Tarot Illuminati


Gregory, you say Lo Scarabeo decks are usually a little different but isn't that when they're actually designed by Lo Scarabeo? It seems to me that this is a deck designed by someone else but that Lo Scarabeo will publish. It looks as if the card designs are done and I'd be very surprised if it deviated from the RWS model in any way, shape or form.
This is a clone done in a garish CGI style from what I can see.
WELL - if LS agree to publish someone else's work, I would bet they will ask for edits if they like. Book editors do !!! However - I take your point. If it starts from LS with a script, that would make a difference in "new twist" cards. (Cue Pagan Strength...!)

I do think they won't pick up an outside artist's crap, though - so assuming they DO publish it there must be something about it. I am rather beginning to like it - and not just for the bling - but yes, I haven't seen anything revolutionary in it. Yet. Though as someone said - sitters may well like it - that count for something, doesn't it ? You want a sitter to be comfortable with the deck used... :)

Le Fanu

I'd bet 100% that there will be clever little twists.

I cannot think of an LoS deck (besides the Universal and the Centenary edition) that is bog standard RWS through and through. For that we go to Llewellyn, who wouldn't dare stretch us.


Maybe the twist is that it will come with 3D glasses and there will be even more layers of bling than anyone could ever have hoped for. :D


:bugeyed: OOOHHHH! The colors alone are gorgeous!!!! The faces are sooo expressive! Can't wait til this one comes out!!!


It's an interesting discussion.

yes, the deck will be published by us, and we hope somewhere around mid 2013.
The deck could create nice sales: it's "vibrant" on many levels.
Nothing has yet been decised on the what and how to publish the deck. It is a candidate for a non standard edition, however. We will be working with the author to do our best to express the deck potential.

I would invite people that like the deck to write us or to the author, expressing what they would like to see for the deck. If it's possible, we will move in that direction.
Size is already in the "to be considered" list (but size does reflect exponentially on the costs, and that on the price... so there will be calculation and "pro" and "cons").
Also we are considering to work with gold foils, or gilded edges, or UV spot (etc...) It's all in the brainstorming phase, actually, so all road are open and none closed.

We will probably start working on the deck design seriously after the current production deadlines (aka April 2012).
As I said above, however, we will be working WITH the author... so (for the good and the bad), do not expect us to force the LS style into the deck. One of the reason the team here is excited about it, it's because the deck is different from our mold. That is a richness we won't spoil. ^_^


Le Fanu

Fabulous. I just know you're going to make this deck fabulous. Do we write to the contact on the LoS site?

I'd forego gold foil and opt for simply big, with minimal borders. Big and scarily psychedelically, intoxicatingly baroque!


I would invite people that like the deck to write us or to the author, expressing what they would like to see for the deck. If it's possible, we will move in that direction.
I believe I may already have done this })

Thanks for coming, Ric. :* Much appreciated.

ETA - I think foil would be TOO much for this one - but am prepared to be proved wrong.


Big cards and gold guilt edges please and I will buy lots of lots of copies :)


Big cards and gold guilt edges please and I will buy lots of lots of copies :)

:)Also silver edges will do (silver goes better with those colors and still atmosphere).


I would invite people that like the deck to write us or to the author, expressing what they would like to see for the deck. If it's possible, we will move in that direction.

Big cards!!! Like Tarot of the Sidhe. No borders or minimal black borders. Costs will be higher, yes, but this will be a market hit, people will buy it as it will be so eye candy.

do not expect us to force the LS style into the deck. One of the reason the team here is excited about it, it's because the deck is different from our mold. That is a richness we won't spoil. ^_^

That is so thoughtful, I am impressed! Seeing this openness, now I am glad LoS will publish.