Tarot Addiction


SphinYote said:
*Sneaks up on Basic Elements*


Do I.....disturb you?

*Fondles my card collection, with computer open to Amazon listing of tarots, another tab open to tarotgarden, and a third to alidastore......*

I can think of worse obsessions. Tarot is healthier than a lot of addictions....:p

How many decks could you buy with the same amount you otherwise might spend on alcohol or cigarettes? Which lasts longer? :p

And also, which habits are more likely to kill you?

Unless you collect so many tarot decks, put them in some sort of cabinet or case, and it happens to fall on you...

Anyway, I know I have a "shopper's habit." I see, I want, I buy. It's why my bank balance is where it is right now. But considering my only real "bad" vices are caffeine and shopping, I think it's an okay addiction to feed (at least in my mind, since it isn't taking a physical toll on me). Everyone needs something...mine just happens to include tarot.

As for reading vs. collecting, mine is definitely worse on the collecting end. I'll go for months without buying a deck, and then end up buying ten in one month. :p


I am both a reader and a collector.

I'm happy with fifty decks.

I'd be happier with 200 decks.

I wouldn't want ot be as badly addicted as some here I could name, whose collections run into four-figure numbers: I cannot imagine owning decks I've forgotten I had, or seeing images from decks in my collection that I don't recognise. OTOH, having every deck ever printed would be kinda nice ...


SphinYote said:
*Plots epic Kaplan heist, and McLean heist...*
If you do the thievery and I do the getaway driving (for Mr Kaplan, we're going to need an 80-tonne articulated vehicle), do we split the proceeds equally? Or do I just kick you out of the cabin and keep driving?


"Abstainer's remorse." I like that.

I'm not quite addicted, but with fewer outstanding bills I could be. ;) I only have in the neighborhood of 30 decks, acquired over three decades. But I have my eye seriously on half a dozen more, and less seriously on a half dozen more beyond that. Thanks to this board!!


nisaba said:
If you do the thievery and I do the getaway driving (for Mr Kaplan, we're going to need an 80-tonne articulated vehicle)

Not any more. Kaplan sold the collection a couple of years ago--Christie's auction for the rare old decks, and e-bay for most of the rest.


Our group is actually planning a field trip to Tarotgarden and my wishlist is huge!! I'm going to have to rent a uhaul or do that everything you can cram in a box for one flat rate mailing thing to get them home. I've bought decks that I did not particularly like because they were on sale for a really cheap price. When my bf complains, I tell him it is an investment and he can sell them all to some other Tarot junkie when I die. Yes, My name is Laurie and I am a Tarot addict!! (We should go get coffee and talk about it, while playing with our cards)


divinemsm said:
Our group is actually planning a field trip to Tarotgarden and my wishlist is huge!!
Tarotgarden already has what of my wish-list would upload into their software: I believe I'm wishlist number 4494.

Be a doll and get me everything whilst you're there. I don't know about the money, but I'll cook you a nice dinner when you bring it all here.


I am definitely a tarot addict. I love the variety of images and there are so many stories behind each card and artist's vision. Even though I am also very much a reader, as a collector I consider my collection as a miniature museum of fine art. I have a few decks I could live without, but overall, I am hooked for life. :)


Ooo Hearth ! You've got the Paulina as your icon ! Nice ! I am a tarot addict, I must confess it also. Two years ago I had 2 decks, now I'm over 50 and still going although I gave it a rest for month as I realized I had a problem. He he .... Now I'm waiting on the Hudes and have resumed my naughty spending ways.


Except that the Hudes isn't "spending" which is unwise in the current economic climate, it's "investing", which is wise at any time.