tarot beliefs


Annabelle4 said:
Yes, I've read about this in at least one of the books I own on tarot. But I'm not quite sure whether I agree with this advice or not. Having the first card turn up reversed has only happened to me a handful of times, and so far, I have NOT turned the card upright and turned the deck around. Instead, I continue laying out the cards, and in the event that every card is reversed (this only happened to me once), then I reshuffle and start again.

The Tarot has a good sense of humour though - I remember one time I was obsessed with this bloke and kept doing readings for our 'relationship' - you know, does he like me etc etc Of course I scanned my readings for any cups looking for signs of mutual feelings and love...(rolls eyes)

One time I did a reading and every single card you could imagine to do with love came out and they were ALL reversed. The Tarot was telling me in a very clear way that NOTHING was ever going to happen along those lines and you know what - it didn't. lol

psychic sue

Tarot beliefs

I sincerely believe that you should do whatever feels right for you.

If I didn't buy my own decks then I wouldn't have any!

If I am reading for someone else then I ask them to lay the cards on the table and mix them all up - purely to cleanse of the previous influence.

I keep the deck i'm currently using in a silk bag - because I like the bag really! The others I keep in a decorated wooden box - again because I like the box. I read for myself, though this is hard and I dont do it very often. I use all my decks on myself and other people.

The only rule which I think is the golden rule, is dont let anyone else read with your cards. And always treat the cards with due respect.

Hope that helps!


I have several Tarot rituals but no fixed beliefs. My first deck was bought for me but that was coincidence more than anything else (or was it? roll spooky music)

My deck has been in various boxes and bags, even a plastic bag once when one of my boxes fell to pieces. Now it's in a nice little black velvet bag that I found and fits it perfectly.

My only rituals are cutting the deck three times, placing my hand on the deck before I cut and asking for guidance, also to centre myself. Speaking the question out loud and thanking my deck before I put them away. I also speak out loud the spread I'm going to use as well while I shuffle.

I always ask the querent to shufle and cut, but I ask them to wash their hands first.


rituals rituals!

I find it odd that so many people here diss out rituals and myths. I love the rituals and myths. They're what initially fascinate and intrigue me and if it wasnt for them and fairy tales and dress-up and all that, well, I don't think this world would be much fun.

So umm :) my tarot rituals.

I sleep with the cards sometimes. Beside my pillow, not under it.

I keep a piece of Bacalite (amber) with my favorite deck which sits in its own wooden box.

I use a spreadcloth for readings and I almost always perform readings on the floor,

A: so I can spread the cards long and wide.
B: so the querent and I can acknowledge that what follows is something special.

I occasionally shuffle the deck image-side-up infront of a sunny window to cleanse them.

I always cut and draw with my left hand - partially because i'm left-handed but also because I feel it connects to my heart/is the hand which transmits/acts...sorta like the magician's hand placement.

I continuously shuffle the deck while i discuss the question/query with whoever im doing the reading for. I think it allows the deck to become better acquainted with the person and the query itself. Its also a form of meditation as the shuffling gets into a nice synchronized flow since my conscious attention is focused on the querent.

I usually place the piece of bacalite to my forehead and say a quick 'thank you' before or after a reading with my fav deck. I'm not sure who i am thanking, but its important.

I designed four cardboard pieces to place around the spreadcloth before performing a reading. whats written on each is as follows:

Judge not others lest ye be judged yourself

There is good and evil, and then there is what is

There is right and wrong, and then there is what is

The kingdom of God is within you. God Bless.

the reason theyre on cardboard is because i usually change these quotes to others depending on how i change/feel internally. They serve as a sort of reminder to me (and the querent). They also create a sense of sacred space and Most Importantly, they keep outsiders from interfering. I also sometimes use them as a means to explain why my reading comes out as it does to the querent e.g. if a querent is insisting to have a choice made for them by me, i can point to one of the cardboard chits and explain my viewpoint using it as a pillar of guidance.

thats all! I hope I didn't freak out the non-ritualists :) personally, if i did this for a living i would probably build further rituals around it - but thats just me! From my point of view, if i went to see a tarot reader i would want a good reading tempered with a good presentation which would stay in my memory as an experience.

in harmony




Just thought, I'd let you all how great it is that we are all different. Because, otherwise, I wouldn't have this:
I have a spread cloth, black velvet, and I use it when I want to impress someone. -M-Press
I always ask the querent to shufle and cut, but I ask them to wash their hands first. -caridwen
or this:
I designed four cardboard pieces to place around the spreadcloth before performing a reading. whats written on each is as follows:... -jay_haque
Those pieces are genius, if you really wanted to, you could get them engraved on pieces of brass or something... or made as weights for the cloth (you know like the weights that keep a tablecloth from flying away outside). Yeah, seems like I am one of the few left too, who likes things like that. And I agree, that clients over here, still like a little bit of show around it. This lady I knew had a Reading party, with a real belly dancer as an intro. I'm not kidding. She also had friends of hers exhibit their paintings(hobby artists, nice artwork)in her home, and me and this other girl do card readings. While they waited for their readings, they looked at the artwork. But in the States, I can imagine the warning bells of 'fraud, fraud' going up , for all kinds of reasons... All depends where you are, I guess.

There was a post way in the beginning, by Talisman, about a reader that rang a bell before doing a reading. Just in case it still interests, maybe she rang it because the ring of bells supposedly clears the air, of negativity. I remember reading somewhere, that that is how/why medieval churches started up with bells. And especially before mass, and longer on major christian holidays like easter, christmas, etc. Later, they also started ringing to tell time. Unfortunately forgot where I read it, just a little tidbit floating uselessly through my mind, until I got here, lol...


BUMP !! BUMP BUMP BUMP --- I think this was the thread I was looking for....


Time to bring this one back up again! LOL!!!!!!!

(ouch - my head is starting to hurt!) LOL!


Nothing out of the ordinary for me except I check my answers using my own patent form of number divinaition (NOT numerology, at least, not in the classic sense) - you need a watch with a second hand or to be sitting somewhere where you can see a lot of random numbers, e.g. in a cafe in front of a well-used newspaper rack or where you can see passing car number plates and so on.

I do focus on cards themselves/artwork rather than LWB meanings, and in my eBay readings I print out their invoice with the name and address on it so I can have some kind of focus, but ... I seem to get by without too much ritual at the moment. Though doing it with a candle lit is quite pleasant.


I think using incense and a candle sounds nice, but I don't usually make much ritual around my tarot readings. My mum bought me my first deck and I have bought the rest. My favourite deck (the fey) I keep in a black silk box, but that's just because it's the right size and I like it. I keep a couple of crystals in there too. I like to thank the energies after I use the cards and spend a few moments focusing first. I'd like to know some good methods of cleansing them though....


If I EVER read face to face I might use my singing bowl as a starter, to sort of clear the atmosphere....

- then again who knows what I'd do. Ain't never going to happen !

In my own home and in private - I have even been known to watch TV... as have others here so don't pretend you haven't - I have posts to prove it ! :D

I think it is likely what helps on any one day ?