Tarot Theft!!!!!


Don't be naive, dummy....

If I were to upload an eBook to a public sharing site, thousands of people I don't know could download the book in mere minutes (assuming a really hot best-seller, :laugh: , but you get the idea...) I'm very uncomfortable with the latter and consider it wrong.

When I first self-published I was given the 'opportunity' by the publisher to offer the title free of cost for a chosen number of hours, days, etc *ahem* 'as a come-on' to create interest in my book. Naively I did that and one book was given away free to the tune of 900 copies! That's 900 times the royalty I might have earned given away as 'charity.'

You won't catch me doing THAT again!


When I first self-published I was given the 'opportunity' by the publisher to offer the title free of cost for a chosen number of hours, days, etc *ahem* 'as a come-on' to create interest in my book. Naively I did that and one book was given away free to the tune of 900 copies! That's 900 times the royalty I might have earned given away as 'charity.'

You won't catch me doing THAT again!

But how many of those 900 told their friends about your book, generating interest, causing other people to buy and pay for your book?


Technically NOT theft, as you agreed to it.


The point is, people would prefer to get something for free rather than pay for it. The internet has provided the means to do so, and that will probably never go back. One can either stay in the past, demand a 1 for 1 trade of money for product, and lose lots of money that way. DRM doesn't work either, as people will always find ways to circumvent it. On the other hand, one can find alternative compensation methods that are fair to the author and advantageous to the consumer, and doesn't make them into criminals.

I do understand the plight of authors, but the old ways simply do not work anymore. The clock can't go back.


When I first self-published I was given the 'opportunity' by the publisher to offer the title free of cost for a chosen number of hours, days, etc *ahem* 'as a come-on' to create interest in my book. Naively I did that and one book was given away free to the tune of 900 copies! That's 900 times the royalty I might have earned given away as 'charity.'

You won't catch me doing THAT again!

It works in some cases. I can't tell you how many authors and series I've gotten into because the first book was free.


So far not taken anything I haven't paid for whether it's been a donation on a website or something on a CD. I never even knew you could do that.
I buy my books second hand or on sale at stores.
Some people are not rich enough to afford to pay and so, I do understand the feeling of I want to learn and want to read that book. With the recession the way it is, I could relate to it, but so far I am happy to read here.
I have to add one thing though in some places Libraries do not endorse tarot books my town doesn't have them in stock and if you ask they look at you like you have three heads.Oh she's one of those hush hush!
unfortunately some places really do hide things and my local library yet in London doesn't like it. Weird huh? because it's on the out skirts


Technically NOT theft, as you agreed to it.

Oh, no - I completely agree! That is why you'll never see me foolishly do that ever again. I did 'give' those copies away of my free will ... and probably hurt my sales in the process. Like the song says 'Never give anything away that you can sell.'


I have to add one thing though in some places Libraries do not endorse tarot books my town doesn't have them in stock and if you ask they look at you like you have three heads.

Many libraries do not stock such books because they get too frequently stolen - never checked out and never come back!


Guys, it was a slight sarcastic comment taken the wrong way. The OP didn't mean it the way it sounded.

Reading over the discussion I can see there's a lot of thought put into it (same as with the 'what falls under copyright" discussion that's been here in the past). There's good and bad discussed -- free downloads, purchased downloads, library copies, retail copies, borrowed copies, garage sale copies, Half Price Bookstore copies, etc. but I don't think tarot book theft is as extensive as a person thinks.


Maybe I should have made my opening post in larger letters.

This is not directed at the poster who said this, but the concept.

I have listened to what Cloraspexa wrote, and several others; I went and talked to people
who have a creative bent and wish to sell on line.(The written word)
There seems to be two schools of thought....
1. All information on the web should be free
2. It is too late..the horse has bolted, and new ways to sell need to be explored.

For me, when I cannot afford to purchase, the cleanest way is to use the Libraries.
When you are broke, places to access info are closed to you. Like Jstor etc.
I accept when I trawl the web for historical info, I am going to get ads from specific travel agents, lose weight sites, and Tarot sites. That is my price I pay for the info- limited as it may be. I have a large library in my house, purchased in more luxurious times.
It takes more work to get the Library to get the latest book, that I can no longer afford to purchase; here at least there is no bias towards Tarot books, so I have always been accomodated. The best book store was Borders, but it has been bought out, and the best now is Pathfinders who will let you sit in a comfy chair and read as much from the latest publishing they have. They also have all the decks and a test copy to look through.
They have never baulked at me taking the details of the book to the library.
What I was getting at in the thread, that there is no need to steal the info in books, by illegal download..there are other options. All you need is the ability to resist instant gratification and wait.
As to how creators can be paid leaves me flumoxed to be truthful.