Symbolon Card Meanings -- An English-Translation of the Official Guidebook!


This thread prompted me to get out my Symbolon on yesterday's holiday and take a closer look. As usual, my too-literal mind needed the info more organized, so I put together the attached table. Maybe it will help you, too!

Also, I noticed in the LWB that the authors suggest selecting cards to go with your birth chart, so, for example, my sun is in Cancer, so the card is Incompatibility (Cancer/Leo, Moon/Sun). I pulled the cards for all my planetary placements (some of which were scary because I have two planets in Scorpio!) and compared them with an astrology cookbook (Keywords for Astrology). Interesting similarities and differences! So I thought someone might want to give that a try.

Last (and most importantly for collectors!), I see on the US Games site that there is going to be a pocket sized Symbolon coming out!

Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their Symbolons!


  • Symbolon Card Titles.pdf
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