Stuck in a rut when reading the cards.... has this happened to you?


Umbrae maybe you are right!
I have found that I make my readings much more intuitively and much more straight-forward than before. I have been seeing the answers as I see the cards, and this makes my explanation of them much more shorter but more precise and less vague. It may not be something bad after all! :D
I do feel a little tired though, so I'll take the advice to take a little break, maybe a week or two.
I'm thinking of trying reversals again after my recess.... I will see how it goes, maybe this time I will feel more comfortable with them, if not, upright cards are welcomed too, it just makes me wonder why when I used reversals my readings were more accurate...


Frannie said:
I am having this problem lately. I have been reading non stop for a time now, not obsessive reading, but reading for others. I found that my reading skills have lessened. My readings used to be very accurate most of the times, but now it seems that my interpretations are too simplified, and I feel I am not seeing the whole picture when they show up.
Simple, take a break! I tend to find that if I have been doing for something over an extended time I do tend to drop off in regards to the results that I am getting, simply probably out of the fact that you are just doing it out of habit, rather than because you want to. I have found that, after I have had a break for a little time I come back and I tend to pick up on more. You just need to recharge your batteries, so to speak. It takes a lot of energy to do readings, you have more than likely just depleted your energy stores.
Frannie said:
I was reviewing my readings when I used reversals and all of those were very accurate. I recently changed to using only upright cards, but the accuracy doesn't seem to be as much as when my readings were with reversals. I am in a reading rut, and I feel I have lost my reading skills. I don't want to go back to reversals, I feel much more comfortable with only upright cards, but it looks like it is not working. It is so disencouraging. Have you ever experienced this even if you have been reading for some time, feeling that you have been stuck in a reading rut? I would appreciate your comments :)
If reversals work for you, and helps to give you better readings, then go back to using reversals.

Usually when this happens, I just have a break. But usually I feel the need to have a break before it even comes to this. Now, I only participate in you know, things like the ISG, Circle of Stones, Newbie Exchange, etc, because it is still reading, but it is not much of a strain, because it is say one reading per week, type scenario. I have too much stuff going on in my own life to find the time, energy or the inclination to do readings for others at the moment.

All the best.




Frannie said:
I do feel a little tired though, so I'll take the advice to take a little break, maybe a week or two.

I'm not sure about the 'break' thing.

Sometimes when we're working towards, and achieving goals, we ‘plateau’, we seem ‘stuck’, like we’re not making forward progress – taking a break when we’re plateauing is counterproductive.

I say ‘cowgirl up’ and carry on…



When that happens to me, it is usually just before a breakthrough in reading. I don't stop, I keep going. It sort of energizes me to keep going to find out what the breakthrough is all about. Whether in reading or something that was hidden suddenly becomes very clear. A major "AHA!!!" moment.

I wouldn't stop reading either. You never know, you may have your AHA!! moement at the next sitting.


Umbrae and Baroli.... you were absolutely right!
I made a reading today and experienced an awesome AHA! moment. I feel my connection with the cards has become stronger, and that I have not "lost" my reading skills after all. First I did a 3 card reading where I first thought 2 cards would be the most appropiate answer and well, it turns out they showed up. This has been happening a lot lately, I think what cards should show up and then they do. I felt so connected to them in this reading. And my querent told me it had been such an accurate reading :)
Thank you all so much for your insights, they were really helpful, and I think that I should keep going, not to quit or take a break just when I have started to bond so well to the cards.


Glad to see this last post, Frannie!

I was going to say (and will, anyhow), that I agree with Baroli and Umbrae.

I feel before most readings...I'm not in the mood...maybe it won't be a good reading...but then, I go ahead and do the reading, and, to this day, I am still
surprised and amazed at what comes up...and it does change over time as we grow with the process.

So keep on with it!

Also, I find, as Umbrae said...I talk less now. (That's really something for me, too!). I did a CC reading in less than 30 minutes at the doctor's office for a nurse practioner, two weeks ago. She had a short break. I was in between thalium scans...she wanted a reading. I felt like doing a Celtic Cross.

I did it...she even had time to comment and interact on the cards as they were pulled. She had concerns about her upcoming marriage and about her lack of desire to have children.

The reading was just delightful...about her love and about her passions and her children in sight for the near term. She was feeling guilty about feeling that she didn't want children.

Anyhow....even though I can still do an hour reading on ony 3 cards, I can do a CC in a short period of time.

Glad to hear you proceeded and read again!

Some readings are just more "flat" than others...we all have days like that, but it isn't a signal to stop reading or to take a break.

Going back to reading recently helped to pull me out of a bad mental slump.



Saturday when I was doing four hours of readings, this girl sits down, I lay out the cards, get started and...

Boring...way mondo boring...all I could say was, "There's nothing earth shattering going on, it's literally boring. Not that you have a boring life, but there's no big mysteries, no big events, nothing spooky or scary..." She loved it.

Sometimes you have to tell them...