spirit guides


Quote:Alleira (08 Sep, 2001 11:03):
Some people however just merely like to say they have them because they are trying to keep up with the spiritual Jones's. Those that are really tapping into something are looking for the answers within themselves.

****you don't know me but i don't care what the spiritual jones' are believing. when i speak to my guides i am looking for guidance from outside myself, not from within.

In all truth, the Native Americans really wanted nothing to do with us white folks (I happen to also be a smidge Native American but that doesn't matter at this moment) So I don't think that any Native American Shaman would want anything to do with us now that he's dead.

******i have a close friend that is a native american medicine man and he doesn't have anything against people of ALL races.

We're all entitled to our beliefs.

*****this is true and very important to remember, for all of us. what a boring world it would be if everyone believed everything the same.

Quote:joya250 (08 Sep, 2001 06:07):
So, you actually hear guides speak? Do you tell the people you read for that you are communicating with their guides? Do they freak out? haha.

*****people usually know that i will be talking to their guides when they come to me for a reading.

I thought people had one main guide throughout their life.... is a guardian angel considered a guide, or are they like one level above and are therefore harder to communicate with?

******i don't find it hard to communicate with my guardian angel but i don't communicate with other people's. i've never had a reason to since their guides are more than willing to speak to me. i believe that your guides change throughout your life. they assist you and when they are done...they go to assist someone else.

I wonder why I haven't met my guide yet! I've been asking for contact for awhile. :(

*****i hear that alot and i tell people to remain open and willing and to remember that a conversation is speaking and then listening. i can't tell you if it's possible (or not) for everyone to communicate with their guides....i just know that i do.

huh. sorry for all the questions.... it's just this topic intriguies me and I've never gotten to discuss it with people who have firsthand knowledge.

******* i never mind answering questions. but i must say, i do mind being judged for my beliefs. just because i don't do something or have the ability to do something that someone else can do....i don't deny that the ability exists. if that were the case then there would be no sports! LOL

in light,

Major Tom

Jade - I find this stuff fascinating...

In my Spiritual Crisis thread about hearing a voice - clear as if we were in the same room talking - but in my head. I wondered if this might have been a guide. I had previously done some affirmations to invite angels into my life. }>

So how do you hear your/other people's guides? Do you hear their voices?


i hear my guides like someone else's voice in my head. it isn't my voice. sometimes it's loud, like a shout and other times (most times) it's a normal volume just like my thoughts.

i hope this helps you. IMO, you heard a guide or angel, but it's your intuitive opinion that really counts here. what do YOU think you heard?

blessed be.

New River

i agree with everything jade has said here.

i hear my guides the same way she's described. i could add the metaphor of reading a book and 'hearing' the author's voice in your head. thoughts but from someone else.

guides are there for the very reason they are called guides. guidance. not to dazzle, not to impress, but to share spiritual knowledge on our journey.

a conversation is like jade said, half talking and half listening.

love and light, New River


I think that perhaps there are a lot of things going on in our heads, but that doesn't mean that they are spirit guides. Possibly that is one interpretation of what you are hearing.
Of course, I could be wrong, but like past lives, spirit guides are subjective interpretations of thoughts/feelings/images that our brains love to produce. They can feel very 'other', but our brain has more disconnected parts that feel 'other' than we may like to think. My two cents, and a word of caution perhaps.


P.S. I would also refer back to the thread on Ouija boards. Not every voice you hear in your head is necessarily friendly to your well-being or sanity.
That said, I can still go along with... There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. But no one ever said they were all helpful or you wanted a close relationship with them.


good point!

i guess that speaking to guides is one of those things.......like alien life forms or the power of healing....you need to truely experience it before you can honestly know whether or not it exists.

in love and light,


My spirit guide saved my life. I was walking home in the rain on evening, the street was deserted, all of a sudden a voice in my head told me to cross the street. A took a couple of steps foward and a second later a garbage truck came out of no where and swirved around and ended up in the spot where I was standing. This was the first and only time I have ever heard voices.

I assume my guide is the one answering my questions when I do a reading. Sometimes I talk to hear out loud or in my head when I shuffle or lay the cards out.