Stuck in a rut when reading the cards.... has this happened to you?


I am having this problem lately. I have been reading non stop for a time now, not obsessive reading, but reading for others. I found that my reading skills have lessened. My readings used to be very accurate most of the times, but now it seems that my interpretations are too simplified, and I feel I am not seeing the whole picture when they show up. I was reviewing my readings when I used reversals and all of those were very accurate. I recently changed to using only upright cards, but the accuracy doesn't seem to be as much as when my readings were with reversals. I am in a reading rut, and I feel I have lost my reading skills. I don't want to go back to reversals, I feel much more comfortable with only upright cards, but it looks like it is not working. It is so disencouraging. Have you ever experienced this even if you have been reading for some time, feeling that you have been stuck in a reading rut? I would appreciate your comments :)


a thought: some readings are very accurate when i'm fairly comfortable with a meaning of a card, some are off/awkward to do when i get a few cards i just have not got my head round yet

maybe you need to take a break or do a different type of reading?/practice - i find the one card one sentence/2 card mini cc spread threads very useful for practicing


Thank you star-lover for the advice, I will do that, it's a great idea :)


This has happened to me...I was reading very frequently and soon I couldn't figure out ANYTHING the cards were telling me! I ended up taking a break from tarot reading for a while...including my daily draws.

I worked with my oracle decks and runes instead, which helped.

You could try switching to another deck for a bit, but I"m thinking that perhaps stepping away from tarot totally for a bit would be helpful.

Sometimes you and the deck(s) just need a break: from reading, from each other.

Just my $.02.



The first word that came to mind when I read your post was "burnout." It can happen to anybody, even with a subject that they love! I have not been reading for a long enough period to get to this point (life always seems to interfere and I wind up taking a short break from reading) but I can definitely see it happening.

My advice would be to just relax, and maybe take a little break. You'll come back to the cards refreshed and renewed :)


Burnout applies perfectly. It's just so hard for me to detach from something I love so much, even if it is for a while! I think I will have to do it as difficult as it may be. I will stick to my new Oracle, and I already have a set of runes and a book arriving to begging my Runes studies :) Thank you.

Edite to add: Can this also mean I have lost my reading skills, or is it just temporary and I will get them back after a recess?


I don't think you've lost your skills. Think of it like a puzzle - when you first start you have a good rhythm going, but if you keep going nonstop, suddenly nothing fits. That's when you know it's time to take a break and come back to it. Just like when you stare at something for too long, it becomes a blur.

It's hard, Tarot can be fun and addicting, but you need the time off.


This has happened to me before and it was because I had gotten kind of lazy. I was settling for stale meanings for the cards that I had used before with success. I had to sit up, snap to it and pay attention to what the cards were saying in each new reading.

Taking a break can certainly help, too, I'm sure.


Frannie said:
...I found that my reading skills have lessened. My readings used to be very accurate most of the times, but now it seems that my interpretations are too simplified, and I feel I am not seeing the whole picture when they show up....
Who sez?

Like you mean you’re not talking for hours on each card, covering everything regarding every astrological quip and association, leaving off a half-hour discourse on elemental dignitaries and how smart they look in their tuxedos? Not discussing every nuance about every card?

What do you mean your skills have ‘lessoned’?

Or is it that you’re reducing the crap, and delivering the message without the excess verbiage that some consider ‘Oh So Meaningful’ that the sitters sit there and go “Huh” over?

Perhaps your readings are actually getting better because they are more concise?

Perhaps your readings pack more punch because they aren’t weighed down by what you think is important?

Perhaps you’re learning to read, and not recite implicit baggage?

What if that stuff you’re not saying is unnecessary? What if your readings are actually more accurate – because your readings are more simplified?



Frannie said:
I was reviewing my readings when I used reversals and all of those were very accurate. I recently changed to using only upright cards, but the accuracy doesn't seem to be as much as when my readings were with reversals...I feel much more comfortable with only upright cards, but it looks like it is not working.
Why don't you want to go back to reading reversals--where you said you felt you got much better results?

What makes it more comfortable using only uprights? And more to the point, is it a worthwhile trade-off for you?