


Honestly I think your first posting nailed it on the head for an answer. Worry when you get into a chat room and all of a sudden people are trying to one up one another with how many spirit guides they have. I think it's trendy, that's all. If I had a spirit guide it would be Billy Barty. So do I believe in spirit guides- nope. I feel you're right about it being something we use to tap into a deeper conciousness. This deeper conciousness has a different face for everyone that seeks to tap into it. If they are indeed tapping into it. Some people however just merely like to say they have them because they are trying to keep up with the spiritual Jones's. Those that are really tapping into something are looking for the answers within themselves. In all truth, the Native Americans really wanted nothing to do with us white folks (I happen to also be a smidge Native American but that doesn't matter at this moment) So I don't think that any Native American Shaman would want anything to do with us now that he's dead.

However, people will believe what they will. And that's fine. We're all entitled to our beliefs. Most of my reality would be absurd to most *grin*

Alleira (Absurd on a daily basis)

Quote:joya250 (08 Sep, 2001 06:07):

So, you actually hear guides speak? Do you tell the people you read for that you are communicating with their guides? Do they freak out? haha.

I thought people had one main guide throughout their life.... is a guardian angel considered a guide, or are they like one level above and are therefore harder to communicate with?

I wonder why I haven't met my guide yet! I've been asking for contact for awhile. :(

huh. sorry for all the questions.... it's just this topic intriguies me and I've never gotten to discuss it with people who have firsthand knowledge.